von BK-Marcus | 28.11.2017 | eingestellt unter: Runewars

Runewars: Uthuk Y’llan erhältlich

Die Uthuk Y’llan Army Expansion für Runewars ist nun erhältlich, und hat dafür einen neuen Blogeintrag spendiert bekommen.

Summoning Ceremonies

The Uthuk Y’llan Army Expansion Is Now Available

FFG Fantasy Flight Games Uthuk Yllan Army Erhältlich 1

A hundred ashen-colored warriors thronged below Derwyn on the cracked plain, grasping barbed blades. Some silhouettes appeared wiry and ravening, with muscle corded like bowstring. Others hunched under the weight of swollen limbs, clenching their underslung jaws. Jagged bone erupted from the skin of nearly all the Uthuk, and the sulfur stench of the Ynfernael caught in the back of Derwyn’s throat.

In the age of the First Darkness, Llovar led the locust swarm of the Uthuk Y’llan into glorious battle, consuming all that lay in their path. Only the combined strength of Humankind, Elves, and Dwarves under the combined leadership of Timmoran and Waiqar prevented the Uthuk victory as the locusts were thrown back and pushed to the edge of extinction. Over the course of centuries, the Uthuk gathered their strength. Timmoran has disappeared and Waiqar has turned against the mortals with his own force of undead warriors. Now is the time to strike. The Uthuk Y’llan Army Expansion for Runewars Miniatures Game is on sale now!

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Fill Your Ranks

Filling the infantry of the locust horde are the howling tribesmen of the Ru Darklands known as Berserkers. These men, corrupted by the powers of the Ynfernael, announce the coming doom of their enemies as they rush the battlefield with reckless abandon. Berserkers will happily cut down their own ranks to increase their own potency. Their savage melee ability states that the Berserkers may suffer a wound to become more lethal for the duration of the melee. However, the vicious tribesmen cannot permit themselves to become too weakened—therefore they may only use this ability twice per melee.

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The cavalry of the Uthuk Y’llan is filled with ruthless and unruly Flesh Rippers. These demonic hellhounds are known for their tendency to shred both their enemies and their handlers to little more than bloody heaps. With a command tool featuring three blue march actions and an impressive march two modifier to match, Flesh Rippers can race across the battlefield with staggering speed and lock their enemies in combat before they have a chance to respond. Once the Flesh Rippers are engaged in a melee, they roll one red die and two surge-heavy blue dice. As a melee ability, the Flesh Rippers may then spend their surges to inflict damage equal to the number of surges spent.

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Known as the scuttling horrors, the Spined Threshers are the powerhouses of the Uthuk Y’llan army. These demonic crabs can tear down a fortified keep or wipe out entire battalions in a single strike. Among the most mobile siege units in the battle for Terrinoth, the Spined Threshers’ command tool features a white march one modifier that can be paired with any action. The maddening sight of these creatures on the battlefield terrifies even the bravest mortal warriors. After the Spined Threshers have been activated, each nearby enemy receives a panic token, keeping the enemy off-balance.

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But the Spined Threshers are not the only siege unit that appears in the Uthuk Y’llan Army Expansion. The general of the Uthuk Y’llan, Ravos the Everhungry, commands the locust swarm with unmatched ruthlessness. His command tool features two red melee actions, allowing him to attack early or late in the round, as the needs of the battle demand. Ravos the Everhungry can also be included in another unit with his upgrade card, which can force a unit at range one to suffer one wound at the end of each round. What’s more, after setup, each enemy unit receives a single panic token. When fighting alongside the Spined Threshers, Ravos’s power can enhance the scuttling horrors’ melee ability, allowing the demon crabs to reroll a die if the defending unit has a panic token.

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Feast On Flesh

The Uthuk Y’llan Army Expansion includes twenty-two expertly sculpted miniatures that you can customize to fit the shades of your dark summoning rites. With a full command of sixteen Uthuk Berserkers, four Flesh Rippers, one Spined Thresher, and Ravos the Everhungry, you are sure to have your revenge upon those who once sought to destroy you.

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In addition to the Ynfernael creatures, this Army Expansionincludes a collection of tokens, two new terrain pieces, and twelve powerful upgrade cards to bolster your forces. You can drink the blood of your enemies to increase your own dark strength with the Viscera Goblet.  To use this upgrade, you’ll simply place one wound token on the upgrade card during setup. Then, after your activation, you may discard one wound token from the card to remove one wound from the attached unit! Additionally, when an enemy at range one is destroyed, you may place one wound token on the card, continually drinking the blood of the fallen throughout the battle. By feeding upon the fear of the living and the blood of the dead, nothing can stand against your demonic army.

Begin Your Conquest

Sacrifice your soul to the Ynfernael. Drink in the immeasurable power and unleash your demonic host upon Terrinoth!


Die bisher angekündigten Uthuk Y’llan Boxen:

FFG Fantasy Flight Games Uthuk Yllan Army Erhältlich 1 FFG Fantasy Flight Games Uthuk Yllan Army Erhältlich 8 FFG Fantasy Flight Games Uthuk Yllan Army Erhältlich 9 FFG Fantasy Flight Games Uthuk Yllan Army Erhältlich 10 FFG Fantasy Flight Games Uthuk Yllan Army Erhältlich 11 FFG Fantasy Flight Games Uthuk Yllan Army Erhältlich 12


  • Uthuk Y’llan Army Expansion – 59,95 USD
  • Uthuk Y’llan Infantry Command Unit Upgrade Expansion – 24,95 USD


  • Flesh Rippers Unit Expansion – 24,95 USD
  • Kethra A’laak Hero Expansion – 24,95 USD

Noch nicht bestellbar:

  • Berserkers Unit Expansion – 24,95 USD
  • Spined Threshers Unit Expansion – 34,95 USD

Der deutschen Vertrieb der Fantasy Flight Produkte liegt bei Asmodee.

Link: Fantasy Flight Games


1994 mit Warhammer ins Hobby eingestiegen und seither so manches ausprobiert. Aktuelle Projekte: Herr der Ringe (Gefährten), Epic Armageddon (Eldar), Infinity (PanOceania), Warhammer (Slaanesh gemischt), nicht unbedingt in dieser Reihenfolge.

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  • Die Flesh Rippers finde ich ja schon sehr gelungen.
    Ansonsten überzeugt mich Runewars irgendwie noch nicht so.

  • Hach schade, die Konzepte sehen immer so schick aus, und die fertigen Modelle sind dann doch wieder nur mehr vom gleichen überzeichneten, plumpen und viel zu groben Comic stil der auch Warhammer plagt.

    Wären die minis so hübsch wie die artworks wären wäre das voll mein system, aber so bleibt nur warten und hoffen das irgendwann mal von dem stil abgerückt wird.

    • Verstehe ich nicht. Die Artworks sind doch sehr, sehr Comic-mäßig gehalten (wie in Warhammer auch).

      Wer den Stil nicht mag, ok, aber uch sehe da keine stilistische Diskrepanz zwischen Artwork und Modell.

    • Das liegt meist daran, dass in den Artworks Details viel feiner sind, als man sie realistisch gießen könnte. Der „Heroic“-/“Comic“-Stil vieler Modelle, unter anderem auch die meist viel zu großen Waffen, kommen auch daher.

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