von BK-Bob | 11.02.2024 | eingestellt unter: Fantasy, Patreon

The Printing Goes Ever On: Silver Shores

The Printing Goes Ever On bereitet sich vor in See zu stechen.

TPGEO Silver Shores 1 TPGEO Silver Shores 2 TPGEO Silver Shores 3 TPGEO Silver Shores 4 TPGEO Silver Shores 5 TPGEO Silver Shores 6 TPGEO Silver Shores 7 TPGEO Silver Shores 8 TPGEO Silver Shores 9 TPGEO Silver Shores 10 TPGEO Silver Shores 11 TPGEO Silver Shores 12 TPGEO Silver Shores 13 TPGEO Silver Shores 14 TPGEO Silver Shores 15 TPGEO Silver Shores 16 TPGEO Silver Shores 17 TPGEO Silver Shores 18 TPGEO Silver Shores 19 TPGEO Silver Shores 20 TPGEO Silver Shores 21 TPGEO Silver Shores 22 TPGEO Silver Shores 23 TPGEO Silver Shores 24 TPGEO Silver Shores 25 TPGEO Silver Shores 26 TPGEO Silver Shores 27 TPGEO Silver Shores 28 TPGEO Silver Shores 29 TPGEO Silver Shores 30 TPGEO Silver Shores 31 TPGEO Silver Shores 32 TPGEO Silver Shores 33 TPGEO Silver Shores 34 TPGEO Silver Shores 35 TPGEO Silver Shores 36 TPGEO Silver Shores 37 TPGEO Silver Shores 38 TPGEO Silver Shores 39 TPGEO Silver Shores 40 TPGEO Silver Shores 41 TPGEO Silver Shores 42 TPGEO Silver Shores 43 TPGEO Silver Shores 44 TPGEO Silver Shores 45 TPGEO Silver Shores 46 TPGEO Silver Shores 47 TPGEO Silver Shores 48 TPGEO Silver Shores 49

February 2024 Release – Chapter 43 – Silver Shores

We’ve reached the last Chapter in Tome 4! Worry not, as the Roadmap is full of other adventures ahead (https://www.patreon.com/posts/roadmap-2024-1-94898401).

In February, we visit the Silver Shores, an ancient elven port city. Meed Cerwyn the Ship Elder in his study, discuss with the Loremasters or patroll with the Coastal Rangers. Be wary though, as there is something huge lurking in the deep waters…


⚜️ CHAPTER 43 – February 2024 Release – Silver Shores

  • Cerwyn the Ship Elder
  • Cerwyn’s Study – Diorama Piece
  • Ancient Sea Serpent – Gargantuan Monster
  • 6x Elven Sentry (spear and sword variants)
  • 2x Elven Duelist
  • 2x Elven Stormcaller Mage
  • 3x Elven Mounted Archer
  • 3x Elven Coastal Ranger
  • 2x Elven Navigator
  • 2x Elven Shipwright
  • 2x Elven Loremaster
  • 2x Elven Healer
  • 2x Elven Townsfolk
  • 2x Dolphin
  • Elven Ship – Large
  • Elven Boat
  • Elven Lighthouse Terrain
  • Elven Gazebo Terrain
  • 2x Elven Lamp Post – Scatter Terrain
  • Elven Guard – Throwback Model from Chapter 4
  • Brightwood Ranger – Throwback Model from Chapter 9

Quelle: The Printing Goes Ever On bei Patreon


Seit 2010 im Hobby. Aktuelle Projekte: Herr der Ringe (Harad, Khand und Ostlinge), Saga Ära der Magie (Die Untoten Legionen), WarmaHordes (Crucible Guard, Söldner und Circle), Summoners (Erde), Konflikt 47 (Briten)

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  • Fällt das nur mir auf oder sind deren Köpfe etwas zu groß geraten.. und die Nasen sehen eher aus wie von Menschen..

    • Ja, etwas eigenwilliger Stil. Aber wahrscheinlich dadurch besser zu bemalen und zu erkennen auf dem Tisch… (meinen Geschmack trifft es aber auch nicht so recht.) 😏

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