von BK-Bob | 08.05.2024 | eingestellt unter: Fantasy, Patreon

Dragon Trappers Lodge: Mai Patreon

Diesen Monat gibt es unter anderem Monsterhybride.

TDTL Copperlock's Zoo Of Remarkable Monsters + The Moon Enclave Part 2 1 TDTL Copperlock's Zoo Of Remarkable Monsters + The Moon Enclave Part 2 2 TDTL Copperlock's Zoo Of Remarkable Monsters + The Moon Enclave Part 2 3 TDTL Copperlock's Zoo Of Remarkable Monsters + The Moon Enclave Part 2 4 TDTL Copperlock's Zoo Of Remarkable Monsters + The Moon Enclave Part 2 5 TDTL Copperlock's Zoo Of Remarkable Monsters + The Moon Enclave Part 2 6 TDTL Copperlock's Zoo Of Remarkable Monsters + The Moon Enclave Part 2 7 TDTL Copperlock's Zoo Of Remarkable Monsters + The Moon Enclave Part 2 8 TDTL Copperlock's Zoo Of Remarkable Monsters + The Moon Enclave Part 2 9 TDTL Copperlock's Zoo Of Remarkable Monsters + The Moon Enclave Part 2 10 TDTL Copperlock's Zoo Of Remarkable Monsters + The Moon Enclave Part 2 11 TDTL Copperlock's Zoo Of Remarkable Monsters + The Moon Enclave Part 2 12 TDTL Copperlock's Zoo Of Remarkable Monsters + The Moon Enclave Part 2 13 TDTL Copperlock's Zoo Of Remarkable Monsters + The Moon Enclave Part 2 14 TDTL Copperlock's Zoo Of Remarkable Monsters + The Moon Enclave Part 2 15 TDTL Copperlock's Zoo Of Remarkable Monsters + The Moon Enclave Part 2 16 TDTL Copperlock's Zoo Of Remarkable Monsters + The Moon Enclave Part 2 17 TDTL Copperlock's Zoo Of Remarkable Monsters + The Moon Enclave Part 2 18 TDTL Copperlock's Zoo Of Remarkable Monsters + The Moon Enclave Part 2 19 TDTL Copperlock's Zoo Of Remarkable Monsters + The Moon Enclave Part 2 20 TDTL Copperlock's Zoo Of Remarkable Monsters + The Moon Enclave Part 2 21 TDTL Copperlock's Zoo Of Remarkable Monsters + The Moon Enclave Part 2 22 TDTL Copperlock's Zoo Of Remarkable Monsters + The Moon Enclave Part 2 23 TDTL Copperlock's Zoo Of Remarkable Monsters + The Moon Enclave Part 2 24 TDTL Copperlock's Zoo Of Remarkable Monsters + The Moon Enclave Part 2 25 TDTL Copperlock's Zoo Of Remarkable Monsters + The Moon Enclave Part 2 26 TDTL Copperlock's Zoo Of Remarkable Monsters + The Moon Enclave Part 2 27 TDTL Copperlock's Zoo Of Remarkable Monsters + The Moon Enclave Part 2 28 TDTL Copperlock's Zoo Of Remarkable Monsters + The Moon Enclave Part 2 29 TDTL Copperlock's Zoo Of Remarkable Monsters + The Moon Enclave Part 2 30 TDTL Copperlock's Zoo Of Remarkable Monsters + The Moon Enclave Part 2 31 TDTL Copperlock's Zoo Of Remarkable Monsters + The Moon Enclave Part 2 32 TDTL Copperlock's Zoo Of Remarkable Monsters + The Moon Enclave Part 2 33 TDTL Copperlock's Zoo Of Remarkable Monsters + The Moon Enclave Part 2 34 TDTL Copperlock's Zoo Of Remarkable Monsters + The Moon Enclave Part 2 35 TDTL Copperlock's Zoo Of Remarkable Monsters + The Moon Enclave Part 2 36 TDTL Copperlock's Zoo Of Remarkable Monsters + The Moon Enclave Part 2 37 TDTL Copperlock's Zoo Of Remarkable Monsters + The Moon Enclave Part 2 38 TDTL Copperlock's Zoo Of Remarkable Monsters + The Moon Enclave Part 2 39 TDTL Copperlock's Zoo Of Remarkable Monsters + The Moon Enclave Part 2 40 TDTL Copperlock's Zoo Of Remarkable Monsters + The Moon Enclave Part 2 41 TDTL Copperlock's Zoo Of Remarkable Monsters + The Moon Enclave Part 2 42

Copperlock’s Zoo of Remarkable Monsters + The Moon Enclave Part 2 | Release | May 2024

🔥 Greetings Trappers! 🐺

Today is the day! Yes today things get WILD!

Trapper Tier is heading to a place of mystery and wonder with a trip to Copperlock’s Zoo of Remarkable Monsters! Get ready to be amazed, wowed and thrilled with the world’s most diverse collection of remarkable creatures! Creatures from every corner of the world and more! Many are so rare and elusive and dangerous to capture that you’ll only ever see them here at Copperlock’s Zoo!

As always this set comes with a complete DnD 5th ed Adventure pack that uses all the models in the set, complete with maps, stats, lore and more. This Adventure will be releasing to you later in the month.

Soldier Tier isn’t letting go now that it took a bite out of last month! Moon Enclave, part 2 is here as we add yet more were-creatures to their army! From broad bears to the nimble trackers to the mighty Moonwings soaring through the skies!

As always this army comes with a full One Page Rules set of stats.

We are now also giving them a release of full DnD stats. This will be a combined release with stats for the entire army (Parts 1 and 2) and will be released a little later this month.

Note: Moonwing Riders will be joining the release in a day or two.

Loyalty Release! Time flies past and we are already at the launch of a new Loyalty model for all our loyal and annual backers! Scroll on down to see the awesome new Mitharine model; not just and outstanding huge model, but also able to join armies of the Moon Enclave!

For eligibility check the details below;


⚔️ Veteran Tier: Copperlock’s Zoo of Remarkable Monsters + The Moon Enclave Part 2

  • All STLs from Trapper and Soldier Tier
  • Trapper Tier Adventure Module with full 5ed stats, character profiles, lore, items, maps and more
  • Soldier Tier full DnD 5th edition stats for every model
  • Wargame Rules and compatible with OnePageRules for Soldier Tier
  • Lore for the Soldier Tier (found within wargame stats)

MMF redemption emails are sent out to you after you’ve been billed for for this month on your renewal date.

🔥Trapper Tier: Copperlock’s Zoo of Remarkable Monsters

  • The Amazing Orville
  • Smirth
  • Gloip
  • Finkle
  • Dr. Hacking
  • Mr. Caine
  • Jace Venmura
  • Esmere Kindletome
  • Desmogryffs (3 poses)
  • Copperlock
  • CHOMPERS (5 poses)
  • Mutasaurus (modular model with 4 heads, 5 bodies, 4 tails all interchangeable)
  • Chimerataur
  • Rhinocerous Beetles (3 poses)
  • Faeriephants (5 poses)
  • Hazmat Ferret Drake
  • Adventure Module with  full 5ed stats, character profiles, lore, items, maps and more. (released later this month)
  • RPG Welcome Pack

Throwback models

  • Hazmat Gnomes (10 poses)
  • Ravager
  • Giant Snorf
  • Flying Pigs (3 poses)
  • Bulldog Hydra
  • Wolfthorns (3 poses)

MM redemption emails are sent out to you after you’ve been billed for for this month on your renewal date.

🐺 Soldier Tier: The Moon Enclave Part 2

  • Lunari Warden (3 weapon options)
  • Moonweave Shaman (2 weapon options, mounted and on foot poses)
  • Spirit Trackers (3 poses, 3 weapon options)
  • Ursine Defenders (3 poses, 3 weapon options)
  • Moonwing Riders (3 poses, 3 weapon options)
  • Primal
  • Moon Enclave Base set
  • Hazmat Ferret Drake
  • Wargame Rules compatible with OnePageRules for Fantasy and Grimdark
  • Soldier Tier Welcome pack – Children of the Flame Starter Army
  • DnD 5th edition stats for all models

MMF redemption emails are sent out to you after you’ve been billed for for this month on your renewal date.

📜 Loremaster Tier📜

Loremaster tier is our cheapest tier at only $1 and is ideal for months when you have to tighten your belt or you’re not a fan of either of our release sets. Letting you keep getting our exclusive mascot models and preserving your loyalty streak to be eligible for loyalty releases.

  • Collectible Hazmat Ferret Drake
  • Trapper Tier RPG Module (coming later this month)
  • Subscription counts toward building continuous months for loyalty rewards

MMF redemption emails are sent out to you after you’ve been billed for for this month on your renewal date.

⚔️ May Your Blades Stay Sharp And Your Flesh On Your Bones!️

Quelle: The Dragon Trappes Lodge bei Patreon


Seit 2010 im Hobby. Aktuelle Projekte: Herr der Ringe (Harad, Khand und Ostlinge), Saga Ära der Magie (Die Untoten Legionen), WarmaHordes (Crucible Guard, Söldner und Circle), Summoners (Erde), Konflikt 47 (Briten)

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  • wow, da sind ja mal echt abgedrehte Kreaturen dabei!
    Echt schräg aber super interessant.

    Also wenn die mir mal bei etsy über den Weg laufen . . 😉

  • Wer braucht das? <- ist die falsche Frage. Zum Teil echt superschönes Zeug. Die fliegenden Schweine sind schon ein Highlight 😀

  • Diese Bärennfallenmonster sind spaßig, die brauche ich auch wenn mekn 3D Drucker seit einem dreiviertel Jahr wegen einer Schraube am Vat, die sich nicht lösen lässt still steht.

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