von BK-Christian | 22.08.2022 | eingestellt unter: Crowdfunding, Fantasy

War of the Teddys: Kickstarter läuft

Ein knuffiges Kickstarterprojekt ausd Deutschland sucht Finanzierer.

The idea

Thanks to our friend Stefan Growa we had the idea to create this teddy series. In the past we already made the Heros teddies for him and had a lot of fun with it. One Sunday I had the idea that we could continue this series and why not in 3D. So I took my phone in my hand and got the blessing, because nothing is worse than someone steals the idea and then sells it for his. 

Therefore here a big thank you to Hero Teddys

Also a huge thanks goes to Dirk Risser, who painted the first teddies for us. Here is a link to his blog


The Project

Come with us into the forest and let yourself be enchanted by small creatures, where you would never have thought that they really exist. In a world beyond the horizon in which orcs and elves say good night to each other and the dangerous are completely different. 

That you have never seen before. 

Would you like to know more?

Then stay a little longer… and we’ll show you what lives deep in the forest. 

Welcome to the Kickstarter

War of the Teddies

War Of The Teddys 1 War Of The Teddys 2

Und das sind die Teddys:

War Of The Teddys 3 War Of The Teddys 4 War Of The Teddys 5 War Of The Teddys 6 War Of The Teddys 7 War Of The Teddys 8 War Of The Teddys 9 War Of The Teddys 10 War Of The Teddys 11 War Of The Teddys 12 War Of The Teddys 13 War Of The Teddys 14 War Of The Teddys 15 War Of The Teddys 16 War Of The Teddys 17 War Of The Teddys 18 War Of The Teddys 19 War Of The Teddys 20 War Of The Teddys 21 War Of The Teddys 22 War Of The Teddys 23 War Of The Teddys 24 War Of The Teddys 25 War Of The Teddys 27 War Of The Teddys 28 War Of The Teddys 29

Stretch Goals gibt es auch:

War Of The Teddys 30 War Of The Teddys 31 War Of The Teddys 32 War Of The Teddys 33 War Of The Teddys 34 War Of The Teddys 35 War Of The Teddys 36 War Of The Teddys 37

A total of 25 Teddys Plus Strech Goals are in this Kickstarter at the start. Most of them with weapons, therefore the title War of the Teddys. All teddies are self designed and drawn with Zbrush.  The stl’s have been pre-supported and test printed with a SLA printer Anycubic Mono. The Minies are scaled to 28mm scale and supported for it.  The printed figures are supplied in scale 28mm

War Of The Teddys 38

Test Prints

War Of The Teddys 39 War Of The Teddys 40

All resin figures are printed, cleaned and checked by ourselves before they are prepared for shipping with a lot of care. 


Who now says Hm only 25 figures??? I’m already telling you that there will be many more, but which themes are still a secret. But who the Teddys like can look forward to a beautiful continuing series. Because we have so many ideas that it would definitely be too much for one Kickstarter.

So we are happy if you support us or „just share“ the Kickstarter and hope that you like the figures.


Painted figures by Dirk Risser

War Of The Teddys 41 War Of The Teddys 42 War Of The Teddys 43 War Of The Teddys 44 War Of The Teddys 45 War Of The Teddys 46 War Of The Teddys 47 War Of The Teddys 48 War Of The Teddys 49

We are a small company from Germany. Exactly from the beautiful Westerwald. Started this beautiful hobby actually since we were allowed to use a knife and glue ourselves. Then my husband and I met and now already share the hobby for 20 years. In 2019 we made the decision to start our own small model building company. 


First we were only in the handmade (oldschool) sector but after a short time we discovered the 3D drawing for us. 

December 2020 we started our first Kickstarter Desert Village. We used the money to buy a better PC to work even better and more detailed. 

June 2021 we launched the more complex 3D Kickstarter ‚French Village‘, which was only possible because we bought a new PC from the first one.

December 2021 our Oldschool Kickstarter is online. We also wanted to revive the good old handwork. German Village was a complete success for us. In May 2022, we were also able to ship everything and deliver on time.

Now comes our 4th Kickstarter Online and combine digital and resin models in one Kickstarter.

Why Digital and Physical??

Simple. Many simply do not have a 3D printer or only a FDM and can not print figures. So we offer both for you.

Die Kampagne läuft noch 26 Tage und ist finanziert.

Quelle: War of the Teddys


Chefredakteur und Betreiber von Brückenkopf-Online. Seit 2002 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop Warhammer Fantasy (Dunkelelfen). Aktuelle Projekte: Primaris Space Marines, Summoners (alle Fraktionen), Deathmatch, Deadzone/Warpath (Asterianer und Enforcer), diverse Raumschiffe und allerlei Mechs.

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  • Hahaha, sehr schön. 😀
    Ich find die echt drollig und erinnern mich echt an die Bärenband von früher.
    Man könnte einige als Ewok’s für Legion benutzen.

  • Ne echte Bärenmarke.
    Fehlt noch einer mit ner Milchkanne!
    Und einen Purzelbär, den brauchts auch noch.

  • Fällt für mich definitiv in die Kategorie „so bekloppt dass es wieder geil ist“. Zumal die relative Lockerheit des Hintergrunds wohl für kreative Regeln genutzt wird. Eine Einheit, die eine gegnerische Einheit per Song in einen Freund verwandelt? Hammer.

    Vielleicht wenn es mal im Retail landen sollte.

  • Die Idee ist ganz witzig, aber für mich wäre so etwas eher an ein kindliches Publikum gerichtet.
    Mit Stoffbären im Dungeon kann ich mich einfach nicht anfreunden.
    Aber da ist ja jeder anders und das ist auch gut so!
    Als Sammlerobjekte aber sicher auch nett.

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