von BK-Nils | 03.03.2024 | eingestellt unter: Blood Bowl / Fantasy Football, Warhammer / Age of Sigmar, Warhammer 40.000

GW: The Warhammer World Anniversary Previews

Zur Feier des diesjährigen Eröffnungsjubiläums der Warhammer World in Nottingham, gab es von Games Workshop auch einen Ausblick auf kommende Neuheiten für Warhammer 40.000, Warhammer Age of Sigmar und Blood Bowl zu sehen.

The Warhammer World Anniversary – See All of the Reveals Right Here

Warhammer stores around the world celebrate their opening anniversaries with unique miniatures and all kinds of activities, but when it comes to the beating heart of the hobby – Warhammer World itself – we like to make things a little special.

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Today, Warhammer fans are piling into Warhammer World to take part in a day of festivities, with brand new reveals to gawp at in the flesh. But don’t worry if you can’t make it all the way to Nottingham for our annual celebration – we’ve also got all of the juicy bits right here for you.

Warhammer World Anniversary – Big Meks Get Bigger in a New Ork Codex

It’s a simple fact that Ork technology is the best in the galaxy – or so the big green chap looming over our shoulders tells us. Not many Boyz have the technical know-wots to build their own ramshackle gear, however, so they rely on gifted Meks who possess rare engineering skills to craft their instruments of carnage.

The biggest and strongest of these Mek –  known appropriately as Big Meks – possess prestige on par with Warbosses, and now they’re getting a new miniature to match their supreme stature.

This hefty lad has had enough of walking around on his own two feet like a chump, and has instead strapped into a rugged exo-harness designed to carry the massive, madcap weapons Big Meks are so fond of. He’s loaded with minute mechanical details, from the wires and metal plates crudely grafted to his body, to the torn apron filled with tools as though he’s clanked straight out of his workshop.

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It’s only fair that the biggest, ‘smartest’ engineers keep all the best gubbinz for themselves, and this gives the Big Mek a selection of powerful weapons to pick from. This oddboy engineer can pinch through power armour with a brutal hydraulic klaw, or improvise new ventilation systems in tank hulls with a whirring drilla.

He also comes with a kustom mega-blasta, which he can trade out for a portable traktor blasta capable of dragging aircraft out of the sky.

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The Big Mek’s extravagant personal technology isn’t limited to weapons, either – their bionik exoskeleton incorporates a shokk-boosta that makes boring holes in the fabric of reality a doddle! With the flip of a switch, the Mek and their entourage fly through the warp to emerge on the other side of walls, fortifications, and even enemy mobs – perfect for getting into position before a big, hollering charge.

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If you want to get your hands on this biggest, most beautiful of Big Meks, you’ll get your first chance in a new Ork Battleforce – the Stompa Boyz. As the name suggests, it stars one of the biggest plastic models in the Warhammer 40,000 range, the monstrously massive Stompa, along with a gaggle of hangers-on to witness its epic rampages.

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All in all, you get the new Big Mek, the Stompa, 10 Boyz, a Trukk, and 10 Lootas. If you’ve ever wanted to know what it feels like to unleash a Titan-scale beating on all of your sad, Orkless friends, this is the time – just look at it compared to an Imperial Knight.

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Last but not least, you’ll need updated rules for all of these Boyz, and the latest Codex: Orks has everything you need. It’s packed with background lore on the biggest Waaagh!s, the mightiest warlords, and the modern-day goings-on of our favourite green horde – and we’ll have more from its packed pages as we get closer to release.

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Warhammer World Anniversary – A New Shield-Captain Brings the Heat for Codex: Adeptus Custodes

For every vile enemy, the Imperium has an appropriately brutal solution. The Astra Militarum is a brute-force hammer, the Adepta Sororitas bring faith and fire to scorch away corruption, while the Space Marines are an elite strike force of armoured super-soldiers.

Yet when the security of the Throneworld hangs in the balance, this duty falls on the shoulders of the Emperor’s personal guard – the Adeptus Custodes. These auramite-clad warriors are also known as the Ten Thousand, and they now have a fearsome new Shield-Captain ready to lead them into battle.

Shield-Captains rank among the greatest warriors in all the known galaxy, equipped with superlative strategic abilities and combat prowess – not to mention an armoury more finely wrought than any other in the Imperium. With an absolute mastery of weapons and will, Shield-Captains are large and very much in charge.

The Custodian Guard and Custodian Wardens boxes both include the option to build one of your precious warriors as a Shield-Captain – but this new plastic miniature presents a striking standalone alternative, featuring a new loadout and a choice of a helmeted or bare head.

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Few things can hope to defeat a Shield-Captain in close combat, and when these veteran commanders lug an ornate praesidium shield into battle, they become one-man strongpoints fit to fend off whole armies.

Naturally, the greatest defence is a good offence, and a devastating pyrithite spear adds some serious offence to the Shield-Captain’s arsenal. This opulent weapon dates back to the earliest ages of the Imperium – an elegant power spear which trades the traditional Custodian bolt caster for a high-power melta beam to deliver some eye-watering output up close.

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The first place you’ll be able to acquire this new Shield-Captain is in the Auric Champions Battleforce. Alongside their pyrithite spear-toting leader, you’ll get five Custodian Wardens, six Allarus Terminators, and six Vertus Praetors who soar into battle on Dawneagle Jetbikes.

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To find all the latest rules for these paragons of combat, look no further than the new Codex: Adeptus Custodes. It contains up-to-the-minute background information on the Adeptus Custodes, and datasheets and Detachments covering the Emperor’s bodyguards and the Sisters of Silence. We’ll have more information on just what’s inside closer to release.

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Warhammer World Anniversary – Gunnar Brand Leads the Oathbound Into the Mortal Realms

As the Twin-Tailed Crusade constructs a new settlement in Aqshy, those forgotten by Sigmar in the Age of Chaos stalk the Great Parch, battling for survival under the watchful gaze of the Ruinous Powers. The Darkoath tribes live via the maxims of strength and duty, but few are as ferocious as the Brands. Infamous for their ruthlessness, this tribe is ruled with steely conviction by Gunnar Brand and his Oathbound kin.

You may have seen Gunnar and his Oathbound in animated action on Warhammer+, in the Hammer and Bolter episode Monsters, but now this coterie of killers stand poised to hit the tabletop in plastic.

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Many amongst the Darkoath place little trust in the gods they are fated to serve, but Gunnar’s contempt runs even deeper. He believes mortals should live and die free from the meddling of gods – whether they wield holy hammers or hellish powers. With this conviction, he leads the Brands on a path to conquest and domination, earning boons through carefully sworn oaths even while resisting the seductive calls of the Chaos Gods.

His greatest rival – and most fearsome ally – is Warqueen Tanari. An ambitious warlord, she doesn’t share Gunnar’s scepticism of the gods, but respects his tenacity and successes in casting back the Sigmarite invaders who encroach on the Darkoath homelands.

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The imposing Dendrel Direbrand is no true Brand. Descended from a long line of Aqshian nobility that was all but stamped out by Korhgos Khul and the Goretide, this muscle-bound warrior contains multitudes. Whilst his strength and skill make him Gunnar’s expert in siege and smithing, his heritage also allows him to easily pass for a Reclaimed and slip unnoticed into Sigmarite settlements.

Despite Gunnar’s deep mistrust of the Chaos Gods, he knows the power they command. He leaves it to Broken Nadja to divine their intent. Though he is wary of all touched by the Ruinous Powers, Gunnar cannot help but respect that Nadja has never once led him astray – though her own motivations are co-opted by visions of slaughter and conquest for Gunnar, if only he walks the Path of Glory.

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Daughter of Gunnar and heir to the Brand tribe, Sigrid is one of the finest horse riders in the Great Parch. Brash and headstrong, she frustrates her father but has saved his life countless times with a well-placed arrow.

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As well as starring in an episode of Hammer and Bolter, Gunnar Brand is also going to be the star of an upcoming Black Library tale, Darkoath by Chris Thursten. When a calamity ravages his homeland,  Gunnar must face his fate and lead his tribe on an exodus through the wartorn land of Aqshy, as the Dark Gods tempt him with unimaginable power…

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Gunnar and his Oathbrand will be staking their claim on the Mortal Realms soon, but hang on… what are those shadowy shapes gathering on the horizon?

Warhammer World Anniversary – Gnomes Bring Animals, Illusions, and Pointy Hats to Blood Bowl

Blood Bowl is a game of athleticism and sporting skill, but every now and then a team comes along with the grit, the determination, and the je ne sais quoi to transcend mortal limits and achieve true gridiron greatness. A team with such natural talent that no amount of rippling muscles and whip-crack reflexes can stand before them. A team with badgers.

We couldn’t hold them back any longer – the strongest Blood Bowl team ever to grace the gridiron has arrived. Gnomes are avid Blood Bowl fans who usually stick to their own secluded burrows, but every once in a while a team will enter the ‘big’ world and make a name for themselves in the leagues – usually through the popularity of their adorable woodland compatriots rather than any actual skill or success.

Whether it’s a Beastmaster working alongside a ferocious goose to shore up their team’s line of defence or a speedy fox sprinting downfield with the ball in their mouth, Gnomes make use of many furry friends to fill in where their short stature can’t compete. Then if that isn’t enough to secure some touchdowns, their mastery of illusions and capricious tricks surely is.

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Luckily, not everyone on the team struggles to reach the average player’s knees, and their connection to the woodland allows Gnomes to enlist the help of Altern Forest Treemen. These giant arboreal brutes are vital for smashing holes in the opposing line that their smaller teammates can surge through, but with exceptionally slow movement and the constant risk of taking root where they stand, they need to be managed carefully.

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Like other Stunty teams – the Gnomes have a particular rivalry with Halflings – most of the players come at a budget cost, letting coaches pack out their rosters with the more exciting options available before making up the numbers with Linemen. Even then, regular Gnome Linemen have the Jump Up and Wrestle skills, giving them a surprisingly solid counter-punch despite their poor AV.

Beastmasters are a vital linchpin, and not just because their models sport some of the all-time best companion critters Blood Bowl has ever seen. They’re the only rostered players across the entire game to start with the powerful Guard skill, helping your other players block even when stuck in themselves – no doubt thanks to their goose and badger allies.

We’ll have more from the Gnome team as we get closer to their release.

Warhammer 40.000 ist unter anderem bei unseren Partnern Fantasywelt und Taschengelddieb erhältlich.

Warhammer: Age of Sigmar ist unter anderem bei unseren Partnern Fantasy-In und Minyarts erhältlich.

Quelle: Warhammer Community


Nils, Redakteur bei Brückenkopf-Online. Seit 2001 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop: DSA Armalion. Aktueller Fokus liegt auf Skirmish-Systemen und Warhammer 40.000. mehr auf https://www.instagram.com/nerdydutchman/

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  • Das Gnomen-Team für BloodBowl verstehe ich nicht.
    GW sollte mal lieber die noch fehlenden Teams überarbeiten und herausbringen!

    • Bin auch völlig baff, ein ganz neues Team gabs schon seit Jahrzehnten nicht mehr :o.
      Aber soo schlimm find ich den Verzug auch nicht, nur Chaoszwerge, Khemri und Slann fehlen meines Wissens nach noch.

      • Hochelfen dürften auch noch fehlen.
        Ich verstehe halt den Sinn nicht. Noch ein weitetes Stunty-Team?!?

      • öhm, ja … Gnome …

        Ich hätte ja gern mal upgedatete Regeln für meine Greebo Chaoszwerge.
        Aufgrund von TOW hätte ich vermutet, dass dieses Jahr Khemri und Kislev Teams getippt.

        Aktuell fehlen ja noch genügend Teams (Slaan, Hochelfen, Tzeentch und Slaanesh, ggf. noch Dämonen Teams)
        Bei ein bis zwei Teams pro Jahr dauert es noch einen Weile, bis wir da komplett sind.

  • Also bei den Darkoath bin ich mir jetzt nicht sicher warum die bei AoS kommen.
    Die sehe ich eher bei Warcry. Schick sind die ja schon. Vor allem die Reiterin mit Bogen macht was her.
    Auch der Seher ist toll 😃.

    Die Gnomen-Team finde ich ja mal richtig super.
    Ich spiele es nicht aber den Fuchs und Dachs , sowie die Gans könnte ich gebrauchen 🤔

    Der Rest spricht mich jetzt nicht so an.

    Ganz zu schweigen über schon wieder Regelbücher 😲😲.

    Da habe ich schon Mitleid für die Spieler die da dauernd neue Regeln kaufen müssen 😥

      • Ah okay 🤔 wusste ich jetzt nicht.
        Als ich noch aktiv gespielt habe (ca vor 18 Jahre)
        brauchte man das.
        Da gab es Codex aber auch nur alle zwei Jahre mal 😁.
        Aber wie spielt ihr dann heute 🤔
        Nur mit Karten wo die Daten drauf stehen 🤔?
        Aber Danke für den Hinweis.

  • Der Big Mek ist schon ziemlich cool. Aber irgendwie fehlt mir so ein wenig die goofyness, denn die Ork Meks mal hatten. Der ist halt einfach nur brutal. Ach ja, und natürlich ist der in ein Exoskelett eingespannt. GW hat da einen geheimen Fetisch für Exo-Armor, habe ich so langsam das Gefühl… 😉

    Der Custodes ist ohne Helm pottenhässlich. Mit Helm geht der. Aber wieder ein Release mit nur einem neuen Charaktermodell. Und die dicke Kiste ist nicht so meins – 6 Bikes, 6 Allarus und 5 Warden. Aber gut, jeder der Custodes spielt wird mittlerweile eh genug von allem haben (man braucht ja eh nicht viele Minis für die). Daher ist das eher was für Neueinsteiger. Alle anderen warten eben auf den Stand Alone Release des neuen Chars.

    Die Darkoath finde ich verdammt cool. Und durch einen versehentlichen, GW-eigenen Leaks wissen wir auch, dass die als kleine AoS Stand Alone Trupee kommen. Ich wäre an Bord, denn ich mochte schon die beiden Darkoath Charaktermodelle von Ende der ersten Edition AoS und würde gerne eine Chaosbarbarenarmee mit zeitgemäßen Minis aufstellen.

    Die Gartenzwerge für Blood Bowl sind ne ziemliche Überraschung. Absolut nicht meins, aber ich kann verstehen, wenn man die gut findet und sich die ins Haus holen will.

  • Ich finde den Goldjungen noch gnubbeliger als die letzten Firstborn Modelle, er erinnert mich in den Proportionen stark an Star Quest.
    Der neue greenskin ist ein echter Whopper! Bei AoS hat mich der Fluff nie abgeholt um in universe Stellung nehmen zu können. Aber die Modelle sehen nach einer schicken Warband aus, es fehlen auch die übertrieben Elemente durch die Stormcasts oder diese Cowboy Elfen AoS für mich so uninteressant gemacht haben. Wenn der Pile of Opportunities nicht schon so voll wäre könnten die mich in Versuchung führen. Bei BB geht es mir ähnlich wie bei AoS, ich kenne mich mit dem System und dem Bedarf nicht aus, aber die Minis sehen knuffig aus. Eines der besten Releases von GW das ich in den letzten Jahren gesehen habe.

  • Die Gnome für BB sind so gar nicht meines. Gab’s Die überhaupt schon in WH & Co?

    Verschenktes Potential für die fehlenden Teams. Slaanesh und Tzeentch würden sich auch über eigene Teams freuen. Aber der Treeman ist nett.

    • Gnome sind eigentlich Kanon seit es die alte Welt, so wie wir sie kennen, gibt. Nach WHFRPG1 und WHFB3 sind die leider irgendwie verschwunden. Freu mich total, dass man die wiederentdeckt hat!

  • Finde ein neues stunty Team für Blood Bowl super. Die verbleibenden Legacy Teams haben ja Regeln die halbwegs gut funktionieren auch wenn ich einen neuen Bausatz für die gerne haben würde.
    Sowas wie die Gnome bzw ein solches Team spielt man ja eher, da man Spaß an etwas verrückten Spielzügen hat, die meist eher daneben gehen als bei anderen Teams, die statistisch stabilere Entscheidungen erlauben. Und da passt dann auch der Humor diese Figuren dazu… Mit den letzten Teams würden ja die anderen Spieler bereits gut bedient.

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