von BK-Sebastian | 04.11.2023 | eingestellt unter: Blood Bowl / Fantasy Football, Terrain / Gelände

TTCombat: Rumbleslam und Fantasy Football Neuheiten

Neben Mr. Sock sind weitere Rumbleslam-Figuren und Geländestücke erschienen.

Mister Sock kostet 8£

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Mister Sock and his puppet Handy Man used to be completely different people. It wasn’t until a Hex in a Hex match that they started switching places. Handy man took a fall into a cursed table, cursing them both and starting the transformation.

Who knew a sock could pack such a punch. This wrestler can bring the beatdown with their array of special moves. Mister Mann is a grapple ability with a base damage of 3, however it being a Dirty move means it does not please the fans. Bouncing from the ropes with his Running Neckbreaker striking the enemy with Dazing impact.

Getting the crowd going is the Flying Sock Drop, which if you are flat to the canvas… it’s gonna sting. Sending the crowd into an uproar and getting Mister Sock to his toughest.

Das House of Talent kostet 25£

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Not every RUMBLESLAM team plays fair, but the House of Talent have no
need for underhanded tactics (unless you count the Shokan’s second pair of arms underhanded). When this by the book, versatile team plays to the crowd, they’ll knock your socks off!

The Halfling Pinner is a stout wrestler who you don’t want to underestimate, her Expert Ground Game means she rolls silver when making pinning checks, meaning she is lethal on the ground. The Halfling Acrobat can be seen to be, what seems like, flying around the ring. With great precision she can expertly jump from rope to rope, turnbuckle to turnbuckle, clearing the tallest wrestlers.

Keeping the match fair, the Enforcer is making sure wrestlers aren’t repeating moves and when they do she’s waiting to deliver a mean swing. Coming in with the opposite energy is the Valet Hunk, this heater will hype up the crowd, never has there been hype machines like this guy.

Last but not least the Shokan Officer, 4 arms is always better than 2. An expert grappler that will knockdown the biggest of wrestlers, as well as impressive flying skill that will hit all nearby. Years in the ring, with the crowd hyping you up makes you a Brutal Combatant.


Daneben ist noch einiges Gelände erschienen:

Der Superstar Ring kostet 26£

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Have you ever wondered what is underneath a wrestling ring? Well wonder no more, RUMBLEFANS!

The RUMBLESLAM Superstar Ring takes everything good about the regular ring and makes it EVEN BETTER!

The ring itself is perfect regulation RUMBLESLAM size, with 100 squares in a grid for your wrestlers. Easy to build, you can get playing in no time. With removable turnbuckles you can put any neoprene RUMBLESLAM mat on top of the ring and then add the turnbuckles on top of that. Instant great looking ring!

Take the clips off the side and pull off the ring and you’ll find a complete storage solution for your RUMBLESLAM games. With space to stack the extra chunky turnbuckles, a slot for character cards, one for dice and counters, a space to roll and fold up the neoprene ring mat and even a slot to store a bunch of wrestlers (extra protection recommended!), this really is the perfect ring.

The set also comes with three lengths of elastic nylon cord which make great ropes. Simply tie them together and slot them into the turnbuckles. The slots are open, which means you can take the rope off when packing it away too.

Die Stage liegt ebenso bei 26£

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This kit, literally takes centre stage!

This is the perfect entrance kit for your RUMBLESLAM Superstar Ring. The corner towers can either be used as dice boxes or VIP box seats for your favourite wrestlers. The entranceway is wide enough for a phone screen to prove an animated backdrop to your teams entrance.

Die Bleachers gibt es für 12£

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Roll up, Roll up, Take your seats!

This kit can either be used as seating for your RUMBLESLAM ring or for a fantasy American football stadium.

The Bleachers themselves provide enough space for a 25mm miniature base to fit comfortably in the stands, giving you space to display your painted wrestlers while their friends and competitors duke it out for supremacy.

Die gesamte Arena als Bundle liegt bei 56£


Tonight, The event you’ve all been waiting for… The RUMBLESLAM Arena!

This is the perfect bundle to create your own RUMBLESLAM Arena. Spanning a 2ftx2ft space with enough room for cards at the front.

The corner towers can either be used as dice boxes or VIP box seats for your favourite wrestlers. The entranceway is wide enough for a phone screen to prove an animated backdrop to your teams entrance.

Consisting of a RUMBLESLAM Stage, 2x Bleachers and the RUMBLESLAM Superstar Ring, this bundle contains everything you will need to build a 2ftx2ft RUMBLESLAM Arena board.

Für Fantasy Football haben TTCombat ein Stadion gebaut

Das gesamte Stadion kostet 74£


The home ground of the famous Scrap City Stealers.

Consisting of a 2x Footbrawl Stadium Ends and 6x Bleachers, this bundle contains everything you will need to build a 3ft x 5ft Fantasy American Football stadium board with room to spare. (1296mm x 773mm to be exact).

Ein Stadionende liegt bei 22£

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Get those goblin cheerleaders off the pitch, the game is about to start!

This kit provides you with a raised end section to your Fantasy American Football games. Boasting a reserves box, knocked out box, casualty box, turn trackers, reroll trackers, and score tracker. There is also enough space to include a dice tray or platform to store your cheerleaders and staff.

Quelle: TTCombat


Redakteur von Brückenkopf-Online. Seit 2001 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop Armalion. Aktuelle Systeme: Freebooter's Fate(Alle Fraktionen), Bushido(Ito, Ryu, Ro-Kan),Moonstone, Summoners (Feuer, Luft), Deadzone, ASoIaF(Nachtwache, Targaryen), Dropfleet Commander(UCM, Scourge), Warmaster(Zwerge, Echsen), Eden(ISC, Resistance), KoW: Armada(Basilean, Ork) u.v.m

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  • Schön, das sie zwischendurch auch mal wieder „normale“ Teams statt dem teilweise doch sehr überdrehten Sachen herausbringen.

    Aber das die Arena dann preislich nur das doppelte des Delux-Ringes kostet…
    Und diesen auch noch enthält. Hatte mit dem dreifachen gerechnet. Ohne Delux-Ring.
    Wow. Dann bin ich wohl bald stolzer Besitzer eines weiteren. 🙂

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