von BK-Rafael | 04.05.2024 | eingestellt unter: Warmachine

Warmachine: Cygnar und Fire Tongue Warriors Vorschau

Privateer Press zeigen eine Vorschau und Artworks für Cygnar und Fire Tongue Warriors in Warmachine.

Wm01 Cynthia


First spotted at this weeekend’s Bokur Brawl, Captain Cynthia ‚Cyn‘ Rosko will be jumping into battle with Gravediggers later this year. The daughter of the legendary warcaster, Allister Caine, Cyn inherited both his gift as a warcaster as well as a gunmage, though she has distinctly different tastes in firearms.
Well done to those lore hawks who saw her coming! You know there’s also an unfinished story to tell, and we look forward to doing so in the future.

Wm Hasker


No stranger to risk, the daring Buck Hasker is ever ready to take on the most perilous missions. Captain Buck Hasker will lead the Gravedigger’s charge as the featured warcaster in the upcoming Command Starter.
Wm02 Plugger


There are few things more unnerving than a warjack that enjoys its work. Plugger, as the Gravediggers call him, approaches each mission with rapacious enthusiasm.

First spotted at the Bokur Brawl this past weekend, Plugger is a Valliant model character warjack and will be included in the upcoming Gravediggers Command Starter. Plugger’s loadout is fixed and not customizable, including the back-mounted heavy weapon.

Wm Beaker


The Valiant warjack affectionately known as Beaker is the Gravediggers‘ dedicated field testing platform for experimental prototype weapons and equipment. Here, Beaker is armed with a sonic cannon, a cortex-manipulating drill, and a super-arcnode capable of creating a spell-channeling network between warjacks across a large area…at least that’s the theory.
Beaker will be supplied as a character warjack upgrade kit that can be used with the standard Valiant chassis.

Wm Mawgabawza


A powerful Bullcroak sorceress who supports her allies with magic and alchemy, the great Mawga’Bawza will arrive with the Southern Kriels Fire Tongue Warriors cadre soon! (Err…soonish. That jungle tortoise is not the fastest…)
Mawga’Bawza was sculpted by Irek Zieliński and painted by Josh Berman.

Wm Bagadibawm


Warchief Bagdibawm leads the upcoming Fire Tongue Warriors Cadre for the Southern Kriels. This smoking hot mini was sculpted by Irek Zieliński and panted by Josh Berman.
Coming soon!

Wm Vorroger

One last post before we *jump* into the weekend…

Get hoppin‘ to the hot licks of the voracious Vorogger! This Southern Kriels Fire Tongue Warriors heavy warbeast was sculpted by Irek Zieliński and panted by Josh Berman.
Find it in the upcoming Fire Tongue Warriors cadre, soon!

Quelle: Privateer Press auf Facebook


Seit 2002 im Hobby mit Mage Knight, gefolgt von Confrontation, um dann bei Warmachine/Hordes hängen zu bleiben. Aktuelle Projekte: OPR, Halo Flashpoint, SW Shatterpoint, SW Imperial Assault, Infinity und Kill Team.

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  • Also mit den Artworks zu den Cygnar Gravediggers haben sie definitiv meine Aufmerksamkeit. Das restliche bring bling von Cygnar brauche ich nicht 😉
    Jetzt müssen nur noch die Minis dazu mich ebenso überzeugen

  • Na beim dem Plugger bin ich nen wenig skeptisch ob das nicht in die falsche Richtung geht. Ich dachte die Idee von MK4 is die SKU’s zu reduzieren. Hier jetzt nen Warjack zu bringen, der nen fixes Loadout hat ist da eher wieder nen Rückschritt.
    Die Artworks gefallen mir, bin auf die Modelle gespannt. Vielleicht wage ich ja den Sprung sobald ich die komplette Cryx und Cygnar Grave Digger Range gesehen hab und mir diese gefallen.

  • Nur geil.

    Ich gönne PP mit warmachine MKIV jeden Erfolg und würde mich freuen wenn die wieder ähnlich populär werden wie früher.

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