von BK-Sebastian | 11.05.2024 | eingestellt unter: Terrain / Gelände

TTCombat: Neues Gelände

TTCombat stellen in ihrer Reihe TTScenics neues Gelände der Streets of Venice vor.

Zum einen gibt es eine versunkene Brig für 12£

TTCombatSunkenBrig (1) TTCombatSunkenBrig (2) TTCombatSunkenBrig (3) TTCombatSunkenBrig (4) TTCombatSunkenBrig (5) TTCombatSunkenBrig (6) TTCombatSunkenBrig (7)

Look, at the sunken bones of an old ship. They didn’t even bother to clean it up after.
This kit makes a great addition to a Carnevale board, providing water-based scenery to fill in gaps between your plaza sections. The Sunken Brig is made from 3mm MDF and is made for Carnevale, but will work perfectly with other 28-32mm games.
Eine versunkene Galleone für 18£
TTCombatSunkenGalleon (1) TTCombatSunkenGalleon (2) TTCombatSunkenGalleon (3) TTCombatSunkenGalleon (4) TTCombatSunkenGalleon (5) TTCombatSunkenGalleon (6) TTCombatSunkenGalleon (7) TTCombatSunkenGalleon (8)
What a waste, Think how much treasure and goods we could have shipped on that.
This kit makes a great addition to a Carnevale board, providing water-based scenery to fill in gaps between your plaza sections. The Sunken Galleon is made from 3mm MDF and is made for Carnevale, but will work perfectly with other 28-32mm games.
Ein kleiner Schiffsbauer für 18£
TTCombatSmallBoatyard (1) TTCombatSmallBoatyard (2) TTCombatSmallBoatyard (3) TTCombatSmallBoatyard (4) TTCombatSmallBoatyard (5) TTCombatSmallBoatyard (6) TTCombatSmallBoatyard (7) TTCombatSmallBoatyard (8) TTCombatSmallBoatyard (9) TTCombatSmallBoatyard (10) TTCombatSmallBoatyard (11) TTCombatSmallBoatyard (12)
These orders for new boats are getting out of hand, them sailors need to be more careful with their boats. Small but efficient, soon you’ll be able to produce loads of boats to fill the seas and waterways around Venice.
Ein Fischmarkt für 18£
TTCombatWoodenFishmarket (1) TTCombatWoodenFishmarket (2) TTCombatWoodenFishmarket (3) TTCombatWoodenFishmarket (4) TTCombatWoodenFishmarket (5) TTCombatWoodenFishmarket (6) TTCombatWoodenFishmarket (7) TTCombatWoodenFishmarket (8) TTCombatWoodenFishmarket (9) TTCombatWoodenFishmarket (10) TTCombatWoodenFishmarket (11)
Fresh Cod! Fresh Cod for sale! Eeels, Get your Eels here and no madam we don’t sell Rashaar! Though we do stock limited amounts of Starspawn. Business is booming in the Fishmarket and soon your gangs will be able to plot its downfall.
Und ein hölzerner Pier für 10£
TTCombatWoodenPier# (1) TTCombatWoodenPier# (2) TTCombatWoodenPier# (3) TTCombatWoodenPier# (4) TTCombatWoodenPier# (5)
Sily Giuseppe leaped off the Pier last week after some woman! I saw her and im sure she had tentacles instead of legs… honestly, this generation of gentlemen are degenerates chasing such creatures.
Quelle: TTCombat

Redakteur von Brückenkopf-Online. Seit 2001 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop Armalion. Aktuelle Systeme: Freebooter's Fate(Alle Fraktionen), Bushido(Ito, Ryu, Ro-Kan),Moonstone, Summoners (Feuer, Luft), Deadzone, ASoIaF(Nachtwache, Targaryen), Dropfleet Commander(UCM, Scourge), Warmaster(Zwerge, Echsen), Eden(ISC, Resistance), KoW: Armada(Basilean, Ork) u.v.m

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