von BK-Christian | 27.06.2024 | eingestellt unter: Warpath/Deadzone

Warpath Firefight: Asterianer Preorder

Mantic Games haben ihre neuen Asterianer im Shop und noch ein kleines Previewvideo veröffentlicht.

Und das sind die neuen Produkte:

MG Edge Of Sanity Firefight Two Player Set 1 MG Edge Of Sanity Firefight Two Player Set 3 MG Edge Of Sanity Firefight Two Player Set 2 MG Edge Of Sanity Firefight Two Player Set 4 MG Edge Of Sanity Firefight Two Player Set 5 MG Edge Of Sanity Firefight Two Player Set 6 MG Edge Of Sanity Firefight Two Player Set 7 MG Edge Of Sanity Firefight Two Player Set 8 MG Edge Of Sanity Firefight Two Player Set 9 MG Edge Of Sanity Firefight Two Player Set 10 MG Edge Of Sanity Firefight Two Player Set 11 MG Edge Of Sanity Firefight Two Player Set 12 MG Edge Of Sanity Firefight Two Player Set 14 MG Edge Of Sanity Firefight Two Player Set 13 MG Edge Of Sanity Firefight Two Player Set 15 MG Edge Of Sanity Firefight Two Player Set 16 MG Edge Of Sanity Firefight Two Player Set 17

Edge of Sanity: Firefight Two-Player Set – 120.00

This fantastic starter set boasts over 70 highly detailed Mantic miniatures, rules and force lists, a quick start guide, dice and tokens. This box is a great way of introducing players to the Warpath Universe and the immersive, tactical and action-packed tabletop game of Firefight.

Pitting the noble forces of the Asterians against the newest threat to the galaxy – the Nightstalkers!

This incredible boxed set gives you enough to create for the Asterians; 20 Marionettes, 4 Support Drones, 6 Cyphers, 6 Matsudan, a Cypher Prime Leader, and for the Nightstalkers; 20 Scarecrows or Spectres, 10 Reapers, 6 Butchers or Ravagers, and a Shade to lead them.


  • 20 Plastic Marionettes,
  • 4 Plastic Support Drones,
  • 6 Plastic Cyphers,
  • 6 Plastic Matsudan,
  • 20 Plastic Scarecrows,
  • 10 Plastic Reapers,
  • 6 Plastic Butchers,
  • 1 Resin Shade,
  • 1 Resin Cypher Prime,
  • Firefight Rulebook,
  • Card Counters,
  • Command Dice,
  • 16 x D8s,
  • Bases

MG Asterian Firefight Strike Force 1 MG Asterian Firefight Strike Force 18 MG Edge Of Sanity Firefight Two Player Set 10 MG Edge Of Sanity Firefight Two Player Set 6 MG Edge Of Sanity Firefight Two Player Set 11

Asterian Firefight Strike Force – 95.00

The enigmatic Asterians carved out their huge Empire long before humans had even thought it was possible to leave old Earth. The Asterians’ greatest fear is the human interest in the Silent Lands and the horrors that will unleash. This set is a great way to start your Asterian army, or expand an existing force to challenge your opponents and put the young, upstart expansionists in their place!

This set contains 20 Marionettes, 4 Support Drones, 9 Cyphers, 1 Chira Transport, and a Cypher Prime.


  • 20 Plastic Marionettes,
  • 4 Plastic Support Drones,
  • 9 Plastic Cyphers,
  • Chroma Transport
  • 1 Resin Cypher Prime,
  • Bases

MG Edge Of Sanity Firefight Two Player Set 3 MG Edge Of Sanity Firefight Two Player Set 6 MG Edge Of Sanity Firefight Two Player Set 5 MG Edge Of Sanity Firefight Two Player Set 7 MG Edge Of Sanity Firefight Two Player Set 9

Asterian Cypher Squad – 25.00

Highly advanced biomechanical constructs, Cyphers allow the skills of Asterian warriors to be utilised to their fullest extent without the need for placing that warrior directly in harms way.

Each Cypher is piloted remotely – usually from low orbit – using a total immersion interface that allows their pilot to see, hear, and act through the Cypher as if it were their own body. Combined with a wide range of powerful weapons, the Cyphers are quick and incisive weapons of the Asterian Clades.

This set provides enough parts to build 9 x Cyphers, with a variety of weapon options.


  • 9 Plastic Cyphers with weapon options

MG Edge Of Sanity Firefight Two Player Set 12 MG Edge Of Sanity Firefight Two Player Set 13 MG Edge Of Sanity Firefight Two Player Set 14

Matsudan Squad – 25.00

After years spent competing in the brutal Matsudo Games, Matsudan warriors are expertly trained and armed with the latest cutting-edge weaponry from the Houses of Neo Matsudo.

Equipped with long-range weapons, like the ion barrage or ion cannon, Yokozuna and Ozeki can decimate enemy lines before the Sekiwake close in with their vicious shock mauls.

Now in Hard Plastic, there is enough in this kit to build 9 plastic Matsudan with a variety of weapon options.


  • 9 x Plastic Matsudan plus bases

MG Asterian Sky Razors 1 MG Asterian Sky Razors 2 MG Asterian Sky Razors 3 MG Asterian Sky Razors 4 MG Asterian Sky Razors 5

Asterian Sky Razors – 42.50

Sky Razors are sleek, swift vehicles designed specifically for use by Cypher constructs.

They house sophisticated sensor systems that link directly into their pilot’s own senses. Armed with twinned Noh blasters, Sky Razors are often deployed to dangerous reconnaissance missions. Despite this, pilots often relish the additional mobility and firepower. Skilled Sky Razor pilots are therefore highly sought after and respected among the Cypher Clades.

This set contains 2 Resin Sky Razor models plus flying bases.


  • 2 x Resin Sky Razor Models plus Bases

MG Asterian Black Talons 1 MG Asterian Black Talons 2 MG Asterian Black Talons 3 MG Asterian Black Talons 4

Asterian Black Talons – 30.00

Black Talons are a highly specialised variant of the Cyphers, built for rapid airborne assaults.

With built-in personal flight units, anti-grav suspension, adaptive sensors, and armed with modified Noh rifles, the Talons are swift and silent predators. Although membership of this enigmatic group usually prevents them from gaining any leadership roles within their Clade, the Black Talons are still respected veterans whose opinions and knowledge is sought after by Cypher Primes, Overseers, or even Shu’uvatars. It is a rare occurrence, but some Black Talons are elevated to Primes where they can utilise their battlefield experience to lead others.

This set contains enough parts to create 3 x Black Talons, with optional parts for a Black Talon Prime


  • Enough parts to create 3 models, with optional parts to create a Black Talon Prime.

MG Asterian Weapon Platforms

Asterian Weapon Platforms – 30.00

Some equipment is considered too heavy or cumbersome for Cyphers to wield – slowing them down and putting them in unnecessary danger. So, the Clades make use of semi-automated drones to bear such devices in battlefield support of Cyphers. From heavy pulse bombards to defensive shield generators, the drones are highly adaptable and – more importantly – disposable. Asterian commander take no issue with sacrificing drone constructs to protect a Cyphers’ retreat.

Now in hand cast Resin, these units are perfect to bolster any Asterian Force.


2 x Resin Weapon Platforms and Flying bases

Quelle: Mantic Games


Chefredakteur und Betreiber von Brückenkopf-Online. Seit 2002 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop Warhammer Fantasy (Dunkelelfen). Aktuelle Projekte: Primaris Space Marines, Summoners (alle Fraktionen), Deathmatch, Deadzone/Warpath (Asterianer und Enforcer), diverse Raumschiffe und allerlei Mechs.

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  • Sorry, aber ich kriege da zu sehr „Zorg aus Toy Story“-Vibes… Falls sie auf den Samstagmorgen-Cartoon look abgezielt haben ist ihnen das wirklich geglückt, aber meins ist es nicht.

  • Sky Razor hab ich nie ganz verstanden, Fahrzeuge für Dronen macht irgendwie wenig sinn wenn man die direkt fliegen könnte
    Und in Resin dann einfach zu teuer als Grundlage für einen Umbau (wenn die als STL kommen wirds interessanter)

    Aber die neuen Black Talons gefallen mir, auch wenn 10€ pro Modell etwas zu viel für meinen Geschmack ist

  • Bei den Minis muss ich mir keine sorgen um das Limit meiner Kreditkarte machen

    Da ist nix interessantes bei.

  • Ich bin kein Fan der asterians, freue mich aber das die neue Kits kriegen aus zeitgemäßen Material, und ich finde das ist auf jeden Fall eine große Verbesserung.

  • Ich finde die neuen Reaper von den Nightstalkern klasse, sind aber meiner meinung nach die einzigen der Fraktion die wirklich in ein Sci-Fi setting passen.
    Statt alpträume aus dem Fantasy in den Weltraum zu befördern, wäre ein insektoides Alienvolk wesentlich interessanter gewesen.

    Und was die Matsudan mit den Asterian zu chaffen haben erschließt sich mir auch nicht so.
    Ich kann tausenden Roboterdrohnen produzieren … aber hey, lasst uns eine Allianz mit Riesenschildkröten schließen. ????

  • Anders rum, Matsudan sind ein Volk das gegen die Konzerne rebelliert hat und dafür Waffen/Technologie von den Asterians bekommen hat

    Angeblich kommen noch Resinteile für Dronen aus Eigenproduktion statt Lend&Lease

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