von BK-Rafael | 26.12.2024 | eingestellt unter: Star Wars

Shatterpoint: Wisdom of the Council Vorschau

Atomic Mass Games zeigen eine neue Vorschau für Star Wars Shatterpoint: Wisdom of the Council.

Shatterpoint Wisdom 01

Databank Download: Wisdom of the Council Preview

This time we’re looking at a formidable squad centered around a pair of Jedi Masters who belonged to that infamous last Jedi High Council in the final years of the Galactic Republic. This council is noteworthy for the number of paragons among its members, each possessed of distinct wills, personalities, and expressing various aspects of the Jedi code. This pair is especially noted for their wisdom, higher thought, and foresight—Jedi Masters Ki-Adi-Mundi and Shaak Ti, both counted among the greatest minds of their generation.

Make no mistake, these Jedi were quite formidable in battle and capable of courageous acts of heroism. That so many great soldiers were undone in this era highlights the scope and power of their adversaries, particularly the web of cunning plans executed by Darth Sidious. Plans that would have been impossible without transforming Anakin Skywalker into Darth Vader by forcing his fall to the dark side.

In addition to their roles on the Jedi High Council, both these Jedi Masters did significant work in the training and mentoring of young Jedi. While they would endeavor to shield younglings and padawan learners from the perils of the conflicts of the day, there were times when their talents had to be put to the test. In such dark times, the true resolve and talents of the best padawans emerged to help them stand alongside their masters and provide invaluable support.

Jedi Master Ki-Adi-Mundi would be remembered as one of the great defenders of the order and the scope of his power over the Force is demonstrated by his abilities. He saw the Jedi as Guardians of the Republic, and his Identity Ability provides significant benefits when allied Jedi either wound enemies or employ their Force powers in the proximity of their own wounded allies. The defeat of enemies lends conviction and resilience, allowing a Jedi to Heal and Dash. By calling on the bonds between friends, wounded allies inspire such Jedi to employ their Active and Reactive Abilities without spending as much Force. This can benefit Ki-Adi-Mundi’s own Force Push and Force-Enhanced Reflexes. These abilities enable him to Push a nearby enemy away or to exploit flaws in an enemy’s attacks to retaliate, inflicting damage on Failure rolls, regardless of whether he is attacked at range or in melee.

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Valued for his Wise Counsel, Ki-Adi-Mundi is also a formidable adversary, and his Stances reflect his mastery of lightsaber forms. He is most known for his use of Form II Makashi, a duelist Stance well balanced for facing off against lightsaber-wielding foes, employing precision attacks balanced by strong defenses. And though not as acknowledged for it, Ki-Adi-Mundi is also well versed in Form V Shien, which is also useful in duels but offering several significant trade-offs. While more aggressive in melee, seeking to create openings for punishing attacks, this Stance is useful when deflecting incoming blaster fire. Ki-Adi-Mundi can shift to Form V to help him recover from being damaged, as it offers many healing opportunities both in its Combat Tree and its Defense Expertise Chart. This facility for alternating between Healing and aggressive damage can give Ki-Adi-Mundi the edge against less-skilled duelists.

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Though represented here in a supporting role as a Secondary Unit, the Togruta Jedi Master Shaak Ti is in all respects the equal of her peer and has a list of impressive accomplishments. She was noteworthy in having overseen training and development of clone forces on Kamino for the Jedi Council, showing considerable empathy for them as individual people. She came closest to discovering some of the conspiracies involving their inhibitor biochips that would eventually lead to the Order 66 betrayal. However, her other duties prevented her from completing this work, and she would eventually be confronted by a freshly turned Darth Vader while meditating in the Jedi Temple.

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More remembered for her work as a teacher, Shaak Ti was quite a capable warrior who saw active combat at the Battle of Geonosis. She has long believed that Unity Wins War. Shaak Ti is a Virtuoso, gaining Immunity to being Pinned or Exposed, and is capable of performing a Feinting Blow, which lets her transform her enemy’s defensive criticals into failures if that enemy has defensive expertise. She can also spend Force to Force Repulse another character within the effected area.

In her role as mentor, Shaak Ti is versed in several lightsaber forms, but prefers to rely on Form IV Ataru as her primary Stance, exploiting its augmented movement and the tactical versatility of its Combat Tree. In her hands, Ataru can achieve punishing damage or alternately enhance her movement via Repositioning. The Combat Tree of this Stance offers chances to Push, Strain, Disarm, or Expose her foe, with added Disarm possibilities in its Attack Expertise Chart.

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Padawan Learners demonstrate that youth and inexperience do not equate to inadequate combat performance. These Force-sensitive youths are well on the path to mastering their powers. Making use of a limited variant of Form I Shii-Cho for their Stance, Learners are already capable at wielding their lightsabers. By Lessons Learned these padawans can perform minor Healing each activation. They can also employ Force Rush to Dash and possibly make a focus action. They have access to Deflect to inflict retaliatory damage on ranged attacks made against them and know how to Stretch Out With Your Feelings to extend the range of Heals gained from their Combat Tree. These abilities and their Stance lets them provide combat support to augment the capabilities of the Jedi Masters they put their lives on the line to assist.

All in all, the Wisdom of the Council offers a potent and enlightened Jedi squad that wields the Force as its ally in the defense of the Galactic Republic at a time of great darkness. As the roster has been rounded out, we now have access to many of the great leaders of the final Jedi Council and it is possible to combine them in many interesting ways to emulate classic battles or invent new ones. Playing them on the tabletop provides the chance to shift the course of history and turn the tables on the Jedi Orders’ foes before it is too late. With a few twists of fate, a very different outcome is possible, seeing the preservation of the Jedi High Council and saving the galaxy from much pain and suffering at the hands of those serving the dark side.

That’s all for today’s databank download; thanks for joining! Be sure to check back for the next preview of your favorite Star Wars: Shatterpoint characters and how they transition to the tabletop. Pre-order these Jedi Masters and more at your friendly local game store or through our website today!

Until next time, Atomic Mass Transmissions, signing off!

Quelle: AMG Transmissions


Seit 2002 im Hobby mit Mage Knight, gefolgt von Confrontation, um dann bei Warmachine/Hordes hängen zu bleiben. Aktuelle Projekte: OPR, Halo Flashpoint, SW Shatterpoint, SW Imperial Assault, Infinity und Kill Team.

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Star Wars Shatterpoint: Wisdom of the Council



  • Eine ganz tolle Box!
    Mehr noch als mit den Minis zu spielen, freu ich mich drauf sie zu bemalen.
    Bin ein riesen Ki-Adi-Mundi Fan.
    Und Shaak Ti ist auch ein großartiger Sculpt.
    Dazu noch die Padawane im letzten Lehrjahr…. ich bin entzückt!

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