von BK-Nils | 04.10.2022 | eingestellt unter: Dystopian Wars

Dystopian Wars: Oktober Neuheiten

Eine neue Starterbox, sowie eine Schwadron und eine Flottenbox kommen im Oktober für Dystopian Wars von Warcradle Studios.

Warcradle Studios Sturginium Skies Two Player Starter Set 1 Warcradle Studios Sturginium Skies Two Player Starter Set 2

Warcradle Studios Sturginium Skies Two Player Starter Set 3 Warcradle Studios Sturginium Skies Two Player Starter Set 4 Warcradle Studios Sturginium Skies Two Player Starter Set 5 Warcradle Studios Sturginium Skies Two Player Starter Set 6

Warcradle Studios Sturginium Skies Two Player Starter Set 7 Warcradle Studios Sturginium Skies Two Player Starter Set 8 Warcradle Studios Sturginium Skies Two Player Starter Set 9 Warcradle Studios Sturginium Skies Two Player Starter Set 10

Warcradle Studios Sturginium Skies Two Player Starter Set 11 Warcradle Studios Sturginium Skies Two Player Starter Set 12 Warcradle Studios Sturginium Skies Two Player Starter Set 13 Warcradle Studios Sturginium Skies Two Player Starter Set 14

Warcradle Studios Sturginium Skies Two Player Starter Set 16 Warcradle Studios Sturginium Skies Two Player Starter Set 15 Warcradle Studios Sturginium Skies Two Player Starter Set 18 Warcradle Studios Sturginium Skies Two Player Starter Set 17

Warcradle Studios Sturginium Skies Two Player Starter Set 19 Warcradle Studios Sturginium Skies Two Player Starter Set 20 Warcradle Studios Sturginium Skies Two Player Starter Set 21 Warcradle Studios Sturginium Skies Two Player Starter Set 22

Warcradle Studios Sturginium Skies Two Player Starter Set 23 Warcradle Studios Sturginium Skies Two Player Starter Set 24 Warcradle Studios Sturginium Skies Two Player Starter Set 25 Warcradle Studios Sturginium Skies Two Player Starter Set 26

Warcradle Studios Sturginium Skies Two Player Starter Set 27 Warcradle Studios Sturginium Skies Two Player Starter Set 28 Warcradle Studios Sturginium Skies Two Player Starter Set 29 Warcradle Studios Sturginium Skies Two Player Starter Set 30

Warcradle Studios Sturginium Skies Two Player Starter Set 31 Warcradle Studios Sturginium Skies Two Player Starter Set 32

Sturginium Skies – Two Player Starter Set – 94,00 GBP

The great powers of the Dystopian Age are constantly testing each other’s boundaries, fighting for territory and resources. The Imperium, while comfortably controlling miles of the Greenland coastline, had decided to make a push into the Labrador Sea, to claim some of the Crown’s Dominions in Canada. It was believed that in the face of an overwhelming military presence in the region, the Crown would yield and allow the fishing and gas fields to be ceded to the Imperium. With the knowledge that an ill-timed exercise by the Union to the southwest of Canada would draw much of the Canadian airforce and focus to counter this buildup, Kommodore Wilhelmina von Hoeppner was given the Kaiser’s blessing to begin the special operation.

The initial forays by the Prussian airships were met by the anticipated patrols from the Canadian Aerial Defence Force. Vast Imperium forces efficiently and ruthlessly silenced these valiant aircraft. leaving the east coast unawares and poorly defended in the face of this Prussian onslaught. It was only in the opening stages of the naval battles that followed that the Crown became aware of the Imperium’s intentions, but by then the Atlantic Fleet had been left very much alone in the fight.

Military campaigns take time and logistics to implement, and in the lull following this initial battle, urgent requests for reinforcements to both the High Commission in Ottawa and Canadian Naval Command. Fortunately, the British 14th Rotor Expeditionary Division was on manoeuvres off the coast of Ireland under Air Marshal Clive Spottswoode. The 14th had already followed up on intercepted Luftstreitkrafte communication chatter and triangulated a Prussian refuelling convoy in the mid-Atlantic. Spottswoode immediately saw the threat and, after making use of the captured Imperium supplies, was proceeding at full speed to the Labrador coast.

The Prussian aerial battlefleets began their offensive, led by a mighty Stark Imperium class skyfortress, and supported by aerial and naval assets. The scattered Canadian defences soon rallied and began making strikes at the Prussian forces causing Kommodore von Hoeppner to split off squadrons of her Kreigsturm Assault Airships to hunt down the Canadian patrols in the hope they could take them unawares. What von Hoeppner did not know, but the Kaiser later said she should have anticipated, was that the Canadians had redeployed three squadrons of their new Toronto Class Control Cruisers to the region just the week before the invasion. These advanced vessels proved crucial in tracking Imperium attacks and coordinating Canadian defences at sea, slowing the Prussian advance and buying the Crown reinforcements precious time.

Sturginium Skies showcases the beleaguered Canadian forces as they hold off against a powerful Imperium attack. Will Air Marshal Spottswoode and the 14th Rotor Expedition arrive in time to make a difference for the Crown? Or will Kommodore von Hoeppner and her Prussian battlefleets reach their target for the glory of the Imperium?


  • 1x Stark Imperium Skyfortress
  • 2x Kriegsturm Assault Airship
  • 4x Jaeger Aerial Fast Destroyer
  • 4x Aerial Escort
  • 2x Reiter Cruiser
  • 4x Sigimer Destroyer
  • 3x Prydain War Rotor
  • 3x Tintagel Battle Rotor
  • 6x Saxon Scout Rotor
  • 3x Newfoundland Attack Cruiser
  • 6x Orca Hunter Submarine
  • SRS Tokens
  • 1x Rule Book
  • 1x Campaign Book
  • 2x Victory & Valour card decks (60 cards each)
  • 1x Template set
  • 40x Action dice
  • 12x Critical dice
  • 2x Condition token sets

Please Note

  • Miniatures are supplied unpainted and unassembled.
  • Unit Cards are not included and can be found on the Dystopian Wars website.

Warcradle Studios Ika Colossus Squadrons 1 Warcradle Studios Ika Colossus Squadrons 2 Warcradle Studios Ika Colossus Squadrons 3

Warcradle Studios Ika Colossus Squadrons 4 Warcradle Studios Ika Colossus Squadrons 5 Warcradle Studios Ika Colossus Squadrons 6 Warcradle Studios Ika Colossus Squadrons 7

Ika Colossus Squadrons – 32,00 GBP

Since the creation of the first primitive maps, there have been parts of the world where monsters lay and sailors fear to wonder. The Empire have been inspired by this to create their own monstrosities of the deep. Marvels of engineering created not only to sow fear and doubt in the minds of their enemies but also to demonstrate the mechanical mastery of the Empire. Using the most advanced engineering techniques, overseen by Empress Shinzua herself, huge automata in the form of giant squid have been developed and successfully engineered. The instruction cylinders for these submerged creations are among the most complex outside of the Enlightened fleets.

They have become horror stories told about only when crews are safe on shore leave. Any survivors refuse to discuss them while at sea should they incur the wrath of the Ika. In this way the Ika have become exactly what they were designed to be, the monsters that sailors fear.


  • 2x Ika Colossus (can be built as either a Kaiju or Okuforu Class Colossus)
  • 4x Chita

Please Note:

  • Miniatures are supplied unpainted and unassembled.
  • Unit Cards are not included and can be found on the Dystopian Wars website.

Warcradle Studios Akula Battlefleet Set 1 Warcradle Studios Akula Battlefleet Set 2

Warcradle Studios Akula Battlefleet Set 3 Warcradle Studios Akula Battlefleet Set 4 Warcradle Studios Akula Battlefleet Set 5 Warcradle Studios Akula Battlefleet Set 6

Warcradle Studios Akula Battlefleet Set 7 Warcradle Studios Akula Battlefleet Set 8 Warcradle Studios Akula Battlefleet Set 9 Warcradle Studios Akula Battlefleet Set 10

Akula Battlefleet Set – 45,00 GBP

Flagship of the Black Wolf Mercenary Fleet and commanded by the charismatic Volodymyr Nikonov, the Death Bringer is feared around the globe. Stolen from the Enlightened during a presentation to the Tsar, Nikonov ensured the Death Bringer was an utterly unique masterpiece by destroying the blueprints and setting the shipyards ablaze.

Extrapolated by Ukrainian engineers from charred blueprints of the stolen Death Bringer, the Akula is still the most powerful in the Ukrainian Submarine Command. One element that was successfully replicated was the Akulas magnetohydrodynamic drive enabling the boat to approach virtually undetected before striking.

Based in Odesa, Ukrainian Submarine Command (UPK) has the lead in subnautical warfare and exploration for the Commonwealth. With an impressive training academy in nearby Zatoka, the UPK provides a steady supply of skilled submariners and vessels like the lethally fast Khyzhak class.

Fast and deadly, the Piranya hunter submarines patrol in packs along the Black Sea and the Bering Strait. With a complement of twelve, the Piranya make for a close-knit boat crew, ideal for such vessels with sparse living comforts on month-long duty beneath the waves.


  • 3x Grand Submarine
    • Can be built as either the Death Bringer or Akula Class ship
  • 6x Khyzhak Attack Submarines
  • 6x Piranya Hunter Submarines

Please Note

  • Miniatures are supplied unpainted and unassembled.
  • Unit Cards are not included and can be found on the Dystopian Wars website.

Quelle: WarCradle


Nils, Redakteur bei Brückenkopf-Online. Seit 2001 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop: DSA Armalion. Aktueller Fokus liegt auf Skirmish-Systemen und Warhammer 40.000. mehr auf https://www.instagram.com/nerdydutchman/

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    • Die Flaggschiffe sind aus resin, der Rest super allerfeinsten GW Plastik.

      Der Zeppelin soll allerdings auch aus Plastik sein obwohl das ein dreadnought ist.

  • Ich fand die neuen Sachen bisher nicht so dolle, aber die Box könnte ich mir mit jemandem teilen.
    Ich habe btw gesehen, dass es die Regeln jetzt auch auf deutsch zum Download gibt.

      • Die englischen Regeln zum Download sind 3.03, die anderssprachigen alle 1.01. Auf den ersten Blick sehen die sich aber ziemlich ähnlich. Released wurden die deutschen Regeln auch erst vor ein paar Tagen.

      • Ne also da gibt es schon einige Unterschiede…SRS und alle orbats sind teilweise massiv anders.

        Aber du kannst selbstverständlich erstmal mit 1.01 einsteigen und dann später mit 3.01 spielen

  • Das sind ja mal echt heiße Neuheiten für das Imperium. Habe schon länger auf die Zeppeline gewartet und da werde ich sicher um das Starter Set nicht herum kommen, da ich das erste aufgrund der enthaltenen Fraktionen leider nicht brauchen konnte. Die Skandinavier landen dann sicher auch noch bei mir um die Ragnarok Flotte weiter zu verstärken. Jetzt frag ich mich nur noch wann denn die Kroaten kommen, die im neuen Imperium ORBAT schon drin sind und was es mit diesen neuen Basis Typen auf sich hat …

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