von BK-Bob | 13.11.2021 | eingestellt unter: Avatars of War, Patreon

Avatars of War: Untote Tiermenschen Patreon

Avatars of War zeigen die untote Tiermenschen für ihren Patreon.


Avatars Of War November Patreon 1 Avatars Of War November Patreon 2

Never seen before!

Legendary Beastmen Undead are finally here! (Felix says that they have arrived late because they are tired after the big Halloween night hangover, ahem, ahem)

So, Welcome to the next level of Undead Creatures and get ready to Impress with these

Frightening and macabre UNDEAD BEASTMEN 

Embrace the eternal life with these Iconic and Legendary Multipart Resurrected Heroes that will allow you to assemble thousands of one of a kind Legendary combinations, now is your time:

Never has the Old School been so new.

Old school heroes rock!

Quelle: Avatars of War Patreon


Seit 2010 im Hobby. Aktuelle Projekte: Herr der Ringe (Harad, Khand und Ostlinge), Saga Ära der Magie (Die Untoten Legionen), WarmaHordes (Crucible Guard, Söldner und Circle), Summoners (Erde), Konflikt 47 (Briten)

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