von BK-Thorsten | 02.02.2024 | eingestellt unter: Infinity

Infinity: Großes Army Update

Corvus Belli haben ihrem kostenlosen Armeelistengenerator Infinity Army ein großes Update mit einer gewaltigen Ladung Änderungen verpasst.


Army Update Feb


Hello Infinity players! We start this 2024 with an Army update in which the Reinforcements are the protagonists. Since we released this MOD at the end of last summer, you have been playing it and giving us your feedback about it; those things you liked and those you didn’t like so much. The development team has been reading that feedback and has decided to make some changes that affect those Reinforcements troops to improve your game experience. Let’s see what they are!


  • The SWC cost of all troops with Commlink in all armies is removed. Now the SWC cost of any troop with Commlink is 0.
  • The point cost of troops with Commlink in all armies is reduced. They are now at the average of the other options for that troop.

With these two changes we hope you will have more options when making your Reinforcement lists.


  • JSA gets a new troop with Commlink: a Keisotsu with 0 SWC and 11 cost points.

Developer’s notes:

Many of you have asked the reason why the Commlink had such a high cost, considering that all players use Reinforcements, it seemed like excessive ballast. The point is that our initial intention was that both players with Reinforcements and players without Reinforcements could participate in the Reinforcements MOD. However, for this to be possible, some adjustments needed to be made so that rosters with Reinforcements would be balanced against those without Reinforcements. The testing had highlighted that, with that cost and SWC formula, the win rate of players with Reinforcements and those without Reinforcements were equal.

However, we realized that this mixed player approach was too much effort and complication for tournament organizers. It was for this reason that the Reinforcements MOD was launched with the restriction of being exclusive to players with Reinforcements. Despite this, those costs were maintained to give the option to players who were not participating in the competitive environment to be able to play with each other by combining the two options. Unfortunately, in the organized play environment, where the clashes would always be between players with Reinforcements, this cost overrun was very expensive so, in response to feedback, the cost to pay for these troops was lowered.


New troops that arrived with Reinforcements and were available only as Reinforcements are now available outside the Reinforcements in their respective armies and sectorials.

  • PanOceania:
    • Blockers: Now available in vanilla PanO, NeoTerra and White Company.
    • Blade-Ops: Now available in vanilla PanO, NeoTerra, WinterFor and White Company (with AVA:1).
  • Yu Jing: Hwarang, Sulsa, Haetae, Sulyong and Dokkaebi are now available in vanilla Yu Jing and White Banner.
  • Ariadna: Apaches are now available in vanilla Ariadna.
  • Haqqislam: Korsan and Burtuk are now available in vanilla Haqqislam.
  • Nomads:
    • Marspiders: now available in vanilla Nomads and Bakunin.
    • Kulak: now available in vanilla Nomads and Tunguska.
    • Rounders: now available in vanilla Nomads, Tunguska and Bakunin.
  • Combined Army: Vector, Void, Base and EXO Operators are now available in vanilla CA and Onyx.
  • O-12: Jackboots, Vidocq, Ment and Nightshades are now available in vanilla O-12 and Starmada.
  • ALEPH: Riksha, Dawon, Artalis and Satrah are now available in vanilla ALEPH and OperationS.

Don’t forget to check the Fireteam Tables for each army to see what fireteams you can make with these new troops!.

Developer’s Notes:

It has often been said that Infinity accumulates too many profiles, especially in vanilla, but also in some Sectorials, and that it would be good if there were more exclusive and limited profiles, so that they would not make an already very large profile list grow. Following this line of thought, the new Reinforcement profiles were made exclusive in this way. However, many of you wanted to play them in the standard mode as well, so we have opened them up to the different generic and/or Sectorial armies. We hope you enjoy them!

We hope these changes will be to your liking and that the Reinforcements MOD will be more interesting for you now. We will continue to monitor your feedback to make changes to its rules if necessary in the coming months – thanks for your help!


  • Yu Jing:
    • Zencha: BTS goes from 3 to 6.
    • Taowu: several changes in his profile:
      • Now as skills he has: BS Attack (+1B), Counterintelligence, Dodge (+3), Specialist Operative and Dogged (in addition to NBW, HoloMask, Immunity (Shock) and Stealth).
      • Their weapons are now E/Marat, Flash Pulse, Contender, Pulzar, Viral Pistol and CC Weapon PARA (-6).
      • The costs go from 26 and 25 points to 21 and 24 points.
    • REINF. Sulsa: changes from LI to SK.
    • REINF. Haetae: Heavy Rocket Launcher option goes from 35 to 37 points.
  • Ariadna:
    • Loup-Garous: New Viral Marksman Rifle option for 0.5 SWC.
    • Apaches:
      • 16-point option with Rifle and Chain-Colt becomes FTO.
      • Gain two new options with FTO.
      • The option with BS Attack (+1B), Berserk and Light Shotgun disappears.
    • REINF. Apaches: 3 new Apache FTO options.
    • Moblots:
      • AVA in generic becomes 2.
      • The Lieutenant with HMG option disappears.
      • The HMG option now has Mimetism (-3) and Tactical Sense and goes from 28 to 33 points.
      • New option with Spitfire AP (+1 Damage)
      • The option with Boarding Shotgun gains E/M Mines and increases its cost by 1 point.
      • The Engineer option gains Mimetism (-3)
      • The Paramedic option gains Tactical Sense.
  • Haqqislam:
    • Maghariba: Courage skill is removed.
    • REINF. Korsan: Gains 2 new options with FTO and the option with Lig Shotgun (+1 Damage) also becomes FTO.
    • Hassassin Lasiqs: corrected the incorrect Marksman Rifle (Viral) to the correct Viral Marksman Rifle.
  • ALEPH:
    • Arjuna: gains 3 FTO options in OperationS (in options where he is not accompanied by a KiranBot).
    • REINF. Dawon: gains 2 new FTO options and the option with the Boarding Shotgun also becomes FTO.
  • Combined Army:
    • Anathematic: in the Hacker options changes the Nanopulser to Pulzar, and raises its cost 1 point.
  • NA-2:
    • REM Racers: the old option of [+1 ARM, +3 PH, +9 CC] becomes [CC=22, PH=13, +1 ARM].

See you again in a few weeks with the army update that will add the new O-12 sectorial, Torchlight Brigade. And from our side, we keep working to have a better and better Infinity. See you next time!

Infinity ist unter anderem bei unseren Partnern Fantasy-InFantasywelt und Taschengelddieb erhältlich.
Community-Link: O-12 bei Discord

Quelle: Corvus Belli


Brückenkopf-Online Redakteur und Tabletop Insider stv. Chefredakteur. Spielt Infinity, SAGA, Freebooter's Fate, Kings of War, Warhammer 40k, Warzone Resurrection, Dropzone Commander, Deadzone, Dreadball, X-Wing, Konflikt '47, Bolt Action, Dead Man's Hand, Dracula's America, Beyond the Gates of Antares, Dropfleet Commander, Frostgrave, Collision, Bushido, Shadespire, Aristeia! und Warpath.

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  • Gut, dass die RF profile jetzt auch außerhalb von RF spielbar sind, schade, dass die einzige Änderung für den mod der comlink ist (immer moch nur auf line profiles) und der trigger Punkt sowie das wording (vuctorypoints anstelle Verluste) belassen wurde. So wirkt es halbherzig.

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