von BK-Pascal | 20.01.2023 | eingestellt unter: Fantasy, Patreon

Lord of the Print: Januar Patreon

Lord of the Print haben im Januar ein neues STL-Paket für Patreons zusammengestellt.

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Hello everyone!

Here we are, welcome to the kingdom of Nela Dan! 🎉

We hope you like this new release!

Unfortunately with the holiday season, we were a little short of time. Thus, the light soldiers „Banners“ and „Musicians“ are not yet available today, and the same goes for Siri Supported. But they will be added very soon! 😊
Also, a wingless version of the Protector will be released soon too!

EDIT: Everything is available!

Here’s the list for “Kingdom of Nela Dan” (61 models including variations):

• Queen (1 inch)

– Queen Mirosi x1

• General (1 inch)

– Lord Velir x1

• Protector 4 inches

– Protector Wild x1

– Protector Armored x1

– Protector Mounted by Mirosi x1

• Light soldiers (1 inch)

– Banners x2

– Musicians x2

– Dual Dagger x2

– Dual Dagger without helmet x2

– Dual Sword x1

– Dual Sword without helmet x1

– Spear Dagger Charge x1

– Spear Dagger Walk x1

– Spear Dagger Walk without helmet x1

– Spear Sword Chief x1

– Sword Dagger x3

– Sword Dagger without helmet x3

– Archer x5

– Archer without helmet x5

• Heavy : Pretorian (1 inch)

– Pretorian x6

• Siri Mounted (2 inches)

– Lord Velir on Siri x1

– 1 Banner x2

– 1 Musician x1

– Archer x3

– Spear x2

– Sword x3

• Siri Wild (2 inches)

– Siri Wild x4

– Siri Armored x4

Quelle: Lord of the Print auf Patreon


Brückenkopf-Redakteur und Miniature-Painting-Streamer. Wiedereinstieg ins Hobby 2015 nach sehr langer Pause. Spielt Warhammer 40k, SAGA, Star Wars Legion, Summoners uvm.

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