von BK-Bob | 04.07.2024 | eingestellt unter: Fantasy, Patreon

Last Sword Miniatures: The High King’s Guard

Diesen Monat gibt es Menschen bei Last Sword Miniatures.

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July: The High King’s Guard

Hello everyone!

We are excited to present this month’s new release.

The Reichguard

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The first unit we launched at Lastsword was the Reichguard, and it’s been 10 years since then, although it feels like just yesterday. Foot knight units have always been my weakness. When they disappeared in the sixth edition, I was a bit sad, so when Isaac and I had the opportunity, we decided to sculpt them ourselves.

At that time, we had limited resources, and what started as a personal project has now become the Lastsword you know today. The unit we bring you this month captures all the essence of that first unit we wanted to make, but now with many more pieces and a level of detail that we couldn’t have dreamed of back then. It is a more than worthy successor, one that we hope to be proud of for another 10 years.

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Unit Details

  • Weapon Options: Hand weapon, shield, two-handed weapons.
  • Variations: Many arms with helmets under the arm or on the head.
  • Diorama: Includes the double diorama of the High King arming a knight and the battle painter.
  • Historical Inspiration: The emperor’s armor is designed in the old style, inspired by various armors from the Negrolli family of blacksmiths, who outfitted many princes of Renaissance Europe, such as Emperor Charles or Cesare Borgia, to name a few examples.

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The Reiters

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Secondly, we present the Reiters. Although in Warhammer they represent light cavalry, in reality, they signify the modernization of heavy cavalry, and we did not want to lose that touch.

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Unit Details

  • Weapon Options: Various types of pistols to reflect the handcrafted nature of firearms and very dynamic poses.
  • Command Group: Includes a modest standard for you to use as needed according to your chosen ruleset.
  • Officer: Can be assembled with pistols, repeating pistol, or repeating musket, thus covering most of the options.
    The Knights Masters

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Masters of the Knightly Orders

Additionally, we have the masters of the knightly orders. We have mounted the four designs we already had on either a hippogriff or a wolf. This fills an important niche that I believe has not been addressed by many brands.

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Special Pieces

Finallywe have two p, ieces we wanted to create just for the fun of it.

The High King

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Since we have worked on the High King, we made one sitting on his throne. Deliberately, we made him a bit rigid. He can function within the Reichguard unit, waiting for battle, but you can also use him in a diorama, or even upscale him to be a statue.

The Merchant Prince

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Lastly, the Merchant Prince. One of my favorite miniatures, reinterpreted. This way, you’ll have heroes on foot, which I believe is one of the areas where we are most lacking.

We hope you enjoy these new units as much as we enjoyed creating them. Thank you for your continued support and for being part of this incredible community!

Quelle: Last Sword Miniatures bei Patreon


Seit 2010 im Hobby. Aktuelle Projekte: Warhammer Fantasy/Old World (Imperium, Bretonen, Tiermenschen, Skaven, Gnome), Blood Bowl (Gnome, Echsenmenschen), Warcry, Summoners (Erde, Tod), Bolt Action (Briten), Herr der Ringe (Harad)

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  • Durch die Bank wieder sehr schöne charaktervollen Minis.

    Bei einigen Sachen waren aber leider die Sachen so dünn, das ich sie nicht heil von dem Supports bekommen habe.

    • LastSword ist ja eh recht klein (28mm?) Ich werd die wohl auch eher auf 110-115% hochskalieren, damit sie besser zu meinen Highland-Minis (32mm) passen. Gerade die Schwerter u.ä. sind schon sehr „true-scalig“. Denke mal dadurch werden sie auch einen Ticken stabiler..! 😉😏

      Optisch aber mal wieder ein seeehr geiler Release! Einfach nur wunderhübsch..! 🤩

  • Verdammt coole The Empire look alikes. Am besten finde ich die Greatswords mit dem Mini Diorama mit Ritterschlag und Auftragsmaler. Aber auch diese Varianten der Pisoliere können einiges. Top.

  • Wahnsinn!!!
    Jetzt auf Anhieb 5 Minis gefunden, die einen Platz in meiner Sammlung hätten!

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