von BK-Nils | 03.07.2024 | eingestellt unter: Necromunda

Necromunda: Lady Haera Helmawr Spyrer Suit Preview

Die 13. Tochter des herrschenden Hauses von Necromunda, Lady Haera Helmawr, kehrt nach den Ereignissen des Bürgerkriegs im Rahmen der Aranthian Succession zurück in die Unterhöllen von Hive Secundus, gekleidet in einen einzigartigen Spyrer Suit.

Lady Haera Helmawr Emerges from the Underhells In a Unique Spyrer Suit

During the events of the Aranthian Succession, Lady Haera Helmawr became embroiled in a brutal civil war that began when her father – Lord Gerontius Helmawr – was left in critical condition by an assassination attempt.

The conflict that flooded in to fill the ensuing power vacuum wracked the planet, and Lady Haera – the de facto ruler of Necromunda while her father convalesces in stasis – was caught in the crossfire. She’d already killed off as many of her direct rivals for the throne as she could (in other words: her siblings), and when Lady Credo’s rebels came, Haera barely escaped with her life, encountering her brother Tamino at the gates to Hive Secundus. The story ended with the pair donning Spyrer suits before entering the dark and ruined hive.

Now she has resurfaced with a cutting-edge rig of her own and is prepared to terrorise the Underhells of this former prosperous hive during the next chapter of Necromunda.

Games Workshop Lady Haera Helmawr 1

The two noble siblings were on the hunt for the legendary Sthenian-Pattern Hunting Rig – a rare and potent suit thought lost long ago. Once acquired, and with its neural needles implanted directly into her skull, Lady Haera has ascended to hitherto unrecorded levels of ferocity.

Games Workshop Lady Haera Helmawr 2

Elements from her previous guise, such as her cybernetic watch-skulls, which help her search out foes in the dark, have been incorporated into the suit. She still hunts with her signature power spear and phase sword, but a vicious new pair of claws augment her combat prowess further.

Games Workshop Lady Haera Helmawr 3

Weaponized archeo-lenses, known as medusian projectors, that immobilise her prey and shut down their nervous system for easy takedowns, contribute to making her one of the most fearsome combatants on the planet – perhaps even deadly enough to go toe-to-toe with the Malstrain Alpha.

When Lady Heara takes to the hunt alongside her family, a simmering Sibling Rivalry is brought to the fore, making her even more Reckless in combat than usual.

Games Workshop Lady Haera Helmawr 4

Any law-abiding gang may attempt to petition her – just remember that it’s not prudent to ask her twice. Full rules for Lady Haera in her new suit will appear in the next Necromunda supplement, and she will be released in Forge World resin.

Quelle: Warhammer Community


Nils, Redakteur bei Brückenkopf-Online. Seit 2001 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop: DSA Armalion. Aktueller Fokus liegt auf Skirmish-Systemen und Warhammer 40.000. mehr auf https://www.instagram.com/nerdydutchman/

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  • Also ich fand die Erbin von Necromunda in ihrem barocken Outfit besser. Aber ich bin auch kein Fan dieser Kampfanzüge, die weit besser zu Infinity passen würde als ins 40k Universum.

    • Geht mir genauso 🤔
      Irgendwie ist Sie eine Herrschin und kein General oder so…🙄.
      Aber zum neuen Lore passt das wohl.
      Wobei ich mich jetzt Frage, wo ist der Bruder???🤔

      Wâre es nicht besser geworden wenn der auch gleich in so einem Anzug mit zu liefern.
      Aber ich muss auch nicht alles mögen.

  • Storymässig ziemlich cool.
    Da ihr der Planet aus dem Griff zu schlüpfen droht, rüstet die Lady zum Kampf auf. Passt definitiv zu ihrer valkyrenhaften Persönlichkeit.
    Lady Haera geht nicht unter ohne einen ordentlichen Kampf!

  • Die Implantation von neuralen Nadeln war schon immer eine großartige Idee. Grüße gehen raus an den primarchen der World Eaters.

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