von BK-Thorsten | 09.02.2024 | eingestellt unter: Infinity

Infinity: März Neuheiten

Nachschub für Infinity mit viel Nomaden und Ariadna.

Ariadna Action Pack 1 Ariadna Action Pack 2 Ariadna Action Pack 3 Ariadna Action Pack 4 Ariadna Action Pack 5 Ariadna Action Pack 6 Ariadna Action Pack 7 Ariadna Action Pack 8 Ariadna Action Pack 9 Ariadna Action Pack 10 Ariadna Action Pack 11 Ariadna Action Pack 12

Ariadna Action Pack – 89,95€

Ariadna was founded by the descendants of the first human colony ship, thought lost when it disappeared into a wormhole. Left to their own devices on a hostile, resource-poor planet, endurance and mettle had to make up for the lack of state-of-the-art technology. Cossack, American, French and Scottish fought each other and they all fought the planet, and from all the fighting emerged Ariadna, where only the toughest survive. Welcome to Ariadna. Welcome to the army.

This box includes 10 miniatures for the Ariadna army: One Rokot with Rifle, one Rokot with Submachine Gun, one Rokot with Light Shotgun, one Paracommando with Boarding Shotgun, one SAS with Boarding Shotgun, one Volkolak with HMG, one Zenit-7 with AP Sniper Rifle, one Kosmosoldat with AP HMG, one Scots Guard with Shock Marksman Rifle. and William Wallace with EXP CCW.

The perfect box to start playing and collecting your Ariadna army.

Nomads Action Pack 1 Nomads Action Pack 2 Nomads Action Pack 3 Nomads Action Pack 4 Nomads Action Pack 5 Nomads Action Pack 6 Nomads Action Pack 7 Nomads Action Pack 8 Nomads Action Pack 9 Nomads Action Pack 10 Nomads Action Pack 11 Nomads Action Pack 12

Nomads Action Pack – 89,95€

The Nomads are a coalition of three colossal ships whose inhabitants, dissatisfied with a society run by faceless macroeconomic interests and the AI ALEPH, decided to break away and create their own societies in space, moving between systems and trading with the locals. Tunguska lives off the traffic and storage of information; Corregidor offers skilled labor at competitive prices, and Bakunin specializes in all that is exotic, illegal or both, from fashion to nanoengineering.

This box includes 10 miniatures for the Nomads Army: Three Alguaciles with Combi Rifle, one Sombra Hacker with MULTI Rifle, one Evader with Spitfire, one Hellcat with Boarding Shotgun, one Intruder with HMG, one Tomcat Engineer with MULTI Rifle, one Wildcat with Spitfire. and one Vostok with MK12. Please, note that the Vostok is in injected thermoplastic.

The perfect box to start playing and collecting your Nomads army.

Maximus 1 Maximus 2

Maximus, Optimate and HexaDome Legend – 34,95€

The hero of millions of people and an example for all of us, endowed with a sense of duty that has kept him from sitting idly on a golden pedestal after he retired from competition, his response to these dark times the Human Sphere is going through has been to join the Support Subsection’s Program Ank and lead the Optimates international extreme rescue team.

This box includes one injected thermoplastic miniature of Maximus. Give your ALEPH OperationS Action Pack force all the power and lethality that a TAG can offer, and more, one piloted by Maximus!

Zeros 1 Zeros 2 Zeros 3 Zeros 4 Zeros 5

Zeros – 39,95€

Bakunin’s scout units are specialists in reconnaissance and sabotage behind enemy lines. They received the codename ‘Zeros’ after their exceptionally low rate of both failed missions and casualties.

This box includes three miniatures: one Zero Hacker, one Zero Minelayer with Combi Rifle, and Bran do Castro, Triple Zero with Shock CCW. Complement your Bakunin Observance Action Pack (REF: 281522-0995) with these versatile skirmishers.

The Anathematics Hacker 1 The Anathematics Hacker 2 The Anathematics Hacker 3 The Anathematics Hacker 4

The Anathematics (Hacker) – 34,95€

The Anathematics are tactical intervention shells that have been drastically altered and equipped with advanced devices for hiding and camouflage. They could be defined as the worst nightmare any soldier could have, come true. Invisible, relentless operators with hearts of stone and dismal souls. They are the best troops of the Heavy Infantry units of the Combined Army and one of the preferred receptacles of the EI Aspects because of their exceptional capabilities.

This box includes one injected thermoplastic miniature of the Anathematic Hacker.  When you need firepower and a fearsome hacker for your Combined Army Starter Pack force, the Anathematic Hacker is the option you’ve been looking for.

Reinf Azra Il Spitfire Ap 1 Reinf Azra Il Spitfire Ap 2 Reinf Azra Il Spitfire Ap 3 Reinf Azra Il Spitfire Ap 4

Reinf. Special Deterrance Group Azra’il (Spitfire AP) – 24,95€

The Azrai´l are seasoned elite troops who have fallen in disgrace. So they are sent to a unit where their talents can be taken advantage of, while also keeping a close eye on them: the Azra’il Special Deterrence Group.

This box includes one injected thermoplastic miniature of an Azra’il with AP Spitfire. Are you looking for heavy support capable of penetrating any enemy armor? Then, don’t think twice and add an Azra’il to your Haqqislam combat force.

Infinity ist unter anderem bei unseren Partnern Fantasy-InFantasywelt und Taschengelddieb erhältlich.
Community-Link: O-12 bei Discord

Quelle: Corvus Belli


Brückenkopf-Online Redakteur und Tabletop Insider stv. Chefredakteur. Spielt Infinity, SAGA, Freebooter's Fate, Kings of War, Warhammer 40k, Warzone Resurrection, Dropzone Commander, Deadzone, Dreadball, X-Wing, Konflikt '47, Bolt Action, Dead Man's Hand, Dracula's America, Beyond the Gates of Antares, Dropfleet Commander, Frostgrave, Collision, Bushido, Shadespire, Aristeia! und Warpath.

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  • Sorry, aber der alte Azra’il sah, da leider um längen wuchtiger und vor allem stabiler aus, als diese Vogelscheuche da!

    Nomads und Ariadna gefallen mir dagegen durch die Bank gut. Ich vermisse nur die Schottischen Röckchen ein wenig bei den Highlandern…

  • Leider viel zu oft ein „Hit or Miss“ für MEINEN Geschmack. Geht seit N4 oftmals in die falsche Richtung für mich. (Morast…)
    Haben da Designer gewechselt?

    Der Anathematics sieht leider so schlecht aus. Da ist der alte hübscher. Diese Hände und Arme. Ohje.

    • die alten designs und bemalungen waren auch viel näher an einem „anime-stil“ dran. mittlerweile sieht Infinity einfach zu real und auch zu generisch aus.

      • Krass wie sich die Geschmäcker unterscheiden.. Wegen den Animefiguren war ich früher von Infinity eher abgeschreckt. Wegen den realistischeren Designs grad bei Ariadna und Haqqislam bin ich dann vor 2,5 Jahren mit dem super realistischen Mirage 5 eingestiegen😁

  • Infinitys Designs sind irgendwie nie ansprechend für mich, aber Mel Gibson im Weltraum ist witzig.

  • Wie sieht es eigentlich mit Aristea aus. Wird das noch aktiv supported bzw. kommt da regelmäßig Nachschub?

    • Neulich hieß es irgendwo, es käme eine Neuauflage.
      Die bisherige Edition ist abgeschlossen, es gab wohl auch ewig keine „Skins“ mehr.
      Wobei die Auswahl da auch echt groß ist (muss endlich mal das Grundspiel fertig bemalen – und dann die drölf Erweiterungen 😶)

  • Hat noch niemand die bemalte Tätowierung von Bran Tripple Zero gelobt?
    Besonders die Haut ist hier so lebensnah bemalt, dass mir hier die Kinnlade runtergeklappt ist.

  • Bran de Castro ist mein Liebling für diesen Monat- wirklich ein feines Modell! Auch die Bemalung weiß zu gefallen.

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