von BK-Rafael | 21.12.2024 | eingestellt unter: Historisch

Victrix: Islamic Cavalry

Victrix haben eine neue Vorbestellung im Shop: Islamic Cavalry.

Victrix Islcav 01 Victrix Islcav 02 Victrix Islcav 09 Victrix Islcav 08 Victrix Islcav 07 Victrix Islcav 06 Victrix Islcav 05 Victrix Islcav 04 Victrix Islcav 03 Victrix Islcav 11 Victrix Islcav 10 Victrix Islcav 13 Victrix Islcav 12

Islamic Cavalry – €36,95

Medieval Islamic Cavalry – Pre-Order Now!

These represent the Seljuk and Syrian heavy cavalry of the 12th to 13th Centuries. There’s a mix of armour styles of mail and lamellar and varying helmets from all enclosing mail hoods with elaborate spiked helmets to open faced helmets with turbans.

The bow cases and arrow quivers are optional as Arab heavy cavalry did not use the bow but Seljuk Askaris did. There are a few bow firing arms included as well as swords, spears, lances, axes and maces.

Seljuk Turks formed a large proportion of any Amir’s household troops in Syria and Egypt so we included some Seljuk heads with their distinctive hair in three braids, two to the side of the head and one down the back. We have included the Seljuk fur cap called the Sharbush worn by Chieftains and apparently Saladin wore one over the top of his helmet or mail hood.

Swords are a mix of the straight bladed type but also the curved sabre and there will be plenty of shield options.

For further flexibility you are able to combine a lot of the heads, shields and weapons from this set with the very versatile Norman cavalry set to create some more varieties of Arab cavalry. Islamic armies made great use of captured Crusader armour, weapons and shields so there is no reason a Norman cavalry figure with the addition of a turbaned head, Islamic shield and weapon arm could not ride along in your Fatamid Egyptian cavalry units.


Quelle: Victrix


Seit 2002 im Hobby mit Mage Knight, gefolgt von Confrontation, um dann bei Warmachine/Hordes hängen zu bleiben. Aktuelle Projekte: OPR, Halo Flashpoint, SW Shatterpoint, SW Imperial Assault, Infinity und Kill Team.

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