von BK-Nils | 21.05.2024 | eingestellt unter: Blood Bowl / Fantasy Football, Warhammer / Age of Sigmar, Warhammer 40.000

GW: Vorschau auf Boten Des Morgens VI und mehr

Mit dem sechsten Band wir die Reihe der Boten des Morgens abgeschlossen, womit auch der narrative Übergang in die vierte Edition von Warhammer Age of Sigmar vollzogen ist, begleitend von Neuheiten für sterblichen Mächte des Chaos, außerdem gibt es Geländestücke als Auftragsfertigung für Warhammer 40.000 und einen Starspieler für Blood Bowl.

Sunday Preview – The Dawnbringers Saga Ends Under a Cloud of Chaos

After a week of exciting previews, we’re back in full force for next week’s pre-orders as the Ruinous Powers turn their eyes to the Mortal Realms, and the Darkoath fight tooth and nail to protect their homelands from the Sigmarite usurpers in the final chapter of the Dawnbringer Crusades.

On top of that, there’s a big Made to Order for Warhammer 40,000 terrain.

Warhammer Age of Sigmar

Dawnbringers: Book VI – Hounds of Chaos

Games Workshop Sunday Preview – The Dawnbringers Saga Ends Under A Cloud Of Chaos 1

The Twin-Tailed Crusade has overcome horrors, triumphed in battle, and raised two mighty cities in the name of the God-King Sigmar: Verdigris and Embergaard. But disaster awaits one of them as the Darkoath, Abraxia, and darker forces yet array their power against them.

Hounds of Chaos contains warscrolls for Abraxia, the Spear of the Everchosen, all of the new Darkoath units, and a Regiment of Renown in the shape of Brand’s Oathbound. There are two Armies of Renown: the Swords of Chaos, comprised of Abraxia and her loyal Varanguard, and the Tribes of the Snow Peaks, a muscular throng of Darkoath.

Rounding things out is the final part of the Twin-Tailed Crusade Path to Glory supplement for the Cities of Sigmar, which will decide the ultimate fate of your city. A fancy Special Edition is also on the way to complete your collection in style.

Abraxia’s Varanspear

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The terrifying protagonist of Dawnbringers VI – Hounds of Chaos crashes onto the battlefield to ensure the Everchosen’s will is done, flanked by her elite Varanguard heavy cavalry. Abraxia’s Varanspear is the speartip of the Swords of Chaos, an Army of Renown found in Dawnbringers VI.

Brand’s Oathbound

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Unleash a fearsome Darkoath Regiment of Renown with Brand’s Oathbound – a vicious, hero-slaying warband of warriors led by the infamous Gunnar Brand. This set is deployed as three separate warscrolls with unique skills who join to form the unit seen in the Hammer and Bolter episode Monsters. They can be called upon by any Grand Alliance Chaos faction if you want to add a touch of savage might to your army.

Darkoath Chieftain on Warsteed

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Chieftains who prefer to thunder into battle and fulfil their oaths as fast as possible mount up on loyal warsteeds, a combination that marries the skill and strength of a Darkoath champion with the speed and agility of their mounts. This multi-part plastic kit comes with two weapons – an axe or a sword – and three head options, as well as the choice to give your steed a bladed headpiece.

Darkoath Wilderfiend

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Darkoath warriors who fail to uphold their sworn oaths are cursed by the gods and mutated beyond recognition, becoming ferocious monsters called Wilderfiends. Their former kin look upon these creatures with reverence, believing them to safeguard the tribe so long as they are appeased with sacrifices, and the Wilderfiends readily join the fray with razor-sharp claws and an insatiable hunger for mortal flesh. This kit comes with numerous customisation options.

Darkoath Marauders

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Every single Darkoath warrior is trained almost from birth to slay their enemies with axe and spear, and the oaths they swear before battle charge them with chaotic power so that they might slaughter in the name of their dark patrons. This unit of 10 Darkoath Marauders has dozens of customisation options from heads and shields to your choice of two weapon types, as well as parts to furnish your unit with a Doombeater, Icon Bearer, and a Darkoath Champion.

Darkoath Fellriders

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Those daredevil fighters who prize speed and agility over protection mount up as the fierce light cavalry known as Fellriders, fighting in bloody close combat with broadswords or hurling volleys of javelins on the move. This unit of five miniatures can be equipped with either weapon option and can also be extensively customised with 15 head options, interchangeable mount accessories, and gear to mark two riders as an Icon Bearer and Hornblower.

Nexus Chaotica

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Terrify your enemies and channel the power of the Dark Gods with the sinister Nexus Chaotica terrain piece, now ready to loom over a battlefield near you. This blazing shrine to fiery ruin isn’t just an awesome monument to fight around either, as a slowly building pool of power points can be unleashed to boost spells cast by your WIZARDSand even corrupt objectives and other terrain with baleful Chaos energies.

Sekhar, Fang of Nulahmia

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Sekhar is the chosen agent of Neferata. A Soulblight vampire and a masterful hypnotist able to influence the minds of enemy soldiers as easily as she broke the serpent Ouboroth into her service, she is both a powerful sorcerer and deadly fighter, with her quicksilver reflexes ensuring that few enemy blows find their mark.

Krethusa the Croneseer

Games Workshop Sunday Preview – The Dawnbringers Saga Ends Under A Cloud Of Chaos 10

The shrouded prophet of Morai-Heg joins the fight as a standalone release for the first time, augmenting your aelves with the powers of foresight and deadly shadow magic that turned the tide in Dawnbringers Book V. Krethusa is a powerful leader for forces of renegade Daughters of Khaine, and commands the Croneseer’s Pariahs Army of Renown.

Warhamer 40.000

Made to Order: Warhammer 40,000 Terrain

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Spice up your 41st Millennium battlefields with a range of classic Warhammer 40,000 terrain returning on a Made to Order basis, starting with a Void Shield Generator complete with functioning cogs that can be left unglued and rotated. The Sub-cloister and Storage Fane set is an all-purpose pair of ruined Imperial buildings, while Plasma Regulators and Conservators make for great scatter terrain between larger buildings.

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If you want to give your battlefield the air of an industrial hub or forge world, four returning kits from the Battlezone: Mechanicus range are the perfect way to add some brutal Imperial architecture. The Ferratonic Furnace and Pyrolation Incinerator add high gantries and ample vantage points for getting the drop on your opponents, while towering Alchomite Stacks and buzzing Haemotrope Reactors provide troops with cover as they advance through the forge.

Blood Bowl

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Jordell Freshbreeze

Wow the crowd with the elven athleticism of the classic Star Player Jordell Freshbreeze, now back with an incredible new resin miniature for your gridiron games. As a seasoned Wardancer Jordell is all about graceful movement and explosive bursts of energy, and his dynamic model showcases it all with twirling ribbons, wind-swept hair, and a thoroughly laced-up pair of trainers to keep a good grip on the field.

Middle-Earth Strategy Battle Game

The Lord of the Rings Quest to Mount Doom – a Middle-earth Adventure Game  

Games Workshop Sunday Preview – The Dawnbringers Saga Ends Under A Cloud Of Chaos 20

Relive the adventures that follow Frodo, Sam, and their compatriots from the doors of the Green Dragon right up to the fires of Mount Doom in The Lord of the Rings Quest to Mount Doom – a new board game that has up to five players compete against each other to secure the One Ring and destroy it while travelling across Middle-earth. The game is fast-paced and easy-to-learn, suitable for players of all ages, and comes loaded with nine detailed miniatures of the Fellowship of the Ring to represent your characters.

Warhammer: Age of Sigmar ist unter anderem bei unseren Partnern Fantasywelt und Taschengelddieb erhältlich.

Quelle: Games Workshop


Nils, Redakteur bei Brückenkopf-Online. Seit 2001 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop: DSA Armalion. Aktueller Fokus liegt auf Skirmish-Systemen und Warhammer 40.000. mehr auf https://www.instagram.com/nerdydutchman/

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  • Hmmm.. da kommen die Darkoath aber doch Recht schnell einzeln 😃.
    Den Wilderfiend und die Krethusa werde ich mir sicher besorgen 😁👍.
    Bei dem Gelände von 40k ist sicher für einige was dabei.
    Die Preise in der Bucht sind ja teilweise unverschämt 🤔

  • Wieder recht viel Zeug für eine Woche…

    Aber zu Glück kommen die neuen Charaktermodelle mittlerweile recht schnell Stand Alone raus. Und auch die neuen Darkoath gibt es jetzt schon einzeln. Allerdings möchte ich hier erst einmal deren (Beta-)Regeln für AoS 4.0 abwarten, bevor ich hier über die Launchbox hinweg Geld investiere.

  • 20 Jahre alte HdR Plastikmodelle, diesmal in Gold 😮

    Da bin ich ja mal auf den Preis (damals waren es 50€ für die Gefährten, 20 Goblins, einen Troll und Minas Tirith Gelände) gespannt und ob die restlichen Gefährten auch dabei sind …

    • So wie sich dein Post liest, wirst Du sicher einen Grund zum Meckern finden, keine Sorge!

    • „…comes loaded with NINE detailed miniatures of the Fellowship of the Ring to represent your characters“

      Das sollte die Frage nach den restlichen Gefährten beantworten.

    • Das Spiel gab’s schon mal. Hab es auch hier liegen. Weiß aber den damaligen Preis nicht. Ich hab’s für 10€ gebraucht gekauft. Wird bei GW ein bisschen teurer sein. 😉

  • Die Schlagzahl der Veröffentlichungen macht dieses Hobby langsam echt stressig 😅

  • Ich hoffe, dass sie auch das Gelände für Sector Imperialis noch einmal veröffentlichen. Ich hätte gerne das Sanctum und für unter 250 Euro braucht man auf eBay gar nicht zu suchen. Aktuell gehr es eher in Richtung >350 Euro.

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