von BK-Jonah | 23.09.2024 | eingestellt unter: Historisch

Wargames Atlantic: Neue 10mm-Reihe

Wargames Atlantic hat mit „Azincourt“ eine neue Reihe von Rob Macfarlane für die Grand Battle 10mm-Serie angekündigt.

Azincourt in Grand Battle Scale!

Rob Macfarlane has been a busy boy and hard at work on the next Grand Battle Scale 10mm range: Azincourt!

Wargames Atlantic Azincourt Preview

Here are some examples of the models that you’ll find on the frames for the English and French.  Future releases will expand the range once we have the core forces for the battle out.

We’re doing a few tests on the spear thicknesses and the position/thickness of those may change depending on how that turns out. There’s a little more work and additions to be made before these head off to tooling – but they are on their way!

The Classic Fantasy Battles Orcs in Grand Battle Scale 10mm are in the tooling process now. And the next set are in the works. There is also another GBS range in development.

Quelle: Wargames Atlantic

Seit 2023 im Hobby und damit das Nesthäkchen beim Brückenkopf. Erste Tabletop-Liebe: Warhammer Fantasy durch Total War, was über Umwege zu AoS geführt hat. Danach und bis heute verliebt in Conquest: The Last Argument of Kings. Aktuelle Projekte: Flesh-eater Courts und Conquest Sorcerer Kings mit Aussicht auf Tomb Kings in The Old World und irgendwann auch mal Warhammer 40k – wenn es die Zeit denn zulässt.

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