von BK-Bob | 22.06.2024 | eingestellt unter: Historisch

Pike & Shotte: Neue Charaktere & Epic Battles Unterstützungen

Diese Woche bedient Warlord Games beide Pike & Shotte Maßstäbe.

WG Baron Hopton 1 WG Baron Hopton 2 WG Baron Hopton 3

Baron Hopton – 8,75€

Born in Somerset, he fought in Germany alongside his friend William Waller. He was appointed Lieutenant-General of the West by the King, he was to achieve fame in the 1643 battles of Stratton Hill, Lansdown Hill and Roundway Down.

He was badly wounded by an accidental explosion of an ammunition cart at Lansdown, and possibly never fully recovered. He fought against Waller again at Cheriton in 1644 and was this time badly defeated. After being made General of the Ordnance in 1645, he once again commanded the Army of the West at the very end of the war and was defeated by the superior numbers and discipline of the New Model Army at Torrington in 1646. He surrendered his army shortly afterwards.

Pack contains one metal miniature on horseback.

WG Christian IV Of Denmark 1 WG Christian IV Of Denmark 2 WG Christian IV Of Denmark 3

Christian IV of Denmark – 8,75€

Christian IV is something of an enigma. He was a man of many personal flaws: excessive drinking and gambling, poor political acumen, and an unsavoury habit of burning witches, to name but a few. On the other hand, he was driven, ambitious, and was one of the most active and popular kings in Danish history, reigning for 59 years.

His involvement in the Thirty Years’ War was typical of the man. He overreached in the Emperors’ War, as the Danish involvement became known at home. His quest to expand his holdings in Holstein was to fail, but his popularity at home increased even after the defeat at Lutter. He set up a navy capable of dominating the Baltic for many years, the Danish East India Company, and many merchant cities. He also strengthened the bond between the two main elements of his kingdom: Denmark and Norway.

At the outbreak of the Torstensson War in 1644, once more at odds against Sweden, Christian displayed great personal bravery and resilience despite being sixty-six years of age. He finally had to bow to demands from Sweden and her allies, and Sweden was to gain supremacy over the Baltic before his death, however even this did not diminish his popularity with his subjects.

Pack contains one metal miniature on horseback.

WG Lord Astley 1 WG Lord Astley 2 WG Lord Astley 3

Lord Astley – 8,75€

Serving as a soldier in the armies of Denmark and the Low Countries, Astley served in the Bishops’ Wars against Scotland. He fought at many of the major battles of the King’s Oxford Army, including Edgehill and the First and Second battles of Newbury and commanded the Royalist infantry at Naseby. He also led the last Royalist field army which fought at Stowon- the-Wold in March 1646, the last battle of the war. After surrendering the army, he sat upon a drum at the market cross in Stow and said to his captors, “You have now done your work and may go and play unless you fall out amongst yourselves.”

Pack contains one metal miniature on horseback.

WG Louis De Bourbon 1 WG Louis De Bourbon 2 WG Louis De Bourbon 3

Louis de Bourbon – 8,75€

Born into one of France’s greatest noble families, the young Louis was a well-educated and natural leader, as exhibited by his temporary governorship of Burgundy as a teenager and was eventually appointed to command French troops against the Spanish in 1643. Despite his youth, when Louis took on the veteran Spanish generals at Rocroi, he crushed them and effectively ended the reign of the Spanish tercio. The following year, Louis marched into Germany to assist Vicomte de Turenne. The pair fought inconclusively against the Imperial forces at the Battle of Freiburg. The two French commanders took on the Imperial army again in 1645 at Nördlingen, but again the battle was indecisive, though it achieved the French strategic objective to clear Bavaria of Imperial forces for a while at least. The year 1646 saw Louis in Flanders fighting alongside the Duc de Orléans.

For the next two years, political infighting resulted in Louis having to defend his reputation, but when much of France rose in rebellion in 1648 and Spain attempted to intervene, it was to Louis that the French crown turned. He met the Spanish at Lens and crushed them in what would prove to be the last major battle of the Thirty Years’ War. From 1650 to 1653, he consorted with the Spanish and fought against Turenne at the Battle of Faubourg St Antoine. It was at the Battle of the Dunes in 1658 that Louis and Turenne met again, with Turenne winning a decisive victory, leading to the Treaty of the Pyrenees between Spain and France. After his reconciliation with the French crown, Louis fought alongside Turenne against the Dutch in 1672 before personally taking on the Prince of Orange at the bloody Battle of Seneffe in 1674. After some more campaigning in 1675, Louis retired from the military, dying eleven years later as a national hero.

Pack contains one metal miniature on horseback.

WG Sir William Waller 1 WG Sir William Waller 2 WG Sir William Waller 3

Sir William Waller – 8,75€

A supporter of the Parliamentary cause, Waller raised his own regiment of cavalry and captured Portsmouth in September 1642. He went on to fight at Edgehill and learned from the defeat of the Roundhead cavalry. He spent the rest of the year consolidating the approaches to London and several key strategic locations including Farnham, Winchester, and Arundel.

In early 1643, Waller was appointed Major General of the West and fought along the Welsh Marches. He secured Bristol and won an important fight at Hingham House, outside Gloucester. His string of victories was finally halted at Ripple Field by Prince Maurice in April 1643. He then led a campaign against his old friend Lord Ralph Hopton, who had been appointed command of the Royalist armies of the West. Avoiding defeat whilst fighting greater numbers at Lansdown Hill in July 1643, he was roundly thrashed at Roundway Down, just over a week later.

In November 1643, Waller was appointed to command the forces of the newly formed Southern Association army. Following a series of skirmishes and manoeuvres, Waller won his revenge for Roundway with his victory at Cheriton in March 1649. The battle was regarded as the greatest Parliamentarian victory to date and demonstrated the improving quality of the Roundhead cavalry. Working with the Earl of Essex’s army, Waller’s forces were ordered to mark the King’s army, whilst Essex marched to disaster in the south-west. Launching an attack at Cropredy Bridge in June 1644, Waller’s army was bloodily repulsed and promptly fell apart. Fighting at the Second Battle of Newbury, he was the last of the old Parliamentarian Generals to surrender his commission following the creation of the New Model Army.

Pack contains one metal miniature on horseback.

WG Pike & Shotte Epic Battles Dragoons Horseholders 1 WG Pike & Shotte Epic Battles Dragoons Horseholders 2 WG Pike & Shotte Epic Battles Dragoons Horseholders 3 WG Pike & Shotte Epic Battles Dragoons Horseholders 4 WG Pike & Shotte Epic Battles Dragoons Horseholders 5

Pike & Shotte Epic Battles – Dragoons horseholders – 17,50€

Whilst the majority of dragoons dismounted to take the fight to the enemy on foot, a small number were assigned to stay with their steeds and keep them ready for the next action.

Contains two Warlord ResinTM dragoon horse holders, four dragoon horses and plastic bases.

WG Pike & Shotte Epic Battles Mortar 1 WG Pike & Shotte Epic Battles Mortar 2 WG Pike & Shotte Epic Battles Mortar 3

Pike & Shotte Epic Battles – Mortar – 5,00€

There were few more terrifying weapons in the 17th Century than the fearsome blast of the mortar bomb. Employed largely at sieges, mortars spat their fizzing, hissing shells high into the air clearing the tallest walls or towers to crash into streets or houses below before exploding in a shattering blast.

They terrorised garrisons and townsfolk alike, sometimes leading to the civilians petitioning the city’s governor to surrender and avoid any more damage. Rarely used in the field, mortars needed a skilled crew to set the fuses, and lob the shells accurately without blowing themselves to kingdom come!

Contains one Warlord ResinTM mortar with crew and plastic base.

WG Pike & Shotte Epic Battles Mortar Battery 1 WG Pike & Shotte Epic Battles Mortar Battery 2 WG Pike & Shotte Epic Battles Mortar Battery 3 WG Pike & Shotte Epic Battles Mortar Battery 4

Pike & Shotte Epic Battles – Mortar Battery – 12,50€

There were few more terrifying weapons in the 17th Century than the fearsome blast of the mortar bomb. Employed largely at sieges, mortars spat their fizzing, hissing shells high into the air clearing the tallest walls or towers to crash into streets or houses below before exploding in a shattering blast.

They terrorised garrisons and townsfolk alike, sometimes leading to the civilians petitioning the city’s governor to surrender and avoid any more damage. Rarely used in the field, mortars needed a skilled crew to set the fuses, and lob the shells accurately without blowing themselves to kingdom come!

This battery of three mortars is led by an exclusive figure of a master gunner and battery commander.

Contains three Warlord ResinTM mortars with crew and plastic bases. Also includes and exclusive ordnance captain figure.

WG Pike & Shotte Epic Battles Stone Packhorse Bridge 1 WG Pike & Shotte Epic Battles Stone Packhorse Bridge 2 WG Pike & Shotte Epic Battles Stone Packhorse Bridge 3

Pike & Shotte Epic Battles – Stone Packhorse Bridge – 22,00€

This resin model bridge based loosely on Powick Bridge, scene of the first engagement of the English Civil Wars between Royalist and Parliamentarian forces. The magnificent bridge would work equally well in Epic Battles games set during the Napoleonic period.

Contains one resin Epic Battles scale bridge.

Please note: figures shown for scale only and are not included.

Produkte von Warlord Games sind unter anderem bei unserem Partner Minyarts erhältlich.

Quelle: Warlord Games


Seit 2010 im Hobby. Aktuelle Projekte: Warhammer Fantasy/Old World (Imperium, Bretonen, Tiermenschen, Skaven, Gnome), Blood Bowl (Gnome, Echsenmenschen), Warcry, Summoners (Erde, Tod), Bolt Action (Briten), Herr der Ringe (Harad)

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