von BK-Nils | 04.03.2024 | eingestellt unter: Warhammer / Age of Sigmar

GW: Wochenvorschau mit Nachschub für AoS

Kommenden Samstag geht die Geschichte der Reiche der Sterblichen mit dem fünften Band der Boten des Morgens, begleitet von neuen Charakteren, Speerspitzen-Boxen und Geländestücken.

Sunday Preview – The Dawnbringers Crusade Continues as the Croneseer Circles Above

The Great Wheel must turn! The Twin-Tailed Crusade faces ever greater challenges in the next instalment of the Dawnbringers series, which heads up next week’s pre-order list, alongside three Spearhead boxes and  terrain for Warcry and Warhammer Age of Sigmar.

Dawnbringers: Book V: Shadow of the Crone

Both halves of the Twin-Tailed Crusade have battled through unimaginable horrors. Harrowed but unbroken, they now begin the hard task of founding new settlements in Aqshy and Ghyran, yet as they labour to complete their task, a terrible conspiracy threatens to engulf Hammerhal Aqsha. Luckily, Hanniver Toll and his companion Armand Callis are on the case, and the mysterious Croneseer lends them assistance from the shadows.

Games Workshop Sunday Preview – The Dawnbringers Crusade Continues As The Croneseer Circles Above 1

This book features rule for Krethusa the Croneseer, plus Callis & Toll and their ragtag band of allies, alongside a new Army of Renown, a new Regiment of Renown, the next part of the Twin-Tailed Crusade Cities of Sigmar Path to Glory Battlepack, and Strongpoint Assault rules for team-based matched play.

You can also pledge your allegiance to Morai-Heg with the limited edition of Shadow of the Crone, which features soft-fouch full cover art with gold foil lettering, a purple ribbon marker, and gilt page edges.

Saviours of Cinderfall

Games Workshop Sunday Preview – The Dawnbringers Crusade Continues As The Croneseer Circles Above 2

Callus and Toll have a job to do – protect Hammerhal Aqsha. A tough job made all the more difficult by a mysterious conspiracy involving casks of kingsblood ‘wine’ being stockpiled in the winding catacombs beneath the city. As they root out this evil, they are joined by the capable thief Lyssa Revenya, and spymaster  Mistress Verentia, The Weaver of Whispers. Valius, The Keeper Aqshia, Lord-Castellant lends his celestial strength to the cause and is joined by his loyal gryph-hound Balthas. Rules for using these miniatures in a Regiment of Renown can be found in Shadow of the Crone.

Krethusa’s Cronehost

Games Workshop Sunday Preview – The Dawnbringers Crusade Continues As The Croneseer Circles Above 3

Gifted with the power of prophecy at the cost of her material sight, Krethusa the Croneseer is the herald of Morai-Heg, an ancient aelven god consumed by Slaanesh. With the aid of divine visions and shadowy magic Krethusa leads those who have defected from Morathi-Khaine’s side. This box pairs the new character with five Doomfire Warlocks (who can be built as Dark Riders) and 10 Sisters of Slaughter (who can be built as Witch Aelves), the perfect way to start an army of The Croneseer’s Pariahs, a new Army of Renown with rules in Shadow of the Crone.

Spearhead: Stormcast Eternals

Games Workshop Sunday Preview – The Dawnbringers Crusade Continues As The Croneseer Circles Above 4

Yndrasta, the Celestial Spear, plunges from the sky to lead a new Spearhead of Stormcast Eternals against the enemies of Sigmar. Supporting her are a trio of Annihilators, who smash into combat with thunderous momentum, 10 Vanquishers armed with celestial greatswords, a swift Stormstrike Chariot pulled by specially bred gryph-chargers and a Knight-Vexillor with Banner of Apotheosis who aids these warriors in the fight against overwhelming odds. This box contains 16 miniatures and is a fantastic starting point or expansion for Stormcast Eternals armies.

Spearhead: Cities of Sigmar

Games Workshop Sunday Preview – The Dawnbringers Crusade Continues As The Croneseer Circles Above 5

The brave men and women of the Cities of Sigmar must do battle against terrifying foes and nightmarish beasts with little to aid them but the weapon in their hands and their unwavering faith. This new Spearhead box contains 17 miniatures – 10 Freeguild Steelhelms, five Freeguild Cavaliers led by a veteran Freeguild Cavalier-Marshal, and devastating long-range support from an Ironweld Great Cannon.

Spearhead: Flesh-eater Courts

Games Workshop Sunday Preview – The Dawnbringers Crusade Continues As The Croneseer Circles Above 6

The Flesh-eater Courts suffer under a supernatural delusion, which leads them to believe they are members of a noble kingdom and not the gore-slick cannibals their terrified opponents must face. Drink deep from the Mad King’s chalice with this Spearhead box, which contains 15 miniatures – a powerful Abhorrant Archregent and their 10 Cryptguard attendants, who are joined by a spine-chilling Varghulf Courtier and three Morbheg Knights who ride ferocious nightshreikers into battle.

Warcry Terrain

Games Workshop Sunday Preview – The Dawnbringers Crusade Continues As The Croneseer Circles Above 7

Three pieces of Warcry terrain – the Elder Gnarloak, Idol of Motzlpota, and Starfire Pylon – are also returning to sale as separate releases, which you can use to pump up your Warcry collection or to add to your Warhammer Age of Sigmar battlefields.


Games Workshop Sunday Preview – The Dawnbringers Crusade Continues As The Croneseer Circles Above 8

When the Ogor Mawtribes go to battle, gastromantic magic saturates the realms, causing great rents and churning orifices to open in the land itself. The Mawtribes believe these to be manifestations of the Great Maw, and will eagerly sacrifice unwilling victims by hurling them into pits ringed with flesh-tearing teeth. This huge terrain piece was first available in Warcry: Hunter and Hunted and will be available to pre-order separately next week.

Warhammer: Age of Sigmar ist unter anderem bei unseren Partnern Fantasy-In und Minyarts erhältlich.

Quelle: Warhammer Community


Nils, Redakteur bei Brückenkopf-Online. Seit 2001 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop: DSA Armalion. Aktueller Fokus liegt auf Skirmish-Systemen und Warhammer 40.000. mehr auf https://www.instagram.com/nerdydutchman/

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  • Hmm die Saviours of Cinderfall
    Kommen sicher auf dem Basteltisch.
    Die alte Lady mit der Katze schreit geradezu für inq28 und Necromunda 🤔😁.

    Die restlichen Boxen denke ich sind sicher für ein oder Umsteiger interessant 🙄

    • Zugegeben, ich hoffe sehr, die bekommen ähnlich wie Black Talons Warcry Regeln. Ich mag diese Kriegsbanden in der Art bisher lieber als viele der „regulären“ Banden.

  • Yndrasta war das erste Modell aus der Dominion-Box, dass ich verschenkt habe. Ich mag die Figur überhaupt nicht und halte sie für einen ziemlichen Design-Unfall, was dazu führen wird, dass die Stormcast-Box in keinem Fall ihren Weg zu mir finden wird. Die Überlebenden von Cinderfall finde ich sehr schön.

    • Wie unterschiedlich Geschmäcker doch sein können. Sie ist so ziemlich das einzige Stormcast-Modell das mir gefällt. Aus Neugier: Wieso ist sie für dich ein Designunfall?

      • Mich stört die hölzerne Pose, die „taktische“ Treppe, die Flügel … die Gesamtkomposition ist einfach nicht gut. Die einzelnen Elemente sind für sich genommen durchaus ok, aber zusammen sind sie einfach nicht gut.

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