von BK-Pascal | 29.09.2024 | eingestellt unter: Fantasy, Historisch, Patreon

Medbury Miniatures: September Patreon

Im September hat Medbury Miniatures wieder STL-Pakete für Patreons zusammengestellt.


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Coming to the end of the month and its time to Preview the September Releases! So today we’re going over the Historical release, and in the next few days we will look at the Fantasy release

The STL’s will be released on Patreon/tribes on the 5th of September, the Metal figures for this Release are live and available in a bundle with the August release as a french starter army

This is the 2nd french release for the 100 Years war, with 2 characters and 2 more infantry units, the 2 characters we picked this month are more suited to Poitiers rather then Crecy as with the english, but not to worry, the remaining notable figures will be coming down the line,

So the 2 characters we picked to do were King John the 2nd, and Geoffroi de Charny with the Oriflamme banner, king john was the french king at the battle of poitiers, who lost to the english and was taken prisoner, when he surrendered to the English, he was apparently on foot, helmet nocked off swinging his Axe defending his son Prince phillip* so our foot figure here is done to represent that, while the mounted figure is a standard commander figure,

The 2nd character is a knight called Geoffroi de charny who carried the Oriflamme banner, the Oriflamme was a French Banner said to have dated back to charlemagne and was meant to indicate they werent going to take prisoners, Geoffroi is killed during the battle and the english captured the banner, so his foot figure is him on the defensive fighting to protect it,

The next 2 units this month are more French Spearman, and more Crossbowmen, these are less suited to Poitiers and rather match the crecy figures, these are continuation of the august models, which will now give you 2 units of 8 Spearman with shields or pavises, or 8 Genoese Crossbowmen

The October Release for the Historicals will start to look at mounted men at arms and then infantry with hand weapons, as opposed to the spear and bill which is all ive done up until now,

* prince phillip will come in October most likely to finish the little diorama,


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The September Fantasy Release is here for a Preview! This is the last dedicated month of the southrons, i believe its number 6 for them, additionally this month there’s a couple of other fantasy kits, as per usual all of these models will be ready on the 5th of the month for download from MMF

The first kit to talk about are the southron casualties, these are suited for your display boards or scenic bases, (ideally if your regular opponents play a faction similar to these!) they are made up of the different warrior types we have done in the prior releases

The next 2 kits are the Southron Characters, the first is the Southron sultan, the 2nd is the Wraith, both of these figures are single part prints, however i have included the wraiths mounted body separately, so you can put it on another mount!

And then we have the 4 goblin spider riders! These are the mounted versions of the kit from last month, you’ll notice the figures match the dismounts, for the smaller scale skirmish games im a big fan of the matching dismounts personally, and that’s what these are more suited for,

Lastly we have 2 praying Knights, these will go well in a vignette with the handmaiden from last month,

So from October onwards we are going to be looking at elves! Elves of all sorts, like we have done in the southrons, there will still be the odd kit here and there to keep fleshing out other ranges or doing the niche things that don’t warrant a full months content,

Quelle: Medbury Miniatures auf Patreon


Brückenkopf-Redakteur und Miniature-Painting-Streamer. Wiedereinstieg ins Hobby 2015 nach sehr langer Pause. Spielt Warhammer 40k, SAGA, Star Wars Legion, Summoners uvm.

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