von BK-Christian | 17.08.2021 | eingestellt unter: Necromunda

Games Workshop: Titanicus und Necromunda Previews

Games Workshop haben einen neuen Titanen für Adeptus Titanicus vorgestellt.

Meet the Warmaster Iconoclast Titan Whose Chainsword Is as Big as a Building

On the battlefields of Adeptus Titanicus, towering god-machines battle for supremacy, wielding weapons that can level entire city blocks and punch through metres of heavily reinforced armour with ease.

The Warmaster Titan towers above most of these engines of destruction, bristling with armaments and malice. What can you even hope to do if one of these gigantic war machines attacks your hab block?

Hang on a second, is that a Titan with a chainsword the size of a skyscraper?

GW Titanicus Warmaster Iconoclast Heavy Battle Titan 1

Yes, it is. Meet the Warmaster Iconoclast Heavy Battle Titan.

The Iconoclast is all about barrelling into the enemy like a 40-metre mechanical bull, delivering devastating close-range attacks with a preposterous loadout of melee weaponry.

Just look at the size of that desolator chainsword.

GW Titanicus Warmaster Iconoclast Heavy Battle Titan 2

On its left arm, you can equip either the Krius siege drill or Krius grav imploder. The former is simple – a massive drill designed to crack fortifications, handily mounted within an enormous claw.

The grav imploder, however, is a device from a lost age, barely understood by the reckless Tech-Priests who now sanction its use. Through means unknown, the grav imploder concentrates gravity into a beam that turns the mass of an enemy against itself. This curious weapon can effortlessly implode a Titan into a heap of molten slag or crumple a Knight like an empty tin of corpse starch.

This Titan is also bristling with small arms,* including a Cruciator gatling array, shoulder-mounted apocalypse missiles, plasma blastguns, melta cannons, and more.

GW Titanicus Warmaster Iconoclast Heavy Battle Titan 3

The Warmaster Iconoclast Titan arrives for Adeptus Titanicus soon – be sure to keep an eye on Warhammer Community, as we’ll bring you more information as we get it. In the meantime, why not pick up some Warhounds? These speedy scout Titans are perfect for supporting this lumbering brute.

* Small for a Titan. Most of these guns are the size of a tank.

Auch für Necromunda gab es neue Previews:

These New House Greim Military Attachés Look Fierce, but Can They Fight?

Can’t seem to catch a break in the underhive? Do your tactics leave something to be desired? Does your gang need some proper military expertise to be successful? Thanks to alliances with House Greim, you can add a dapper new Military Attaché to your forces and bring a bit of pizzazz both to your tactics and your outfits. Let’s take a first look at the awesome new Krieg Mester and Jagerkin models, here to add a bit of martial discipline to your gang.

GW Necromunda House Greim Military Attachés 1

House Greim claims to be the most militarily accomplished of the noble houses of Necromunda, despite the fact that most of its members have never even seen a battlefield. Still, that doesn’t stop them sending their lower-ranked sons and daughters into the underhive to get some experience of real fighting.*

The Krieg Mester offers tactical advice to gang leaders and oversees the testing of the latest Greim weaponry. Sometimes, their cunning plans even actually work on the field of battle. And while they may not know exactly what they’re doing, they certainly look the part.**

Despite his alleged lack of tactical insight, the Krieg Mester is still pretty handy with his power sword, and that bionic leg is a testament to the fact that he must have seen action of some variety.

GW Necromunda House Greim Military Attachés 2

Krieg Mesters are always accompanied by their Jagerkin – bonded servants drawn from the Astra Militarum, and who are tasked with keeping their noble alive.*** They are superior fighters and, as you can see, they are far more at home in a skirmish than on the parade ground.

GW Necromunda House Greim Military Attachés 3

A Military Attaché can be taken by any gang in Necromunda as long as they form an alliance with House Greim.**** They are particularly friendly with House Goliath, whose strength and combat abilities they respect.

The House Greim Military Attaché will be available to pre-order soon. In the meantime, make sure that you pick up House of Chains, which contains the full rules for forming an alliance with this noble house.

* Gap years are often fatal in the Warhammer 40,000 universe.

** All the gear and no idea, as gangers would say.

*** How else could the Mester award themselves another shiny new medal?

**** Be careful though, as Greim has been known to second gangers into their militia, most often not to be seen again.

Quelle: Warhammer Community


Chefredakteur und Betreiber von Brückenkopf-Online. Seit 2002 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop Warhammer Fantasy (Dunkelelfen). Aktuelle Projekte: Primaris Space Marines, Summoners (alle Fraktionen), Deathmatch, Deadzone/Warpath (Asterianer und Enforcer), diverse Raumschiffe und allerlei Mechs.

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  • …für mich leider der hässlichste Titan des gesamten Spiels. Der erste, den ich stehen lasse – egal, was er kann!

    • Sehe ich genauso. Das ist der erste Titan seitdem Titanicus erscheint den Ich mir nicht holen werde.

  • Den imperialen Adligen und seine Leibwächterin für Necromunda finde ich richtig nett. Wenn ich die mal sehen sollte, wird die Box wohl gekauft.

    Die Variante des Warmaster Titanen gefällt mir aber nicht. Ich finde ja schon Nahkampfwaffen an einem Warlord fragwürdig. Und nun den langsamsten Titanen im Spiel zu einem reinen Nahkämpfer zu machen, halte ich für eine dämliche Idee.

  • Den Warmaster sehe ich eher als Ballerburg und da ist er sehr gut, als Nahkämpfer ist er viel zu langsam.

  • Was ich bei Titanicus einfach vermisse, sind Bodentruppen. Die schreiben, man sollte doch die titanische Größe des Kettenschwerts anschauen… Und ich sehe nur ein Kettenschwert, das ich auch einem Space Marine in die Hand drücken könnte.

    Es braucht kleine Fahrzeuge und Infanterie dafür. Ein paar Gebäude funktionieren nicht ausreichend.
    Ja. Das wäre dann Epic und nicht Titanicus. Aber ich frag mich eh, warum sie kein Epic draus gemacht haben.

    Ich hätte es mir längst gekauft. So, interessiert mich dieses Spiel eher nur am Rande.

    • Im Grunde ist/ war „Adeptus Titanicus“ von 1988 die erste Epic-40k-Version. In der zweiten Edition mit Namen „Space Marine“ wurden erst Panzer und Infanterie eingeführt. Die dritte Edition „Epic 40.000“ war dann etwas vergurkt und kein großer Erfolg (was wohl an den vergurkten Regeländerungen lag). Daher dann auch die vierte Edition „Epic Armageddon“, die eigentlich von den Fans entwickelt wurde. Vielleicht gehen sie ja den Weg von damals nochmal, dann kannst du dich mit der nächsten Edi auf Panzer und Infanterie freuen. Ansonsten kann ich dir netepic.org empfehlen.

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