von BK-Christian | 17.01.2025 | eingestellt unter: 3D-Druck, Crowdfunding

Tabletop Time: Kindred of the Abyss

Gestern im Vidcaster, heute als News: die Kindred of the Abyss von Tabletop Time.

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From the mind of David McLennan (Tabletop Time), with art by Alysha Lowery (Tabletop Time) sculpted by Jackson Jewell (Golden Dragon Games) the Kindred of the Abyss have coalesced from the depths of our imagination and are the first faction in a range of miniatures we hope to produce. Designed for use in 28mm gaming, with a range of usability options considered, the Kindred will be the perfect addition to your warband or roster if you need void proof, nasty nautical themed warriors.

After the success of our Space Bears Kickstarter, a project stemming from Jazza’s personal custom army of Space Marines, the team at Tabletop Time began brewing ideas for a game world they could all be a part of. Not only did we want a to create our own world and wargame, but we also wished to create a stable pillar of support beyond the fickle youtube algorithm, and a range of fantastic products we could be proud of.

So Dave, Jenn, Murray, Vaughn and Alysha sat down and began brainstorming, after presenting and putting forward some ideas for factions, we boiled these down to a core few that we felt could really become something special, and from here it was decided that we would choose the Kindred of the Abyss to be our first foot forward.

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We then took these concepts to our Patrons as well as the wider Youtube community, determining what people would like to see next… So we are excited to declare that if this campaign is successful, Jenns ‚Sisters of the Old Blood‘ will be next on the production line, as chosen by viewers!

The Miniatures

The initial campaign includes three units, Kindred Reavers, vicious close combat infantry armed with harpoons, shock sticks, blades and pistols. Kindred Scourges, aggressive boarding forces, with shotguns, slab shields and rifles to hold up the stern. Finally, the Kindred Malformed, those genetically twisted by the depths to grow to unnatural size, goaded into violence. The malformed can be equipped with mine launchers, harpoon cannons, clubs or an assortment of claws and drills to be as multipurpose as possible.

All of these models have been designed by David McLennan, Alysha Lowery and Jackson Jewell, and sculpted and supported by Jackson Jewell from Golden Dragon Games. We are really proud of our partnership and our work promoting Golden Dragon Games‚ own IP – Marcher, Empires at War – And our work together on the Kindred has been an amazingly productive collaboration.

These miniatures are all shown below, but also represent the tip of the iceberg. With your support, we hope to reach many of our stretch goals, allowing us to produce units that expand the usability of your Kindred. From light submariner infantry that would be perfect for entire rank and file naval themed armies, to vehicles to fill in battleline roles. All the way up to our final stretch goal, the massive Landsub, the only model in our range designed purely for our upcoming game, without any known proxy options.

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Stretch Goals

Our favourite campaigns all have amazing stretch goals! Where we can match the communities enthusiasm for a project with the appropriate resources to find the perfect balance – Another wonderful reason why crowdfunding is an amazing platform for these projects – We will let you take a look, and go into a little more detail below…

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So… About those Stretch goals…

We wanted to take the opportunity to go a little deeper on the stretch goals, and why we have structured them the way we have. Our initial offering we believe is a fantastic selection of models already good to go and absolutely fit for purpose, but we do not want the Kindred’s journey to end there. We hope that this is the very first step upon the road to creating our own miniature universe, and eventually wargame, a setting rich in characters, lore and art.

As a Youtube studio, we have a lot of responsibilities, producing weekly videos and also developing games on the side is a dream, but one that must be approached sensibly. We need to carefully balance our resources and ensure we don’t lose sight of our goals. We want to be fully transparent on this development process, sharing the journey through Kickstarter updates and also videos on our channel.

Because of this, our goals are balanced between new models for the Kindred, fleshing out and expanding their range into what we envisage for our future, currently hypothetical game, and partly goals that focus on the development of this game and world. We want this to become more than just a set of miniatures, this means paying for art, lore, graphic design, pdf/book layout, even just time dedicated to game development. We are both hopeful and excited for the future we will all be creating together! We hope there’s something in there for everyone to be excited about!

Community Paint Jobs

We might not have had these models in our hands long – But we wanted to paint a handful up and share them with you all. Murray painted a fantastic version of the Kindred, showcasing how amazing the models look in a cleaner more sci-fi setting. These can be void troopers as well as depth dwellers!

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Quelle: Kindred of the Abyss: 3D Printable Wargaming Miniatures


Chefredakteur und Betreiber von Brückenkopf-Online. Partner und Spieldesigner bei NeverRealm Industry. Seit 2002 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop Warhammer Fantasy (Dunkelelfen). Aktuelle Projekte: Summoners (alle Fraktionen), Deathmatch, Deadzone/Firefight (Asterianer und Enforcer), diverse Raumschiffe und allerlei Mechs.

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