von BK-Christian | 28.04.2023 | eingestellt unter: Crowdfunding

The Art of…: Band 7-9 Kickstarter

Drei weitere Bücher der beliebten „The Art of…“-Reihe werden gerade auf Kickstarter finanziert.


For more than 30 years I have spent a great deal of time talking with hundreds of artists who paint miniatures – for fun, for a living, for relaxation – and I am always intrigued to learn more about their philosophies, approaches, and processes. Some of these artists have spent decades refining their technical skills, while others bring their “traditional” art training to the miniatures world. Some draw inspiration from the most unusual of places, while others find it in popular culture turned on its head.

THE ART OF… series of books will highlight fantastic miniatures artists from around the world, bringing their thoughts and passions to stand alongside their magnificent and inspirational work. We’ll be featuring both individuals and groups in this series, as we explore innovative approaches, studied refinements, and even tangential influences.

These books are a celebration of both the artist and their art, as well as an opportunity for them to present their thoughts on particular topics and let the world know why they approach their art the way they do. These are not typically “How To” books, but rather complements to their existing outlets and work that the artists are already doing.

Following 2021’s and 2022’s successful Kickstarter campaigns, this campaign continues to strengthen THE ART OF… series. With so many wonderful miniatures artists, there is so much potential to explore.

Und darum geht es:

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Volume 7 – THE ART OF… Erik Swinson

Erik Swinson is an amazing miniatures artist from the US who has built an incredible portfolio of pieces, many of which grace the box covers of the miniatures painted. Erik’s precision, speed, and eye for the unique set him apart as one of the world’s premiere miniatures artists.

Volume 7 will include:

  • Light and Volume – Bringing wonderful levels of depth to miniatures with tonal contrasts
  • Color Choice – Using tried and true methods, as well as switching things up and pushing boundaries
  • Collaboration – Creating truly unique pieces through working with other wonderful artists


Volume 8 – THE ART OF… Bjarni Dali

Bjarni Dali is a fantastic artist (and engineer) from the Faroe Islands who has made a name for himself with his elaborate Nercromunda terrain builds and skillful, grimdark miniature conversions for Inq28 and other cool gaming approaches. His weathering and detailing skills are amazing to behold and every project he works on receives a realistic finish.

Volume 8 will include:

  • Work on Weathering – Weathering is best applied in layers, but how do you get the order right?
  • Planning out Terrain – How you can plan out elaborate modular set-ups
  • Creating a Moment in Time – What is everyone in your scene doing? And how does that support your overall story?


Volume 9 – THE ART OF… Katarzyna Górska

Katarzyna Górska (aka KAHA) is a spectacular miniatures artist from Poland. Over her many years of painting, Katarzyna has developed a very personal style that is recognized the world over. Light, Volume, Color, and Texture are all brought together in surprising ways to create miniatures and dioramas unique to her.

Volume 9 will include:

  • Textural Painting – Looking at ways to create texture and emphasize elements in your work through deliberate brushstrokes
  • Ethereal Lighting – How you can create a sense of light and volume, while giving solid objects an ethereal quality
  • Sculptural Basing – Applying wood carving skills to the world of miniatures painting



You can download a „Six Volume Sampler“ PDF HERE, to see how each artist has presented their work and their thoughts.

Das sind die Pledges:

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Add-ons gibt es auch:

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Genau wie Stretch Goals:

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Und das sind die Versandkosten:

THE ART OF Volumes 7 9 25

Die Kampagne ist finanziert und läuft noch 15 Tage.

Quelle: THE ART OF… Volumes 7-9


Chefredakteur und Betreiber von Brückenkopf-Online. Partner und Spieldesigner bei NeverRealm Industry. Seit 2002 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop Warhammer Fantasy (Dunkelelfen). Aktuelle Projekte: Summoners (alle Fraktionen), Deathmatch, Deadzone/Firefight (Asterianer und Enforcer), diverse Raumschiffe und allerlei Mechs.

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  • Toll dass die Serie weiter geht.
    Ich warte aber wieder ab bis man die Bücher im Handel kaufen kann.
    Die ersten drei sind echt gut 😃👍

  • Immer wieder Nervig das man die bestehenden Bücher nicht nach pledgen kann. Das hatte mich beim zweiten KS abgehalten.

    Aber mittlerweile hab ich raus bekommen das man diese z.B. über Warlord Games bekommt. Und nachbestellt.

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