von BK-Christian | 20.06.2024 | eingestellt unter: Brettspiele, Crowdfunding

Tsukuyumi: Amaterasu Rising Kickstarter

Tsukuyumi ist wieder auf Kickstarter und es gibt z.B. neue Fraktionen.

Und darum geht es:

Tsukuyumi Amaterasu Rising Kickstarter 1 Tsukuyumi Amaterasu Rising Kickstarter 2

Tsukuyumi Amaterasu Rising Kickstarter 3 Tsukuyumi Amaterasu Rising Kickstarter 4

Tsukuyumi Amaterasu Rising Kickstarter 5

Die Kampagne richtet sich sowohl an neue Spieler als auch an Veteranen:

Tsukuyumi Amaterasu Rising Kickstarter 6 Tsukuyumi Amaterasu Rising Kickstarter 7

Das sind die Pledge-Levels und Add-ons:

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Und das sind die Boxen:

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Tsukuyumi Amaterasu Rising Kickstarter 22 Tsukuyumi Amaterasu Rising Kickstarter 23 Tsukuyumi Amaterasu Rising Kickstarter 24 Tsukuyumi Amaterasu Rising Kickstarter 25

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Tsukuyumi Amaterasu Rising Kickstarter 32 Tsukuyumi Amaterasu Rising Kickstarter 33 Tsukuyumi Amaterasu Rising Kickstarter 34

Ein paar Highlights zu Version 2.5:

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Ein nettes Gimmick sind die Sortiertrays, die das Spiel gerade angesichts der vielen Fraktionen übersichtlicher machen:

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Infos zum Versand:

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Please note: Due to recent shipping increases and a general lack of interest, we are no longer shipping to Rest of World.  If your country is not listed, we, unfortunately, cannot ship to you.

Shipping Cost:  Shipping is really expensive (almost as much as making the actual game) and we have tried to come up with pricing that accurately reflects our cost to get the game into your hands without creating a logistical nightmare on our side.  Your shipping will be added in the pledge manager.  We expect that we’ll have to come out of pocket a bit based on what we are charging and we are ok with that.

Tracking:We will also be using non-trackable shipments in some cases in order to save on cost as tracking can add 30-50% or more in some cases. So please understand if we do not have tracking with your package we did so knowingly. Rest assured, that we will get you your game and any risk associated with a package not being trackable is on us.

Delivery time:While we would love to get everyone their games at the same time, it is just not possible. There is a high likelihood that some areas of the world will get their games before others. Our commitment is to get the games ready and printed as fast as possible (we’ve already done a ton of the prep work).

Returned Products: If you refuse to accept your package on arrival, we will not issue you a refund for your pledge.  If your package is returned due to the incorrect address because you moved and failed to change it (we send out multiple reminders through updates) you will be required to pay the return fee of $12 plus the shipping cost again.

At the factory we will break out the shipments to each fulfillment company with instructions to them that they should begin shipping as soon as possible upon receipt. In addition, because we have complete control over the U.S. shipments, you will not be able to order and receive the game on Amazon (or from any other US retailer) before our backers have it.

Convention Sales: Because of unexpected delays and other unforeseen issues, we reserve the right to sell the game at major conventions, even if they have not been delivered to backers yet. The reason for this is that conventions are among the best form of marketing and therefore necessary to give the game the best chance for success.

One guarantee we will give is that if we do release the KS exclusive version anywhere before the backers receive theirs it will be at a price that is higher (usually significantly) than what was offered in the campaign.

Other boring stuff, that is actually pretty important…

1: Refunds and cancellations:

During the crowdfunding campaign, you can cancel your order at any time for a full refund.  Kickstarter charges your credit card only at the end of a successfully funded campaign.

After that, you can request a refund for your order at any time. The percentage of your pledge that can be refunded is dependent on where we are at in the production of the game

  • After campaign but prior to giving manufacturer order numbers – 90% of pledge minus any transaction fees resulting from the refund.
  • After manufacturer has been given final numbers – 70% of pledge minus any transaction fees resulting from the refund.
  • After we have booked the container for shipping – 50% of pledge minus any transaction fees resulting from the refund.
  • After the product has left the factory in China – NO REFUND is possible at this point.

2: Updates and Communication

After running over 20 campaigns, we’ve learned that setting expectations is key to a good experience for our backers. To this end, we are sharing the plan we will be following for updates and communication during and after the campaign.

During the campaign:

We will be sharing updates at least twice a week, but probably more often. We will also be responding to comments daily This is the time when we have a lot to share and are potentially modifying our plans based on backer feedback. So, expect a steady stream of updates.

During the 4 weeks following the campaign end:

This is a time when there is still a fair bit going on and we will be updating the campaign and responding to comments once a week to keep you up to date on things like the pledge manager and other things possibly related to game play or art. Basically „fun“ stuff that might still be in the process of being created.

From 4 weeks after the campaign ends until fulfillment:

This is typically the „sluggish“ point of the process and there is typically little news of note to bother sharing. During this time, we will be updating the campaign and responding to comments once a month, even if the only thing to report is that there is nothing to report. During this time we will be sharing photos of samples we receive and keeping you in the loop as regards our production and fulfillment milestones.  Please note that the best way to reach us during this time is by directly emailing us as we will not be checking the comments daily.

If at any point during these times, there is something time sensitive to report, we will update you even if it falls outside of our plan.

Rest assured that no matter what, we are always working to get the game into your hands as soon as we can. Our goal first and foremost is to get this game into the hands of backers who can begin playing, enjoying, and sharing this game with others and soon afterwards to retailers to continue promoting and selling our game. The commercial success of our game depends strongly on having you, our first enthusiastic backers, sharing your love of it with others so please understand we have every incentive to do everything within our power to deliver the best game we can make as close to our projections as is feasible.

3: VAT: This will be charged, collected, and submitted after the campaign in the pledge manager. The percentage for VAT will be based on the address the game is being delivered to.

4: Parts replacement:It is our goal to make sure that your game is delivered in a way that allows it to arrive in good condition and, most importantly, playable as intended. Should you have any issues, we will do our best to accommodate within reason. Sometimes this means partial refunds rather than replacing non-essential components.

5. Pledge Manager Responsibilities:We will be using a pledge manager after the Kickstarter Campaign has concluded. Before we close the pledge manager, we will give our backers ample time to finalize their pledges, and will post multiple updates about the deadline prior to the closing date. Failure to complete your pledge prior to the close of the pledge manager may result in additional shipping and handling costs to deliver your rewards and in rare cases may result in the forfeiture of your pledge. Please monitor your correspondence from this campaign carefully so you do not miss important deadlines.

Die Kampagne läuft noch 23 Tage.

Quelle: Tsukuyumi: Amaterasu Rising

Falls Ihr mehr zum Spiel erfahren wollt:

Wir geben gerne zu, dass Tsukuyumi zu Christians absoluten Brettspiel-Favoriten gehört. Wir hatten bereits vor der Veröffentlichung von Version 1 einen Prototypen getestet und dazu einen ausführlichen Artikel veröffentlicht:

Preview: Tsukuyumi – Full Moon down

Viel Spaß beim Lesen!


Chefredakteur und Betreiber von Brückenkopf-Online. Seit 2002 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop Warhammer Fantasy (Dunkelelfen). Aktuelle Projekte: Primaris Space Marines, Summoners (alle Fraktionen), Deathmatch, Deadzone/Warpath (Asterianer und Enforcer), diverse Raumschiffe und allerlei Mechs.

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  • Nie von gehört.. sieht wie ein überproduzierter Kickstarter mit viel bunten Bildern aus. Zuviel Text vor dem zweiten Kaffee 😉

    • Das soll ganz grosse Klasse und ein Geheimtipp sein..aber wohl von dnd Regeln und vom Spiel an sich ein Schwergewicht….sowas geht bei unserer Familienväter Runde einfach nicht.

      • Das Spiel ist mega, taktisch und für mich immersiv. Kei Schwergewicht, nur auch für mich als erfahrener Brettspieler teils ungewohnte Mechanismen. Aber wenn man die mal verstanden hat eigentlich sogar ziemlich simpel finde ich.
        Der letzte Kickstarter von Grey Fox in dem die Miniaturen kamen lief leider nicht so gut. Aber als ich das Zeug dann endlich hatte war ich überglücklich damit und es gehört seitdem zu meinen Favoriten. Hier macht Racoon ja wieder selber wenn ich richtig sehe, das sollte wesentlich besser laufen. Bin mir nur noch nicht sicher ob ich derzeit wirklich Geld ausgeben kann/möchte für weitere Fraktionen, wo ich schon 9 habe …

  • Ich kann das Spiel von den Regeln und den extrem unterschiedlichen Fraktionen her nur empfehlen. Man sollte Comic Stil mögen, sonst wird man mit dem Design wahrscheinlich nicht glücklich.

  • Ich habe noch die 1. Edition mit Standees. Ist ein geiles Spiel. Super strategisch und thematisch.

  • Das Spiel ist wirklich genial. Macht Spass!
    Freu mich auch darauf, wenn endlich das Rollenspiel ausgeliefert wird und weiter Romanteile erscheinen. Die Spielwelt ist generell der Hammer.

Die Kommentarfunktion ist geschlossen.