von BK-Sebastian | 31.10.2024 | eingestellt unter: 3D-Druck, Patreon

Heroes Infinite: Mortenburg und Wa‘Kura

Raging Heroes hat im November Fantasy Figuren und solche, die man auch in SciFi einsetzen können soll.

In fact, I’ve been planning this one for years, and judging by your messages and comments about future characters you’d like to see, it seems you’ve been thinking along similar lines: fantasy inspired by Africa.

Many of you have long asked for a lineup inspired by African aesthetics and stories, something that steps outside the usual fantasy settings.

At the start of this month, I dove into the project with the team, and I have to say, it’s been a rewarding challenge.

A Unique Identity

One of my goals was to give this new people—the Wa’Kura—a unique identity, steering clear of predictable tropes.

I didn’t want to simply give these African-inspired warriors lions or elephants as companions, even if that has its own undeniable appeal. No, I wanted to create something fresh and unseen. I hope we’ve achieved that with this release.

As I’ve mentioned with previous releases, every time we tackle a theme that stretches beyond our typical specialties, the entire team must work doubly hardto uphold the high standards of Heroes Infinite.

This time, inspiration hit while researching the scenery. While looking through countless photos of African architecture, I noticed how some fortresses were built from dried mud, which immediately reminded me of towering termite mounds seen in the African savannas.

That’s when the idea clicked.

Instead of warriors mounted on lions or elephants, I envisioned them riding giant insects.

Fantasy AND Sci-Fi Creepy-crawlers

Like me, many of you are probably captivated by creatures like those in Alien, Starship Troopers, and other giant insectoid figures from fantasy and sci-fi.

I instantly imagined these creatures with zebra-like patterns reminiscent of the savanna, and I knew we had a winning combination.

One defining element in many African cultures is the tradition of embodyingmythical, supernatural, or animal spirits, adopting their unique powers and traits. I thought it would be amazing for the Wa’Kura to draw on this tradition but with giant insects instead of the more familiar savanna animals.

I immediately envisioned African-style masks with the stylized skull of an Alien-like insect, warriors wielding spears and swords crafted from chitinous fangs, or riding on formidable, chitinous, zebra-striped creatures.

Suddenly, I knew we had something really intriguing and original—something I hadn’t seen before.

SAVE Mortenburg!

What made this idea even more compelling was the chance to pit this new people, the Wa’Kura, against a familiar force—the inhabitants of Mortenburg, who you may already know from our Mortenburg – Curse of the Plague City and the Undeads and Heroes of the Haunted City releases.

This seemed the perfect opportunity to weave an adventure where the Mortenburgers, ever plagued by chaos, set out to a distant land, following the guidance of their mages, to find a fallen star that might be powerful enough to banish the infernal forces plaguing them.

As I developed this story, it struck me that the fate of the Wa’Kura and the Mortenburgers would inevitably intertwine as the Mortenburgers sought their own salvation on Wa’Kura land.

How, I wondered, had a seemingly fragile human society survived facing these powerful giant ever hungry insects?

That’s the true magic of the Wa’Kura—they’ve managed to establish a symbiotic bond with the Termigants, these mysterious insectoid creatures.

But as you’ll soon discover, that bond is on the verge of unraveling.


Raging Heroes bauen eine D&D Kampagne um ihre Figuren

I won’t give too much away, because with this unique release, we’ll be offering something brand new—a Dungeons & Dragons scenario that brings together these two cultures in an epic encounter.

If you’re planning to join this adventure as an adventurer, I won’t spoil the story for you. But if you’re a game master or simply curious about the Wa’Kuras, I invite you to explore the mysteries of their culture and see how their fate entwines with that of the Mortenburgers.

You’ll find the full story in just a few days, in our next post. That’s when you’ll find out much more about the characters of this release, this adventure, and the unique culture of the Wa’Kura people..

Quelle: Heroes Infinite


Redakteur von Brückenkopf-Online. Seit 2001 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop Armalion. Aktuelle Systeme: Freebooter's Fate(Alle Fraktionen), Bushido(Ito, Ryu, Ro-Kan),Moonstone, Summoners (Feuer, Luft), Deadzone, ASoIaF(Nachtwache, Targaryen), Dropfleet Commander(UCM, Scourge), Warmaster(Zwerge, Echsen), Eden(ISC, Resistance), KoW: Armada(Basilean, Ork) u.v.m

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  • Gestern habe ich mich noch über die Präsentation von Trench Crusade gefreut. Schöne Fotos von allen Miniaturen, dazu kurze YouTube Videos zu allen Fraktionen in denen die Miniaturen der Reihe nach gezeigt wurden und sich langsam um die eigene Achse gedreht haben, so dass man einen guten Eindruck von allen Seiten bekommen hat.

    Dagegen hier? Keine Bilder, nur ein extrem hektisch geschnittenes Video, dass man permanent pausieren muss, wenn man überhaupt etwas sehen will. Fürchterlich. Dabei finde ich ein paar der Minis eigentlich ganz nett.

    • Ich hasse diesen Trend zu den Vorstellungsvideos auch.
      Ich will mir die Minis im Detail ansehen und in Ruhe und nicht alle paar Sekunden ein Video anhalten, in dem ich eh nicht oder nur schlecht reinzoomen kann.
      Und die Musik ist jetzt auch kein Selling Point xD

      Aber das macht ja nicht nur Raging Heroes, der Post von Artisan Guild direkt nebenan ist auch so.

    • Da bin ich voll und ganz bei dir. Allerdings hat mein Interesse, an deren Figuren, schon länger deutlich nachgelassen. Schade eigentlich. Da war früher sehr viel schönes dabei.

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