von BK-Herr Kemper | 06.12.2020 | eingestellt unter: Science-Fiction

Black Site Studio: Cybperpunk Wave 4

Black Site Studio veröffentlicht die 4. Welle ihrer zuvor als STL Dateien erhältlichen Cyberpunk Minis als sogenannte Miniaturen – als Erklärung für unsere älteren Zuschauer aus dem Jahr 2020: es ist wie eine 3dD-gedruckte Mini – nur das ihr das nicht selbst machen müsst. Die Zunkunft ist schon da – nur ungleichmässig verteilt.

Black Site Studio Wave 4 BundleBlack Site Studio Wave 4 Bundle 1 Black Site Studio Wave 4 Bundle 2 Black Site Studio Wave 4 Bundle 3 Black Site Studio Wave 4 Bundle 4 Black Site Studio Wave 4 Bundle 5

Black Site Studio – Wave 4 Bundle  – Resin – 32mm – 91,99 USD

These miniatures are 35mm scaled from the feet to the top of the head (32mm to the eyes and they scale with our 35mm minis).  They are cast in high quality resin and come unassembled and unpainted.

In this product you will receive the following items:

– 1x Kill Team 09-Z
– 1x Colony Prisoners
– 1x Zaibatsu Civilians A
– 1x Colony Androids
– 1x Zaibatsu Blade Cops 2
– 1x Longhorn mk32 Loader

Please read our FAQ for any questions about your purchase. Please note that these miniatures will require some assembly/cleanup and removal from the sprues. We recommend that you have prior experience with assembling/painting miniatures.

Einzelne Sets gibt es auch:

Black Site Studio Wave 4 2

Colony Androids – 12,99 USD

Designed to offer a relaxed and helpful demeanor, these friendly androids are here to help!

These miniatures are 35mm scaled from the feet to the top of the head (32mm to the eyes and they scale with our 35mm minis).  They are cast in high quality resin and come unassembled and unpainted.

In this product you will receive the following miniatures

– 2x Colony Androids

Black Site Studio Wave 4 3

Colony Prisoners – 12,99 USD

The harsh prison colonies in space are the perfect place for sinister creatures to hide. Grab a weapon and start hunting.

These miniatures are 35mm scaled from the feet to the top of the head (32mm to the eyes and they scale with our 35mm minis).  They are cast in high quality resin and come unassembled and unpainted.

In this product you will receive the following miniatures

– 1x Female Prisoner
– 1x Male Prisoner

Black Site Studio Wave 4 4

Kill Team 09-Z – 12,00 USD

Raiding and hacking corporate annexes can be a hard job sometimes, its best to go fully armed and prepared for trouble.

These miniatures are 35mm scaled from the feet to the top of the head (32mm to the eyes and they scale with our 35mm minis).  They are cast in high quality resin and come unassembled and unpainted.

In this product you will receive the following miniatures

– 1x Female Killer
– 1x Male Killer

Black Site Studio Wave 4 5 Black Site Studio Wave 4 6 Black Site Studio Wave 4 7

Longhorn MK32 Loader – 24,99 USD

Part of the new wave of offworld semi-autonomous mechs by Dyer Logistics. Built for rugged and industrial uses, they’re known for being easy to maintain and perfect for any beginner pilot. Dyer circumvented the UN’s offworld arms treaties by shipping the initial units without their combat upgrades, however the optional weaponry soon arrived separately…

This mech is approximately 85mm tall .  It is cast in high quality resin and comes unassembled and unpainted.

In this product you will receive the following miniatures

– 1x Multipart Longhorn Mech


Zaibatsu Blade Cops 2 – 12,99 USD

The dimly neon lit streets of LA in 2049 are dangerous and unforgiving. If you’re not one of the hunters you’re the one being hunted….

These miniatures are 35mm scaled from the feet to the top of the head (32mm to the eyes and they scale with our 35mm minis).  They are cast in high quality resin and come unassembled and unpainted.

In this product you will receive the following miniatures

– 1x Male Blade Cop
– 1x Female Blade Cop

Black Site Studio Wave 4 8 Black Site Studio Wave 4 9 Black Site Studio Wave 4 10 Black Site Studio Wave 4 1

Zaibatsu Civilians A – 32,99 USD

The streets of Zaibatsu are a rough and gritty place, those who inhabit the lower layers of society eek out a small existence fraught with danger and darkness

These miniatures are 35mm scaled from the feet to the top of the head (32mm to the eyes and they scale with our 35mm minis).  They are cast in high quality resin and come unassembled and unpainted.

In this product you will receive the following miniatures

– 8x Zaibatsu Civilians

Quelle: Black Site Studio FB
BK-Herr Kemper

Mostly Harmless. Im Hobby seit den 80ern..... Spielt: Infinity (Nomads & Aleph), Warmachine (Khador & Mercs), BattleTech (Alpha Strike), 7TV Adventures, In Her Majesty's Name, Dust, Batman TMG

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  • Unglaublich. So rum geht das auch. Wozu brauch ich noch einen Drucker. Endlich kann man sich das sparen, die selber zu drucken 😉

    • Das hatten sie aber angekündigt.

      Und bevor ich 80usd shipping zahle…

      Für eine 25 USD Mini.

      Trotzdem finde ich das duale Vertriebsystem Zukunftsfähiger als je nur das eine oder andere.

      • Habe bereits 3 mal bestellt, aber nie nur annähernd $ 80,- bezahlt, auch für mehr als $ 25,- bestellwert, woher kommen die $ 80,- von dir ?

        Oder ist das nur so gesagt….?


      • Habe bisher immer nur mdf bestellt und da war egal was immer nur usps die billigste Option bei 79,65 USD.

        Habe das für deren Standard shipping gehalten.

  • wir brauchen dringend einen EU distributor für Black Site Studios. Die Shipping Kosten sind einfach zu hoch.

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