von BK-Christian | 05.12.2023 | eingestellt unter: 3D-Druck, Crowdfunding

Full Spectrum Dominance: The Second Wave Kampagne

Der Lazy Forger hat seine neue Kampagne bei MyMiniFactory gestartet.

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Welcome to the second campaign of Full Spectrum Dominance!

After a very successful run quite exactly a year ago, here we are again, bringing two new factions to the war, together with a whole new range of terrain!

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Full Spectrum Dominance (or FSD in short) is an award-winning print-and-play miniature wargame for epic combined-arms small-scale (6-8mm to 15mm and up. The models are pre-supported for 6-8mm, in line with the most recent small scale games out there!) sci-fi miniatures. Vehicles and mechs are handled individually, and infantry troops move in small teams, either as grouped figures or multi-based stands.

You can fit two armies and a full battlefield on a coffee table, as little as 2 x 3 feet, moving platoons and tank groups with the same ease you would do in a skirmish game! The system is scale-agnostic and doesn’t depend strongly on the miniatures used, so you can play it with your own collection if you don’t want to use our ranges!

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FSD won the OnTabletop Industry awards last year, and starting in mid-2024 it will be printed and distributed by Modiphius as a physical manual as well. But fear not! The content of the game is and always will be updated digitally – both manual and cards, and the ever-growing armies.

If you want to know more, check out this full playthrough played with the OnTableTop crowd:

The Second Wave adds two new playable factions, the Union and the Conglomerate, into the fight. Each contains loads of models to print and paint, packed in details and with dedicated Unit profiles for each.

In addition to this, the new range of industrial terrain is rich enough to fill any table with gas and oil tanks, refineries, and an intricate network of pipelines to create a maze for the armies in game.

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The Union

Abandoned after the Singularity, the workers of the Factory-cities unionized and seized the means of production, creating their own indipendent nations and preparing for war: every other power in the Systems is now looking forward to gain control of the factories and their resources, but the Union is ready to hold their ground with weaponized machinery, huge crawling machines and *lots* of infantry, with experience in cutting and blowing stuff up.

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Some printed and painted examples:

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And a stunning micro-paintjob, courtesy of Draconian Minipainting

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The Conglomerate

Every Corporation in the Systems has ways too many interests in the resources of the Factory-cities. The Conglomerate forces are mass-produced and morality-free, easy to deploy on any forgotten planet with some of the best equipment available. Somehow detached from the war for self-consciousness waged by the Tech, their only goal is maximizing the profit for the shareholders. Thanks to the orbital deployment of unmanned drop pods the Conglomerate troops can control the battlefield and counter any strategy from the opponent.

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…with some printed and painted examples as well:

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The Terrain

The modular parts of the pipelines allow to create intricate webs of pipes and structures for a unique look on the battlefield!

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In case you wonder if all the fine parts print fine – they do!

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With the pipelines attached to the universal sockets, everything blends together creating a whole environment.

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Let’s get a better overwiew of what’s to come. The Milestones section below is being constantly updated to tease for the upcoming stretchgoal – the more we are, the merrier! – but seeing everything in a single image, with a proper timeline of what’s going to be released is definitely something as well!

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Zentrale Pledges:

Basic Tier – USD 10.00
Get access to the manual and the cards for all the factions of the game and all the stretchgoals marked with a *star* for free. The manual will be kept up to date in the future as well!

Battlefield Tier – USD 80.00
A whole new theatre of war for Full Spectrum Dominance!
Get all the content of the campaign, and all the unlocked stretchgoals.
And the rulebook and cards for free!

Union Tier – USD 30.00
Seize the means of production and transform them into killing machines!
Get the entire Union faction, all the unlocked upgrades for it, and the game manual and cards for free!

Conglomerate Tier – USD 30.00
Reclaim what’s yours, and obtain what is not. In the name of the shareholders‘ profit!
Get the entire Conglomerate faction, all the unlocked upgrades for it, and the game manual and cards for free!

Die Kampagne ist finanziert und läuft noch 40 Tage.

Quelle:  Full Spectrum Dominance – The Second Wave

Chefredakteur und Betreiber von Brückenkopf-Online. Partner und Spieldesigner bei NeverRealm Industry. Seit 2002 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop Warhammer Fantasy (Dunkelelfen). Aktuelle Projekte: Summoners (alle Fraktionen), Deathmatch, Deadzone/Firefight (Asterianer und Enforcer), diverse Raumschiffe und allerlei Mechs.

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