von BK-Sebastian | 10.08.2024 | eingestellt unter: Allgemeines, Fantasy

TTCombat: Half Tilt

TTCombat starten die Vorbestellung für das Kickstarter-finanzierte Half Tilt, das am 23.08 erscheinen soll.

Das Core-Set kostet 45£

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Humans, Elves, Orcs, Goblins, Ogres, Undead, and, of course, the humble Halfling. 

Many factions vie for dominance. And although wars are rare, one thing never fails to bring these squabbling factions together. Jousting!

Welcome to Shortreach! Welcome to Half-Tilt!

Half Tilt is a game of fantasy jousting where you control a team of such hapless hopefuls, all eager to earn the roar of the crowd and the sweet nectar of victory.

Whether you be a lowly squire or a combatant of high renown, all knights have a range of traits and abilities, giving them unique play styles to master.

The two-player starter set provides you with everything you need to get started with Half Tilt.

Contains 10 resin miniatures with 10 MDF bases, 10 character cards, 6 approach cards, 50 ploy cards, 20 dice, 1 MDF tilt, 2 MDF tents and the core rulebook.

Jedes aus sechs Reitern bestehende Team kostet 20£, da wären

Der Death March of Little Blood

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Long ago, a Vertridge noble dabbled too deep in magic not meant for his eyes. Through this power, he gained the ability to raise the dead. Throughout the years this power has been passed down to future generations, from master to student. Necromancy now, fortunately, is still a rare occurrence in Shortreach. With the exception of Southhallow, a small county to the south of Vertridge. There, the city of Little Blood exists with almost a purely undead populace. One thing that never dies however, is the love of Jousting! 

The Eternal Legion offers yet another twist on how to approach the joust in Half Tilt. Each individual knight boasts a solid amount of Endurance for their Renown cost and the ability to heal combatants is more prevalent than in other teams. This often means that the undead knights lack the self preservation of their living counterparts, but makes them no less survivable because of it!

Die Descent of the Shieldmaidens


To the east of Shortreach lies the province of Halfheim, and among it, its capital of Little Skjarr. Halfheim boasts a large (if not majority) population of fierce warrior women known as the Shieldmaidens. It is these brave halflings who act as a gate to the dreaded forces of the Infernal who threaten Shortreach from below and lands beyond while simultaneously also bordering the Roughlands and its inhabitants from above. As such, each warrior from Halfheim is trained from a young age in the ways of combat.

The proud Shieldmaidens favour a more aggressive approach to their jousting, riding upon mighty walrus that give them a bonus to their Strike Scores. In addition, most of the Shieldmaiden knights boast abilities that further amplify their prowess in combat.

All of this power comes at a cost however. As I’m sure you can imagine, getting a walrus to go anywhere fast on land is a tall order, and Shieldmaiden knights can quickly find themselves outpaced and struck from behind!

Die Glory Hogs


Feared across all of Craggy-Bottom, the infamous Bacon Bandits once rode from parish to parish, causing nothing but hardship.That is until Lord Maverick Tinyfist-Clump-Bagville got on his trusty pig Ms Pennyclock and rode against them. He fought for what felt like hours (it was actually about a minute and a half) before the bandits gave in. In awe of his superior pig-riding skills, they vowed to join him, give up their dastardly ways and learn all they could from the master. That was the day that the feared Craggy-Bottom Heavy Pig Rider Cavalry Battalion was formed.

Slow and steady wins the race, but the Glory Hogs are here to show it also wins jousts! While most of the pig riders having a substantial negative to their Initiative Scores, this is counteracted by their high Endurance and Defences for their Renown. In addition, by working together as a unit, they are able to further buff their jousting prowess, wearing their opponents down to claim victory.

Der Pride of the Sapphire Oasis


Deep to the south west of Shortreach lies the Sapphire Oasis, a vast expanse of desert and sunlight. In the centre of the desert, lies the Oasis itself and the neighbouring towns of Biscuit Base and the originally named Oasis Town. Here, Halflings and Humans (or Doublings) live together to survive the harsh nature of the desert. When it comes to jousting however, the two races work together, each using their various skills to great effect. Camels act as the mount of choice for the people of the Oasis, and while they may not be the quickest of mounts, they are certainly hardy animals.

The knights of the Sapphire Oasis are tough and versatile combatants, with a knack for holding on when the going gets tough. The team also has a heavier than normal focus on resource management. After all, supplies can mean life and death in the harsh desert sun. Some knights can exchange these various resources (Glory, Ploy Cards, etc) for additional benefits during a joust.

Die Howls in the Night


Goblin raids are not uncommon in Shortreach and are an unfortunate occurrence for the halflings of the land. However, by the laws of the land, jousting is a neutral ground sport and if a band of goblins travel through Vertridge with this intention, they cannot be denied. As such, the occasional Goblin Team takes part in the many tournaments of the land. One thing is for certain though, through animosity taken too far on the tiltyard, or failure in the eyes of the Warchiefs, the turn over rate for the average Goblin knight is exceedingly high.

Of perhaps all the teams in Half Tilt, the Sneaky Stabbas are the ones that benefit most from teamwork. The main theme of the team is to weaken the enemy with lowly knights before sending in the Chiefs to finish the job. To this end, you will often find yourself outnumbering your opponent with the goblins.

When each Renown 1 knight is defeated, you are able to select one Chief or Warchief in your team and provide them with an enhancement, making them all the stronger when they do reach the tiltyard! Careful use of your Warchief is crucial for victory with the Sneaky Stabbas!

Die Lords of the Craggy Bottom Debry


The winner of the weekly Goat Bottom Derby (it’s a thing) is rewarded handsomely. Not only do they get a feast in their honour, but they are invited to join the Craggy-Bottom jousting team! The induction ceremony also has a feast for the Halfling. And then another for the Goat. Actually, there’s also another feast to celebrate the two of them together. And then there’s a sleep day to recover from the feasts, followed by a training day for the next week’s Derby. Then it’s the Derby Eve Feast and before you know it it’s Goat Bottom Derby day again!

Unlike their pig riding brothers, the Lords of the Craggy Bottom Derby are all about speed, manoeuvrability and getting the hit in first. It doesn’t take much to bring down a goat knight, but their opponents sure aren’t going to come out unscathed.

To this end, most goat knights have traits and stat lines that support this style of play, allowing them to make hit and run attacks and impact on their terms before speeding off again, ready for the next pass or a cheeky strike from behind.

Daneben gibt es weitere Figuren:

Duke Stonebridge II für 8£


Named due to the interesting shape of its towers, Croquette Castle lies on the quiet river that runs across Verteridge. Duke Stonebridge II is lord of that castle, a stern faced halfling that takes who crosses his bridge very seriously. He is said to be a good judge of character, and only lets those of noble hearts pass. He also is known to hold jousts along the length of his bridge, with many a defeated knight being sent plunging to the river below upon their defeat. None-the-less, when Stonebridge gets into the tiltyard himself, he never seems more alive.

A Renown 4 Chivalrous knight, Duke Stonebridge II is able to both deal damage and take it with his Tough Trait and Two Handed Weapon. In addition, his “Lord of the Crossing” ability is able to slow the opposing knight down. Your opponent will need a strong knight indeed to cross this Duke.

Scribbit und Mertha für 10£:

TTCombatHalfTiltScribbit Merthabackgrounded

Life in the Roughlands is, well, rough, especially if you’re a gnoblit. Scribbit’s story is something of an inspiration, a gnoblit that not only managed to get away, but took an ogre with him! In truth, Mertha is more than just an escape route, the two are close friends, and never seen apart. Having turned their backs on the Roughlands for good, Scribbit and Mertha have made their home in Vertridge, fulfilling their dreams of jousting and breaking the perceptions of their respective races. 

This unique team of Gnoblit & Ogre have taken the jousting world by storm! With a respectable Jousting Skill of 9, 2 Glory and a whopping 10 Endurance for a Renown 3 (turns out using Mertha as the mount was the best choice). With solid offensive abilities, and the choice to use Mertha’s lance as either a lance or a giant club via their “Brains and Brawn” trait they offer plenty of options for your team.

The Drunk Halfling für 8£


f all the knights to grace the tiltyard with their presence, none cause quite so much a stir as “The Drunk Halfling”. Shrouded in mystery, their identity unknown to all, “The Drunk Halfling” appears unannounced (and most of the time uninvited). Their armour, aged and worn. Their lance, backwards. Their pony, … also usually tipsy. 

Yet despite their drunken state, the strange knight often finds his way to victory, their opponent simply too confused by the situation to form a cohesive strategy. Only then does the intoxicated knight disappear, wandering back out in search of more ale and another tiltyard to continue his drunken show.

For a true laugh, make sure to add The Drunken Halfling to your team of knights. While their initial statline is less than impressive, their true ability lies in dice manipulation, allowing you to change up to three of your or your opponent’s dice rolls each turn! Did your opponent roll a 6 on the Glory table? Great, now it’s a 1! And with plenty of Glory themself, they are easily able to make up for their low Jousting Skill. Both of you will simultaneously find yourselves confused and impressed by the Drunk Halfling’s performance.

King Francois Chevalier für 18£


Vertridge was not always a quiet, uneventful kingdom. Long ago, individual leaders all launched their own battles for supremacy. These battles did not always come to blows however, many lands were lost in simple eating contests, or who could make the best pork pie. It became so bad in fact, that the scribes couldn’t possibly keep up with who owned what! Change was enacted, and the first King of Vertridge was crowned. Years later, the current ruler is King François Chevalier, a warrior king that inspires both on and off the battlefield. From his seat at Gourmet Castle, he’ll personally lead the defence of his land upon his noble hippogriff Tempest. When the mood hits him, he’ll often take to the tiltyard, much to the awe of both the other knights and the crowd.

King Francois Chevalier commands respect and fear! As a Renown 5 Chivalrous knight, you can expect him to put in some serious work in larger games of Half Tilt with his monstrous Jousting Skill of 12! He also has the traits and modifiers to defeat lesser knights in a single blow! As befits his position, he must always however be the first knight sent out to joust during the game, so a canny opponent may be able to exploit this to their advantage.

Danric Brightfingers für 8£


There have been many stories of amazing feats in the tiltyards of Shortreach, but the one of the Flashing Halfling always draws particular attention (and not for the reason you may think)! Danric Brightfingers is a Craggy-Bottom born wizard skilled in the arts of light magic. In fact, it’s his ability with magic that allows him to stay in the tiltyard for more than one round! His opponents often claim they don’t even see him pass them, only a flash of bright light and the thump of Danric’s staff in the chest before coming to on the floor.

Danric Brightfingers is a Renown 2 Craggy-Bottom knight with a need for magical speed! As with other goat knights, his ability to outmaneuver and dodge keeps him in the tiltyard far longer than his defences would suggest. Simultaneously reducing the opponents Strike Score and increasing his own Initiative means it can be tricky to pin him down. He is however, still a squishy wizard at the end of the day!

Nessie, Queen of Little Skjarr für 10£


One dark night, a halfling child was carried to the edge of Halfheim unconscious upon the back of a young bear having crossed the Infernal lands to the south. Upon awakening, the child told tales of lands beyond the wasteland and revealed their name as Nessie. Since then, Nessie has exceeded all expectations and proven herself again and again in combat, so much so that upon the death of her predecessor, Nessie was voted as Warrior Queen. Now she personally leads the Shieldmaiden armies against all manner of foes. Even inside of the Tiltyard. 

Nessie has often been described as a true force of nature, an unstoppable object that solves all her problems by going straight through them! As a Renown 5 Shieldmaiden knight, you won’t see her in all but the biggest of tourneys, but when she does compete, your opponent’s knights better hope they brought their helmets!

With her impressive statline and aggressive traits, she has the ability to bowl over most of the competition. And those that dare not fall from her strikes may well find themselves turning tail and fleeing from her “Unbearable Onslaught” unique trait!

Kaylessa Sandweaver für 10£


It’s not just halflings and humans who make their home in the Sapphire Oasis. Out in the dunes themselves, dwell the Desert Elves. A mysterious people who seem to be able to disappear back into the sands just as quickly as they emerge from them. This in part is due to their powerful sorceresses, who control the desert’s fury and bend it to their own will. Kaylessa Sandweaver is one such wizard, and she makes sure to bring the dunes with her wherever she jousts.

Mounted atop her terrifying Velocigator comes Kaylessa Sandweaver, a Renown 3 wizard for the Sapphire Oasis. While she may be on the fragile side, she finds some protection in her high Jousting Skill and Sand Veil trait, allowing her to Allocate a decent amount to Block causing her opponent to re-roll Strike dice. That is if the opponent even gets to strike! Her vicious Velocigator provides her with an extra free Initiative dice while her second unique trait “Dune’s Fury” provides her with additional striking force!

Fleur De-Lis für 8£

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A true hero among the people of Verteridge, you’ll be hard pressed to find a halfling that doesn’t sing the praises of Fleur De-Lis (not that most halflings can sing very well.) In fact, she draws such a crowd when she jousts that extra stands have to be ordered in to accommodate them!

Fleur De-Lis is a Renown 4, Chivalrous knight that knows how to win the favour of the crowd. Her skills alone are not something to be underestimated, with a Jousting Skill of 10, plenty of Glory, Endurance and a smattering of abilities that keep her hitting hard and fast. Even if the opponent is able to land a strike, her Focused trait keeps her in the joust for longer. Finally, her “Beloved Champion” trait means she’ll have a steady stream of Glory available to perform all of those heroic deeds!

Die drei Chivalrous Squires kosten zusammen 10£


Some knights are born into noble families, others have to make a name for themselves in the world. Alvin, Bob and Charlie are three such knights. Three brothers born in ordinary circumstances, they grew up with the same dream. Alvin managed to draw the attention of Sir Rooksborough when he turned up to a local joust to challenge the knight. He’s been his squire ever since. 

If you follow the idea of quantity over quality, or are just looking to fill in that last point in your Knightly Order, look no further than the Chivalrous Squires! These three Renown 1 knights are perfect for such tasks. While their statlines are nothing to write home about, each has their own trait that either assists your other knights, or allows them to get the odd surprise victory and earn their own rise to fame!

An Gelände gibt es

Das Castle für 30£


Das Stadium für 18£


Sowie das Tilt-Set aus dem Starterset für 12£

TTCombatHalfTiltCoreBox (13)

Quelle: TTCombat


Redakteur von Brückenkopf-Online. Seit 2001 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop Armalion. Aktuelle Systeme: Freebooter's Fate(Alle Fraktionen), Bushido(Ito, Ryu, Ro-Kan),Moonstone, Summoners (Feuer, Luft), Deadzone, ASoIaF(Nachtwache, Targaryen), Dropfleet Commander(UCM, Scourge), Warmaster(Zwerge, Echsen), Eden(ISC, Resistance), KoW: Armada(Basilean, Ork) u.v.m

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