von BK-Rafael | 03.06.2024 | eingestellt unter: Fantasy, Patreon

Rescale Miniatures: Dinotopia III – Patreon Juni 2024

Diesen Monat gibt es Dinosaurier bei Rescale Miniatures.

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Full reveal – Dinotopia III – June 2024 Release

Hello everyone!

It’s a little late, but it’s here: the full reveal of our June 2024 release, Dinotopia Volume III ! 🦕

🔹 „Dinotopia Vol III“ will be available on June 3, 2024! 🔹

→ On June 3, I’ll create a post with the MyAirBridge download link, the discount code of the month and the stats book on the day of the release.

→ And as usual, this release will also be shared on MyMiniFactory in our Patreon’s library 1 month later (so, in early July).

🔸 In addition to the video, you can see images of all the models for “Dinotopia III” here: https://mab.to/ZPrlYmKoQPNvw/eu1 🔸

Which dinosaur do you like best in this new volume of Dinotopia? 😊

And, as always, here’s the complete list of models for “Dinotopia III” (78 models including variations) :

• Therizinosaurus – Diorama (Custom)

– Therizinosaurus Drink

– Therizinosaurus Tower

– Therizinosaurus Accident

• Therizinosaurus – Mounted, Saddle & Wild versions (3 inches)

– Therizinosaurus Drink Alone

– Therizinosaurus Tower Alone

– Therizinosaurus Accident Alone

• Oviraptor – Mounted, Saddle & Wild versions (2 inches)

– Oviraptor Stance

– Oviraptor Sprint

– Oviraptor Walk

– Oviraptor Turn

– Oviraptor Stare (No Mounted version)

– Oviraptor Fall (No Mounted version)

– Oviraptor Rider Fall Alone (1 inch)

• Oviraptor – Solo & Duo versions (2 inches)

– Oviraptor Brood

• Concavenator – With Proto-Feathers & Featherless versions (3 inches)

– Concavenator Attack

– Concavenator Eat

– Concavenator Run

– Concavenator Scream

– Concavenator Search

– Concavenator Sprint

– Concavenator Turn

– Concavenator Walk

– Concavenator Cry

• Microraptors Wild Rock (1 inch)

• Microraptors Wild Nest (2 inches)

• Microraptors Discuss Alone (2 inches)

• Pyroraptors (1 inch)

– Pyroraptors Wild Rock

– Pyroraptors Wild Sand

– Pyroraptors Wild Fall

• Diplodocus Lead the way (4 inches)

• Diplodocus Caravan – Caravan, Saddle & Wild versions (Custom Base, but it’s huge)

• Diorama Battle (Custom Base)

• Diorama Feed (Custom Base)

• Diorama Patrol (Custom Base)

• Diorama Pet (Custom Base)

• Diorama Guard (Custom Base)

• Diorama Ambush (Custom Base)

• Diorama Relax (Custom Base)

• Diorama Look (Custom Base)

• Diorama Haggle (Custom Base)

• Diorama Stairs (Custom Base)

• Diorama Discuss (2 inches)

• People of the Caravan Guild (1 inch)

  • – Guard Outlaw
  • – Discuss Lord
  • – Ambush Outlaw
  • – Ambush Soldier
  • – Look Elder
  • – Look Lord
  • – Look Woman
  • – Tower Lord
  • – Tower Woman
  • – Accident Lord
  • – Haggle Lord
  • – Stair Lover

See you on Monday June 3rd for the release of Dinotopia III !😁

Quelle: Rescale Miniatures bei Patreon


Seit 2002 im Hobby mit Mage Knight, gefolgt von Confrontation, um dann bei Warmachine/Hordes hängen zu bleiben. Aktuelle Projekte: SW Shatterpoint, SW Legion, SW Imperial Assault, Warhammer Underworlds, Aristeia, OPR und Bloodfields.

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