von BK-Marcus | 14.01.2017 | eingestellt unter: Dust Tactics / Dust Warfare

Dust: Neuheiten

Bei Dust gibt es wieder einiges an Neuheiten!

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USMC Close Assault Squad – Model Kit – 20,00 USD
USMC Close Assault Squad – 25,00 USD
USMC Close Assault Squad – Babylon Pattern – 55,00 USD

The United States Marine Corps (USMC) has arrived! The Allies are in North Africa and the Middle East for good, and no one is going to kick these Marines out! The fiercest fighting force on the planet is not easily scared or defeated, there’s not much these guys haven’t seen already in this war. Armed with flamethrowers and shotguns, these Marines can take care of anything at close range… Their enemies better stay out of their way!

This squad comes with its own Dust 1947 unit card. Model supplied unpainted. We recommend this model for modeler over 14. [Model Kit]

This squad comes with its own Dust 1947 unit card. Like all regular Dust 1947 miniatures, it comes already assembled and primed. It’s ready for the battlefield, or for painting, as you wish! You can directly paint over on it, since the priming serves as an undercoat and is compatible with any type of paint. [Standard]

This squad comes with its own Dust 1947 Unit Card. Premium Edition models are not just “pre-painted”. What we offer is the exact replica of Vincent Fontaine’s work, Dust Studio’s Master Painter. Please remember that all orders over 250$ enjoy free shipping. [Babylon Pattern]

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Steel Guards Anti-Infantry Squad – Model Kit – 30,00 USD
Steel Guards Anti-Infantry Squad – 35,00 USD
Steel Guards Anti-Infantry Squad – Babylon Pattern – 75,00 USD
Steel Guards Anti-Infantry Squad – Zverograd Pattern – 75,00 USD

Steel Guards are some of the most formidable fighters on the planet. Their half-robotic bodies makes them very hard to kill, allowing them to gain incredible combat experience. The Anti-Infantry squad of the Steel Guard is one of the most feared combat unit on the planet. Nobody ever faced them that wasn’t changed by the experience. The thermobaric grenade they fire melts flesh, bone and steel alike. Nothing known to man can survive the explosion.

This squad comes with its own Dust 1947 unit card. Model supplied unpainted. We recommend this model for modeler over 14. [Model Kit]

[Der Text für die Standard-Version ist auf Französisch, es ist aber anzunehmen, dass er dem der anderen Einheiten gleicht und die Modelle eben zusammengebaut und grundiert sind]

This squad comes with its own Dust 1947 Unit Card. Premium Edition models are not just “pre-painted”. What we offer is the exact replica of Vincent Fontaine’s work, Dust Studio’s Master Painter. [Babylon und Zverograd Pattern]

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Steel Guards Assault Squad – Babylon Pattern – 75,00 USD

Thanks to the latest SSU human-enhancement technology, these once-crippled veterans have been given the chance to return to the front lines and continue the fight.

Thanks to the latest SSU human-enhancement technology, these once-crippled veterans have been given the chance to return to the front lines and continue the fight. The unit’s extensive combat experience is used to deadly effect – as are its massive Heavy Shotguns and 20mm Auto Gun. It’s no wonder that the incredibly resilient solders of the Steel Guards Assault Squads are among the most feared on the planet. They are presented here in Babylon camo pattern, as used by SSU forces in the Middle East during Summer 1947.

The Premium Edition models are not just “pre-painted”. What we offer is the exact replica of Vincent Fontaine’s work, Dust Studio’s Master Painter.

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Babylon Ruined House 2 – 45,00 USD
Babylon Ruined House 2 – Babylon Pattern – 70,00 USD

Military operations in the Middle-East have left many cities in bad shape. In an area where it’s difficult to find cover and hide, whatever is left standing is put to good use by anyone involved in the fighting. This set can be configured in many ways to create many different buildings. Smaller entrances can fit Infantry Units while the largest one allow for Small or regular Vehicles to enter. While in the building all Units receive Cover saves. This set has been designed and sculpted by Dust Studio’s Art Director Vincent Fontaine. It can be used with any WW2, modern or Sci-Fi gaming system.

Model supplied unpainted. We recommend this model for modeler over 14. [Standard]

Premium Edition models are not just “pre-painted”. What we offer is the exact replica of Vincent Fontaine’s work, Dust Studio’s Master Painter. [Babylon Pattern]

Link: Paolo Parente’s Dust


1994 mit Warhammer ins Hobby eingestiegen und seither so manches ausprobiert. Aktuelle Projekte: Herr der Ringe (Gefährten), Epic Armageddon (Eldar), Infinity (PanOceania), Warhammer (Slaanesh gemischt), nicht unbedingt in dieser Reihenfolge.

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