von BK-Christian | 04.03.2024 | eingestellt unter: Fantasy

Shroudfall: Neuheiten

Es gibt knuffige Neuheiten für Shroudfall.

SF Shroudfall Detachment Bundle Leaf In The Wind 1 SF Shroudfall Detachment Bundle Leaf In The Wind 2 SF Shroudfall Detachment Bundle Leaf In The Wind 3 SF Shroudfall Detachment Bundle Leaf In The Wind 4 SF Shroudfall Serene Dragons (Chosen Of The Spirit Tree) 1

Detachment Bundle: Leaf in the Wind – €109,90

The Followers of the First Servant specialize in the art of elusive combat, becoming shadows in the very presence of danger. They undergo rigorous training that transcends the physical and delves into the spiritual. These agile warriors move with a grace that seems almost ethereal, bluring the lines between the material and the metaphysical, making them exceedingly difficult to perceive and even harder to strike in the midst of battle.

Product contains:

1 x First Servant of the Spirit Tree resin model (1 pose)
1 x Brewmaster resin model (1 pose)
3 x Serene Dragon resin model (3 poses)
3 x Stormcaller resin model (3 poses)
1 x Thunderstorm manifestaton resin model (1 pose)
1 x 50 mm base
4x 40 mm base
4 x 32 mm base

Models are supplied unpainted and unassembled and may require trimming and cleaning before assembly and painting. Models shown are not to scale and may vary from actual contents. Models shown on cover include digital render. Actual models in box max vary.

Use superglue for assembly.

SF Shroudfall Nekari, Supreme Elementalist (Chosen Of The Spirit Tree) 1 SF Shroudfall Nekari, Supreme Elementalist (Chosen Of The Spirit Tree) 2 SF Shroudfall Nekari, Supreme Elementalist (Chosen Of The Spirit Tree) 3 SF Shroudfall Nekari, Supreme Elementalist (Chosen Of The Spirit Tree) 4

Nekari, Supreme Elementalist (Chosen of the Spirit Tree) – €24,90

Within the ranks of the Chosen, one name stands out as the epitome of elemental mastery – Nekari. From a young age, it became evident that Nekari’s connection to the elements was something unique. Unlike her kin who typically focused on mastering a single element, she effortlessly attuned to multiple, demonstrating an innate understanding and control over the very essence of nature itself. As she honed her abilities, the harmony between her and the elements became an awe-inspiring spectacle.

Nekari understands that her power serves a higher purpose, to protect and preserve the harmony of the Ailur Aiyani and the sacred Spirit Tree. With her abilities she can create unparalleled devastation or bring life to parched lands. Like nature itself, Nekari walks a fine line between being a bringer and a taker of life, constantly mindful of the delicate balance she must maintain between the elements and the world they shape.

Product contains:

1 x Nekari resin model (1 pose)
1 x 40mm base

SF Shroudfall Serene Dragons (Chosen Of The Spirit Tree) 1 SF Shroudfall Serene Dragons (Chosen Of The Spirit Tree) 2 SF Shroudfall Serene Dragons (Chosen Of The Spirit Tree) 3 SF Shroudfall Serene Dragons (Chosen Of The Spirit Tree) 4

Serene Dragons (Chosen of the Spirit Tree) – €34,90

Amidst the peaceful harmony of Giant Pandas and Red Pandas, there exists a more daring and radical branch known as the Serene Dragons. Embodying the art of martial prowess and agility, these warriors deviate from the traditional path of endurance followed by the Serene Sentinels.

Unlike their brethren, the Serene Dragons have honed their combat skills to evade blows swiftly, preferring to dance with the wind rather than face attacks head-on. Agile and nimble, they move with a grace that seems almost otherworldly for such large creatures, akin to the flight of a dragon serpent soaring through the skies.

The Serene Dragons‘ combine this offensive finesse with swift movements, repositioning themselves, evading potential counterattacks and finding the most advantageous vantage point from which to strike again. This hit-and-run tactic keeps their foes in constant disarray, never knowing when or where the next attack will come from.

Product contains:

3 x Serene Dragon resin model (3 poses)
3 x 40mm base

SF Shroudfall Detachment Bundle Leaf In The Wind 3

Brewmaster (Chosen of the Spirit Tree) – €29,90

Mastering the ancient art of brewing, the Brewmasters craft beverages that are more than just elixirs; they are potions of camaraderie and vitality. Deep within hidden bamboo groves, these skillful artisans concoct drinks that resonate with the very essence of their surroundings. Bamboo nectar, mystical herbs, and secret ingredients known only to the Brewmasters infuse each brew with the power to uplift the spirits of even the weariest panda warrior.

During times of peace and celebration, the Brewmasters organize grand feasts, fostering a sense of community among the Ailur and Aiyani. Yet, when the drums of war echo through the forests, the Brewmasters become indispensable, ensuring that their warriors head into battle with a heart full of courage and a belly warmed by their best beverages

Product contains:

1 x Brewmaster resin models (1 pose)
1 x The good stuff manifestation model (1pose)
1 x 40mm base
1 x 32mm base

SF SHroudfall Goblin Demolition Crew (Silver Line) 1 SF SHroudfall Goblin Demolition Crew (Silver Line) 2 SF SHroudfall Goblin Demolition Crew (Silver Line) 3

Goblin Demolition Crew (Silver Line) – €32,90

Amidst the the Silver Line’s military, there exists a group of goblins whose inflated sense of self-importance matches their explosive capabilities. These goblins, handpicked for their affinity for chaos and their love for all things that go „boom,“ wear their mismatched armor like badges of honor.

Armed with an array of crude rifles and an impressive assortment of homemade explosives, these goblins wreak havoc on the enemy and sometimes also allies. Each member of the squad is a master of their craft, from brewing volatile concoctions in makeshift laboratories to assembling explosive devices with unmatched precision (at least the Demolition Squad claims to be).

Product contains:

5 x Goblin Demolition Crew resin models (5 poses)
1x Bomb Manifestation (1 pose)
6 x 32mm bases

Quelle: Shroudfall


Chefredakteur und Betreiber von Brückenkopf-Online. Partner und Spieldesigner bei NeverRealm Industry. Seit 2002 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop Warhammer Fantasy (Dunkelelfen). Aktuelle Projekte: Summoners (alle Fraktionen), Deathmatch, Deadzone/Firefight (Asterianer und Enforcer), diverse Raumschiffe und allerlei Mechs.

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  • die idee mit den Manifestation gefällt mir sehr gut,
    sehen auf dem spielfeld auch besser aus als AoE Schablonen.

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