von BK-Jonah | 12.09.2024 | eingestellt unter: Terrain / Gelände

Sarissa Precision: Bemaltes Gelände in der Preorder

Mit „Tollingchester“ bietet Sarissa Precision bemaltes Gelände für die Spielplatte an.

Tollingchester – A City in Full Colour

Build and play, no paint required! These sets come printed in luxurious Sarissa Precision CMYK colour.

Sarissa Precision Tollingchester 1

Coming Soon

This range is available to pre-order shortly. Any items ordered alongside this set will be held and shipped when this set releases (anticipated mid to end September 2024)

Tollingchester – Full Colour Tabletop Starter – €323,95

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Welcome to Tollingchester, packed with bustling markets and all the wares you could imagine. Pass through the surrounding warehouse district and explore the town’s narrow streets and alleys.

The Tollingchester – Full Colour Tabletop Starter includes:

TCH041B Market Day Starter

  • Tanners Lane House
  • Needle Street House
  • Cheapside House
  • Crone Corner Shop Front
  • Shop & Trade Signs
  • Market Stalls
  • Bays and Dormers
  • Wooden Balcony Set

TCH012B Ratt House Bank

  • Ratt House
  • Bank Entrance & Balcony

TCH042B Town Starter

  • Gunnel Street Warehouse
  • Gaolers Lane House
  • Market Row Shop
  • Walkways & Decks
  • Cottage
  • Bays & Dormers
  • Wooden Balcony Set
  • Rooftop Watch Tower & Buttress Set
  • Yard Walls

Market Day Starter – Full Colour – €146,95

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Welcome to Tollingchester, it’s Market Day! All the wares you could imagine pass through these markets, as long as you’ve paid the fee.

This set includes:

  • Tanners Lane House
  • Needle Street House
  • Cheapside House
  • Crone Corner Shop Front
  • Shop & Trade Signs
  • Market Stalls
  • Bays and Dormers
  • Wooden Balcony Set

Town Starter – Full Colour – €146,95

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Welcome to Tollingchester, time to explore! Enter the narrow winding streets and wander the boardwalks. From small cottages to tall timbered street houses, balconies and walls abound. Roam at will, as long as you’ve paid the fee.

This set includes:

  • Gunnel Street Warehouse
  • Gaolers Lane House
  • Market Row Shop
  • Walkways & Decks
  • Cottage
  • Bays & Dormers
  • Wooden Balcony Set
  • Rooftop Watch Tower & Buttress Set
  • Yard Walls

Ratt House Bank – 38,95€

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Tollingchester’s Counting House, otherwise known as ‚the Ratt House‘, is a bank for all the numerous trades, as well as a place to gather and ‚discuss‘ commerce.

Set contains:

  • Ratt House
  • Bank Entrance & Balcony

Toll Keepers Cottage – 24,95€

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Tollingchester’s Cottage, or as the locals call it ‚the Spinster’s house’… & the children say ‚Witches Ruin‘. A typical building oft-seen outside the town walls.

Sample the full colour glory of our new terrain range with this lovely cottage, ready to nestle into your tabletop terrain collection.

Market Stalls – 18,95€

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Tollingchester’s markets are renowned for their colourful stalls, a huge variety of wares and intense haggling of their proprietors.

This set includes six stalls

Yard Walls – 12,95€

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Tollingchester’s residents live cramped and close to their neighbours. Some will try to cordon off their own private piece of real estate, creating even tighter dead-end allies and cut-throughs.

This set includes four walls (two with arches & two normal)

Quelle: Sarissa Precision


Seit 2023 im Hobby und damit das Nesthäkchen beim Brückenkopf. Erste Tabletop-Liebe: Warhammer Fantasy durch Total War, was über Umwege zu AoS geführt hat. Danach und bis heute verliebt in Conquest: The Last Argument of Kings. Aktuelle Projekte: Flesh-eater Courts und Conquest Sorcerer Kings mit Aussicht auf Tomb Kings in The Old World und irgendwann auch mal Warhammer 40k – wenn es die Zeit denn zulässt.

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    • Muss ehrlich sagen, das ist schon ein sehr cooles Angebot, speziell der Tabletop Starter und ich bin ja ein Fan von fairen convenience Produkten. Leider sitzt der Geldbeutel angesichts erwarteter Ausgaben nicht ganz so locker gerade aber das wäre für viele Fantasy Gegebenheiten das rundum-sorglos-Paket. Und dafür empfinde ich es als angemessen bepreist.

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