von BK-Sebastian | 04.02.2025 | eingestellt unter: Fantasy

Guards of Traitor‘s Toll: Vorbestellung

Grey For Now Games starten die Vorbestellung für Guards of Traitor’s Toll, die Auslieferung ist für Ende März terminiert.

Guards of Traitor’s Toll is a skirmish adventure game set in a fantasy city.

Patrol the streets, chase down and arrest rogues, sorcerers and cutthroats, ensure the citizens don’t get too rebellious and uncover deeper plots that threaten the city…

Gameplay is semi-cooperative with up to 4 players* each controlling a Guard Captain and their squad. To win you must make the most arrests and earn the most gold, without angering the cityfolk!

*Solo play is fully integrated. For 3 or 4 players, the Busy Streets expansion set is recommended.

Das Starterset kostet 73,95€:

GreyForNowGameyGuardsOfTraitorsTollStarter GreyForNowGameyGuardsOfTraitorsTollGuardsA GreyForNowGameyGuardsOfTraitorsTollGuardsB GreyForNowGameyGuardsOfTraitorsTollNPCD GreyForNowGameyGuardsOfTraitorsTollNPCC GreyForNowGameyGuardsOfTraitorsTollNPCA GreyForNowGameyGuardsOfTraitorsTollNPCE GreyForNowGameyGuardsOfTraitorsTollNPCB GreyForNowGameyGuardsOfTraitorsTollRoster GreyForNowGameyGuardsOfTraitorsTollDice GreyForNowGameyGuardsOfTraitorsTollCardsA GreyForNowGameyGuardsOfTraitorsTollBook GreyForNowGameyGuardsOfTraitorsTollTokens

This set contains:

  • 36 Multi-part 28mm plastic figures:
       24 Cityfolk
    12 City Guards
  • 112 page Rulebook
    Includes city map, background and story-driven linked campaign.
  • 108 Gaming Cards
    24 Recruitment cards
    2 Identify cards
    6 Trait cards
    18 Plot cards
    2 Major Plot cards
    37 Secret cards
    15 Advance cards
  • 8 Custom Dice
  • 1 D6
  • 108 Counters
  • 36 Dual Use Plastic Bases
  • Plus FREE PDF Rulebook with all pre-orders (normal price £8)

Die Busy Street Expansion kostet 54,95€

GreyForNowGameyGuardsOfTraitorsTollBusyStreet GreyForNowGameyGuardsOfTraitorsTollGuardsC GreyForNowGameyGuardsOfTraitorsTollCardsB

This packed expansion set adds magic items, sergeants and patrons, a host of new Traits, Plots & Secrets, plus enough Recruitment cards, counters, dice and figures for a 3rd and 4th player.

Choose your allegiance to one of the great lords of the city, giving you special extra goals to achieve during a game. Recruit an experienced sergeant to bolster your squad. Discover magical potions and spell scrolls (which can be tricky to control!).

This set contains:

  • 24 Multi-part 28mm plastic figures:
       12 Cityfolk
    12 City Guards
  • 90 Gaming Cards
    24 Recruitment cards (including 4 Sergeants)
    2 Identify cards
    6 new Trait cards
    14 new Plot cards
    2 new Major Plot cards
    7 new Secret cards
    13 new Advance cards
    6 Injury cards
    16 Patron cards
  • 8 Custom Dice
  • 1 D6
  • 54 Counters
  • 24 Dual Use Plastic BaseS

Daneben gibt es 40 Guardhouse Roster für 10,95€


Keep a record of your guard squad with this tear-off pad of 40 roster sheets.

Each sheet has sections for up to 10 guards, and spaces for name, ability scores, weapons & equipment, traits, injuries, advances and plenty more.

A great way to track the characters of your individual guardsmen and especially useful for playing linked games!

Printed on quality, uncoated paper for good writability.

This set contains:

  • 40 Roster Sheets

Ein extra Set Würfel kostet 10,95€


You can never have too many dice, right? Why not save yourself all that arduous reaching across the board and grab this extra set.

This set contains:

  • 8 Guards of Traitor’s Toll special dice
  • 1 D6 dice

Der betrunkene Zwerg kostet 6,95€


A special miniature to celebrate the launch of Guards of Traitor’s Toll – meet Deggrin, resident of Traitor’s Toll, and enthusiastic customer of its many taverns.

This set contains:

  • 1 Drunken Dwarf resin miniature

Das Launch Bundle gibt es für 128,95€

GreyForNowGameyGuardsOfTraitorsTollLaunchBundle GreyForNowGameyGuardsOfTraitorsTollLaunchBundleMinis

This bundle consists of:

  • Guards of Traitor’s Toll Starter Set
  • Guards of Traitor’s Toll Busy Streets Expansion Set
  • FREE Guards of Traitor’s Toll Guardhouse Roster
  • FREE Drunken Dwarf
  • Plus FREE PDF Rulebook with all pre-orders (normal price £8)

Quelle: Grey For Now Games


Redakteur von Brückenkopf-Online. Seit 2001 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop Armalion. Aktuelle Systeme: Freebooter's Fate(Alle Fraktionen), Bushido(Ito, Ryu, Ro-Kan),Moonstone, Summoners (Feuer, Luft), Deadzone, ASoIaF(Nachtwache, Targaryen), Dropfleet Commander(UCM, Scourge), Warmaster(Zwerge, Echsen), Eden(ISC, Resistance), KoW: Armada(Basilean, Ork) u.v.m

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