von BK-Rafael | 26.01.2025 | eingestellt unter: Warmachine

Warmachine: Lylyth, the Raven Vengeance und Maelstrom Vorbestellung

Steamforged Games präsentieren die Vorbestellung für einen neuen Warlock: Lylyth, the Raven Vengeance und den Colossal Maelstrom.

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Warmachine: New Warlock! Pre-order Lylyth, the Raven Vengeance

Let Loose Your Arrows!

That’s right, Lylyth is back and available to pre-order right now here on our website, ready to lead your Khymeara Shadowflame Shard armies into battle!

Lylyth, the Raven Vengeance

Passed from the harsh tutelage of her stern Nyss father to the callous supremacy of the Legion of Everblight’s patriarch, Thagrosh, Lylyth had devoted her life to the pursuit of approval from those who would never offer it.

In her futile attempts to satisfy ghosts, Lylyth’s path turned self-destructive. What tribal culture she once had died on a quest for vengeance that consumed not only her identity, but all those who followed her.

Manipulated, failed, and used as a tool of conquest, Lylyth no longer recognised herself. 

But now, she has reached a realization. The obsessive malignance which steered Lylyth down a path of loss wasn’t misguided weakness — it’s who she is. Now, as a Khymaera, her motivations have crystalized. She’s become an agent of assimilation, tirelessly hunting and converting outsiders.

Through Rhyas and Saeryn’s ability to implant memories and fragmentary consciousnesses, she hopes to resurrect the Nyss legacy within these new shells. 

Free of her servitude to Everblight, Lylyth has been reborn as a great winged Khymaera, and a formidable warlock for the Shadowflame Shard.

Bigger and badder than ever, Lylyth, the Raven Vengeance comes mounted on a 50mm base complete with tactical rocks and wielding a new compound bow befitting her grander physique.

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Enact Her Vengeance

But she’s not just an incredible miniature — Lylyth adds a host of new options and tactics to your Khymaera Shadowflame Shard army, transforming the way you play.

A strong support and ranged piece, she provides a vital defensive shield. Warping Winds impedes incoming enemy ranged attacks, shielding nearby units from the effects of blast damage.

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Then, when it’s time to go on the offensive, Deadeye enhances your army’s ranged capabilities by granting improved accuracy to a friendly model’s attack. Lylyth’s Run & Gun field marshall ability lets your troops strike fast at the enemy’s core and then reposition to secure critical objectives.

So, if keeping your units alive, sniping key enemies, and controlling the battlefield is your thing, Lylyth, the Raven Vengeance is your new best friend.

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A History of Vengeance

This is the fifth incarnation of Lylyth to be unleashed on the Iron Kingdoms, earning her the colloquial nickname ‘Lylyth 5’. Join us for a wander down memory lane as we take a look at the evolution of this vengeful Nyss warlock.

Lylyth, Herald of Everblight – Primal (MKI) 2006

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By Everblight’s Blessing, I no longer require eyes to see. The world is colorless, and the living shadows bow before His majesty. I will cleanse the way for the dragon’s rebirth with each death making darkness light. – Lylyth, Herald of Everblight

Lylyth was one of the very first Warmachine warlocks ever released, all the way back in 2006. As the Herald of Everblight, Lylyth’s feat boosted the attacks of all friendly models, and her hail of arrows blasted through even the strongest defenses.

When Lylyth, the Herald of Everblight unleashed her fury, there was no safe place anywhere for the enemy.

Lylyth, Shadow of Everblight – Metamorphosis 2009

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Where she strides, His shadow falls. – Thagrosh the Messiah

Three years later, the Herald became the Shadow as things got epic in the world of the Iron Kingdoms.

Also known to players as Epic Lylyth or Lylyth 2, in her Shadow of Everblight form, she was one of the most recognized and feared warlocks to face in Warmachine MKII. Epic Lylyth’s feat, which granted additional attacks and range to her battlegroup, carried her to many tournament victories.

Lylyth, Reckoning of Everblight – Gargantuans 2013

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What is there beyond devotion, beyond strength, beyond even fear? Only swift death brought by silent blades and falling arrows. – Rhyas, Sigil of Everblight

Lylyth’s next incarnation sped across the battlefield mounted upon her deadly and iconic war sleigh.

As the Reckoning of Everblight, Lylyth’s mobility and range meant there was barely an enemy Lylyth couldn’t reach (and slaughter), from anywhere on the field.

Mekanolyth – Wintertime Wasteland (Riot Quest) 2022

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Although Lylyth, the Reckoning of Everblight was the most recent canonical version released for Warmachine, the alternative timeline of Riot Quest saw her fourth incarnation as Mekanolyth.

Playable in both Riot Quest and Warmachine, this Lylyth was a ranged powerhouse with a volley attack feat that could decimate the opponent’s side of the battlefield.

Learn More on the Warmachine App

Intrigued? You can read a whole lot more about Lylyth over on the Warmachine app, where subscribers get access to a wealth of stories and background on the characters and events of the Iron Kingdoms.

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Just look for the Heroes & Villains section of the Library to read all about Lylyth, the Raven Vengeance.

And if you want to deep dive into exactly what Lylyth, the Raven Vengeance can bring to your army, you’ll find the full rules for Lylyth, the Raven Vengeance over on the app, too.

Pre-order Lylyth Now – €37,99

Lylyth, the Raven Vengeance releases on February 20, but you can pre-order her right now for your Khymaera Shadowflame Shard army here on the Steamforged website.

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Pre-order Maelstrom Now – €129,99

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The Maelstrom stands as the pinnacle of colossal warjack design, surpassing all predecessors with its innovative technology.

Unlike traditional colossals that rely on the Eschewing steam engine of traditional warjacks, the Maelstrom is powered by a cutting-edge storm core generator, providing it with near-limitless energy. This generator fuels its vast array of weaponry, making the Maelstrom a terrifying force on the battlefield!

Alongside its core arsenal, the colossal is equipped with a pair of shoulder hard points. Each houses a potent weapon borrowed from the Stryker heavy warjack; either a Heavy Mag-Bolter or an Electro Bombard.

In addition to its massive Storm Wave Projector ranged spray attack, and choice of brutal hammers, the Maelstrom also has a pair of compelling left arm options.

These include either Electro Harpoon Fist — granting the colossal both a melee and a ranged attack — or a Pulse Fist which, in addition to a strong melee attack, also grants the Plasma Nimbus special rule.

Quelle: Steamforged Games


Seit 2002 im Hobby mit Mage Knight, gefolgt von Confrontation, um dann bei Warmachine/Hordes hängen zu bleiben. Aktuelle Projekte: OPR, Halo Flashpoint, SW Shatterpoint, SW Imperial Assault, Infinity und Kill Team.

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