von BK-Christian | 05.07.2024 | eingestellt unter: Science-Fiction

Maelstrom’s Edge: Neue Previews

Es war lange ruhig um Maelstrom’s Edge, aber jetzt gibt es neue Bilder.

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Hervorhebungen durch Brückenkopf Online

Maelstrom’s Edge V2 – What’s Going On?

The past few months have been a little more quiet than usual, as the Maelstrom’s Edge team focused on getting the V2 rulebook finished. The good news is: We’re finally there! We’ve hammered out the last of the kinks and polished things up as much as we can, and the book is finally ready to send to the printers!
So, what’s next?
Well, we’ve still been working on other bits and pieces in the background. We currently have a new plastic frame in tooling that includes four separate small kits – two to bolster the upcoming Kaigus Pact release, some upgrades for the Epirian SecDef, and a plastic replacement for the resin Epirian Contractor Drone!
Our rollout of 3D printable STL files to go alongside our resin model range is also set to continue, with Epirian SecDef boostpack troops on their way at the start of July.
After that, there is plenty more to come! We have a number of models currently in development to flesh out gaps in the existing range, along with the aforementioned Kaigus Pact entering the battle as a new faction. We’ll have more on these very soon.
And now that he’s released from editing duties, Iain will be getting back to work on modeling articles and battle reports to showcase the new rules. Stay tuned!
In the meantime, try out the Beta version of the V2 rules by grabbing the PDFs from the Maelstrom’s Edge website, in the ‚Rules‘ section.

If you have any questions on the V2 rules, the model range, or any other aspect of the Maelstrom’s Edge game, feel free to pop in to the Comm Guild Facebook group here.

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New Epirian STL Release – SecDef Boostpack Troops!

SecDef forces excel at rapid insertions and mobile strikes against enemy positions. Sometimes though, even these elite troops run up against opposition that is too well entrenched for a normal assault. Against these targets, boostpack-equipped Rapid Intervention Teams are brought to bear. Selected from amongst the most skilled SecDef veterans and armed with twin Araldyne CB22 Assault Carbines, Rapid Intervention Teams use the greater mobility afforded by their boostpacks to outflank and surprise enemy defenses, quickly overwhelming them with a hail of deadly short-ranged firepower. Where an extra punch is required, Rapid Intervention Teams are equipped with Araldyne CF13 Clingfire Sprayers or FG19 Flakk Guns: more effective and streamlined versions of these ubiquitous weapons, typical of the improvements Araldyne is able to create.

This digital model pack contains STL files for 5 Epirian SecDef Boostpack Troops, used in Epirian forces as Rapid Intervention Teams. Includes both supported and unsupported versions, and multiple equipment options. Find them in the Maelstrom’s Edge webstore here – https://www.maelstromsedge.com/medge/store.jsp?p=96

Quelle: Maelstrom’s Edge bei Facebook


Chefredakteur und Betreiber von Brückenkopf-Online. Seit 2002 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop Warhammer Fantasy (Dunkelelfen). Aktuelle Projekte: Primaris Space Marines, Summoners (alle Fraktionen), Deathmatch, Deadzone/Warpath (Asterianer und Enforcer), diverse Raumschiffe und allerlei Mechs.

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