von BK-Nils | 20.01.2024 | eingestellt unter: Horus Heresy, Warhammer / Age of Sigmar, Warhammer 40.000

GW: Las Vegas Open 2024 Preview

Im Rahmen des Las Vegas Open 2024 Turnier haben Games Workshop die erste große Vorschau für ihre Produkte im Frühjahr präsentiert und es gibt viel aus den Welten von Warhammer Age of Sigmar, Warhammer 40.000 und der Horus Heresy zu sehen.

LVO 2024 Preview – Kill Team Descends Into a World of Nightmares

The new season of Kill Team began with the space hulk Gallowdark having crashed into the forge world of Bheta-Decima, while teams of Space Marine Scouts and Aeldari Aspect Warriors battled over critical information on the planet’s crumbling sea platforms. Now, two of the most terrifying forces in the galaxy pit their mastery over fear against each other in the aptly named Kill Team: Nightmare.

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This packed box contains two complete Kill Teams – the horrifying Nemesis Claw warband of the Night Lords that we saw at the World Championships of Warhammer, and a brand new coven of Drukhari Mandrakes.

The Night Lords are transformed by a new upgrade sprue, draped in flayed skins, barbed hooks, and flensed skulls. New parts bring a variety of vicious weapons favoured by the sons of Konrad Curze – including a wicked chainglaive, barbed talons, and knives dripping with paralysing toxins.

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Meanwhile, the Mandrakes lurk within their shadow realm, launching into material space in a flurry of cold fury and skill that borders on the supernatural. They are wreathed in ethereal fire that burns as cold as the space between stars, and carry an assortment of hooked blades to extract maximum pain from those foes not immediately consumed by their eerie flames.

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Kill teams of Mandrakes may be enlisted by those lords of Commorragh with the resources to contact them, though ultimately these spectral killers fight for nobody but themselves. Mastery over the shadows is their specialty, as their glimmersteel blades strike with even greater power when darkness consumes their prey.

Amongst all their kind, the Mandrake Shadeweaver is a particularly perilous operative, as their command over the stuff of darkness is second to none. Lights gutter and fade in their presence, cloaking the battlefield in shadow so complete that the Mandrakes can bore tunnels through the fabric of reality, emerging within striking distance before flitting away like a wisp of smoke.

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That’s not all you’ll find within Kill Team: Nightmare, as an awesome new piece of terrain adds new challenges to your Bheta-Decima killzones. The Generatorum Hub is a large multi-level platform that offers protection from many different angles, covering a significant portion of the board’s rough seas and sitting at a convenient height to access from raised gangways.

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Nine new missions make great use of this terrain, while additional rules for Narrative Twists throw fresh hazards in front of your kill team – from sudden ocean currents and whirlpools to hypnotic waves and massive oceanic predators.

LVO Preview 2024 – Don’t Get Caught by the New Kroot Hunting Pack

The T’au Empire may be known for its advanced technology and predilection for ranged combat, but there exists a second side to the coin – their auxiliaries. These alien allies are called upon to fill gaps in a T’au battle plan and lend their strength to the Greater Good, and none are more prominent than the Kroot.

These proud aliens have been part of the T’au Empire since the first Codex launched in 2001, and they’re now receiving the reinforcements they so richly deserve.

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Thanks to last year’s roadmap, we already know Codex: T’au Empire is on its way soon, and it will be available first in the awesome Kroot Hunting Pack army set. The book comes with a fancy full-art cover fit for an Ethereal, but the real stars are the new Kroot miniatures, and wow… there are more than a few.

Kroot kindreds are guided in battle by wise gene-shamans known as Shapers, and now they have a wider array of these specialised leaders to choose from – starting with the two in the Kroot Hunting Pack.

Up first is the War Shaper, a seasoned battlefield commander who takes responsibility for the disposition of all Kroot forces in the field.

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War Shapers are exemplary warriors in their own right. Their traditional equipment may look primitive, but it’s extremely effective in such experienced hands – whether the twirling melee prowess of the bladestave and prey-hook, or pinpoint ranged power of the dart-bow and tri-blade.

They are accompanied by the vicious Flesh Shaper – masters of ritual butchery who take a strong personal pride in guiding the carnivorous practices of their fellow Kroot and ensuring only the finest genetic material makes it into their pack’s evolutionary heritage.

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The bulk of a Kroot force is composed of warriors known as Kroot Carnivores, whose rustic equipment and savage countenance bely fearsome skill in combat and a respectable level of marksmanship. They’re the backbone of any Hunting Pack, which is why you get a whole 20 of them in the box.

The new kit is packed with character and gives the Carnivores several dynamic poses befitting their natural agility, while echoing the classic style. They also have a new trick in the form of a tanglebomb launcher, whose powerful salvoes add explosive fire support to their Kroot rifle volleys.

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Speaking of fire support, the iconic Kroot weapons platform returns with the glow-up of the century. The Krootox is a hulking beast, a subspecies whose raw strength makes for excellent gun-toting cavalry that  can carry repeater cannons and tanglecannons into the thick of the fighting without compromising on mobility.

These creatures – a divergent strain of the same genetic base as regular Kroot – are treated as valued partners, and the new model is covered in ornaments, fetishes, and bangles to show off their status.

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Krootox are not normally aggressive by nature, despite their brawn – but a juvenile Krootox is more hot-tempered, and can be roused to battle by a particularly wild rider. Herded into thundering packs of Krootox Rampagers, their raw strength is fully exploited for sudden ambushes and devastating charges, acting as linebreakers and skirmish cavalry that range ahead of the wider Hunting Pack.

Their riders pitch in by hurling javelins and swinging wicked hunting blades, giving each Rampager a total of seven attacks in close combat. With up to six in each unit, they’re a big pile of melee power to be charging around the battlefield.

The Kroot are so back, in fact, that they even have their own dedicated Detachment in the new Codex: T’au Empire. The Kroot Hunting Pack allows you to deploy an all-Kroot force, replete with thematic Enhancements and Stratagems. The galaxy won’t know what ate ‘em.

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These aren’t even the only new Kroot units coming… but you’ll have to wait to see what else is in store. Didn’t one of the silhouettes in our sneak peek at 2024 have a very Kroot-like shape?

LVO Preview 2024 – Nighthaunt and Luminth Realm-lords Engage in Elemental Battle

The Gnarlwood is a verdant whorl of carnivorous trees situated in the Realm of Beasts, the monstrous result of the Realmshaper Engines in a crashed Seraphon void ship going into overdrive. This lush arena of death churns with combat as warbands of bloodthirsty warriors battle over the treasures within.

Nagash, Supreme Lord of the Undead, has declared the living Gnarlwood an affront to unlife and has dispatched a retinue of cursed Nighthaunt to murder it in a cleaning conflagration. Only the warrior-monks of the Lumineth Realm-lords can prevent this inferno, though these supercilious aelves have an ulterior motive…

Warcry: Pyre & Flood introduces two new warbands to the Ravening Ruin, the Ydrilan Riverblades and the Pyregheists. Elemental forces that are clashing over the fate of the Gnarlwood and all those who dwell within it.

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The inventive cruelty of Nagash has created endless twisted torments which he inflicts upon the souls of those who wronged him in life. For the embalmers, alchemists and holy men and women who attempt to preserve the souls of the dead with sacred fires and blessed unguents, the punishment is thus: eternal consumption by balefire.

These sorry souls are tasked with keeping the endless braziers of Nagashizzar alight, filling them with mortal flesh and soul-matter so they radiate deathly magic. These smouldering spirits are now congregating in the Gnarlwood, preparing to turn it into a blazing bonfire of necromantic energy, a funeral pyre burning in celebration of their merciless god.

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The warrior-monks of the Ydrilan temples stand in opposition to these scorched spectres. These are aelementiri – Lumineth who are dedicated to the elemental spirits that embody Hysh – worshipping the rivers of the Mortal Realms, embodying the momentum of rushing water in combat as they leap, twist, sway, and strike with fluid fury.

Their mission is to restore the spirit of the River Derovar back to its former glory, to direct its tributaries to flood the Ravening Ruin, purging the Chaos filth and corrupted entities that infest it.

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Pyre and Flood comes with a new piece of terrain for Warcry – a monolithic Idol of the Old Ones. This was part of a network of statues that were embedded with the Eye of Chotec. When they collided with Ghur, these statues were flung across the land that became the Gnarlwood.

These frowning frog sculptures are studded with magical trinkets, and pack arcane security systems that can blast unwary explorers with coruscating beams of energy. They’re also handy perches that more athletic fighters can leap off to attack unwary foes.

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The set also contains Warband Tome: Pyre and Flood, which goes into detail on the background of the Pyregheists and Ydrilan Riverblades, and includes full rules, quests, campaigns, terrain rules, a new battleplan generator, and background tables for both warbands.

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LVO Preview 2024 – Krethusa the Croneseer heralds the arrival of Dawnbringer V

Though Morathi-Khaine betrayed Sigmar in her selfish pursuit of godhood, not all of her kin worship the Shadow Queen. Help for beleaguered Sigmarites in Aqshy and Ghyran arrives on the midnight-black wings of Krethusa the Croneseer.

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Krethusa was a loner in the sisterhood of Khaine from her early days, as she cultivated an obsession with Morai-Heg, the ancient Crone goddess who was swallowed along with the rest of the aelven pantheon by Slaanesh. She felt a presence visiting her in dreams and wholeheartedly believed it was Morai-Heg. For this, she was ridiculed, beaten, and ostracised.

She did not abandon her obsession, and her mania reached its peak when she found the Circlet of Morai-Heg deep in a temple in Ulgu. By donning this headdress with its inverted spikes, she sacrificed her sight, hoping to receive the gift of truth from the Crone Goddess.

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This miracle didn’t come to pass,* and Krethusa was distraught for many years. Only when Morathi-Khaine attained godhood and slit the belly of Slaanesh was this devotion rewarded: a sliver of divinity was freed and Krethusa received sable wings and the gift of prescience.

Now Krethusa is the Croneseer, accompanied by flocks of carrion birds who act as her all-seeing eyes across the Mortal Realms. Visions of futures as yet unseen flood her mind, and though she struggles to discern precisely how each future will come to pass, Morai-Heg subtly guides her with omens.

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You can read about Krethusa’s scattered visions of the future in Dawnbringers: Book V – Shadow of the Crone, as they bring her to the aid of the Twin-Tailed Crusade in Ghyran, and to Hammerhal, which is slowly succumbing to the Kingsblood Curse.

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This book covers the Croneseer’s Pariahs, an Army of Renown for worshippers of Morai-Heg, and another for the protectors of Hammerhal, as well as the fourth part of the Twin-Tailed Crusade Path to Glory pack. There are rules for Stronghold Assault, a new Matched Play battlepack that pits teams of four players in a clash between competing redoubts.

Morai-Heg’s sable-winged prophet will first be available as part of Krethusa’s Cronehost, a box which pairs her with five Doomfire Warlocks (which can also be built as Dark Riders) and 10 Witch Aelves (which can be alternatively built as Sisters of Slaughter).

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* Going to show that you should never trust a cursed crown…

LVO Preview 2024 – Callis and Toll lead the Saviours of Cinderfall

While the Twin-Tailed Crusade continues its journey into the inhospitable wilds of Aqshy and Ghyran, Hammerhal, the crucible of this great endeavour, is under attack from within and without. Casks of fine wine marked with the kingsblood seal continue to be smuggled in through the choking, crime-ridden district of Cinderfall, turning any who are exposed to it into frothing, flesh-hungry maniacs.

To deal with a problem this big you need a rag-tag band of heroes, led by a no-nonsense witch hunter in a tall hat. Luckily, that’s just what you get in Dawnbringers: Book V – Shadow of the Crone.

The Saviours of Cinderfall are tasked with scouring the Kingsblood Curse from the Cinderfall District and saving Hammerhal. They are led by veteran witch hunter Hanniver Toll and his long-standing ally, the ex-Freeguild officer Armand Callis. You’ll recognise them from their Black Library exploits, and the Warhammer+ animation Undercity.

To get to the bottom of the plot to collapse Hammerhal from within, Callis and Toll have recruited a formidable rogue’s gallery.

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Integral to the mission is Lyssa Revenya, a talented thief from the morbid city of Lethis who specialises in navigating trap-ridden crypts and catacombs – an ideal ally for navigating the twisting depths of Hammerhal. Despite her status as a fugitive, Toll was sufficiently impressed by her skills when they first met.

Mistress Verentia, the Weaver of Secrets, is a mythic figure whose name is well-known by all of Hammerhal’s criminals. She has eyes and ears all over the realm-spanning city thanks to a menagerie of felines who relay their findings to her via jewelled collars linked to a magical gauntlet given to her by a mysterious stranger.

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The final member of this unlikely group of heroes is Valius, the Keeper Aqshian, and his Gryph-hound Balthas. A Lord-Castellant, Valius was present at the founding of Hammerhal many, many years ago, and carries the Clavis Magna, the key to the city. Not just a symbolic artefact, this key allows him to walk through one threshold in the city and emerge through any other. Such a powerful ability has been crucial in rooting out the seditious threats that threaten Hammerhal, but Valius cannot be everywhere at once, and his task is endless.

This set of miniatures will be released alongside Dawnbringers: Book V – Shadow of the Crone, which features rules for using them in Cities of Sigmar Armies, or as a Regiment of Renown in other Order armies. The story of the slow infection of the city and Callis and Toll’s efforts to expunge it will also be expanded upon in Callis & Toll, a forthcoming Black Library novel by David Annandale.

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Along with the Cities of Sigmar, these new heroes provide a ground-level view of life in the Mortal Realms, and the challenges that face one of its most important cities during the Age of Sigmar.

LVO Preview 2024 – Zondara’s Gravebreakers Bring Love to the Deathgorge

True to its name, the Deathgorge is an unpleasant place. Its rime-coated tunnels are filled with deadly wildlife and roving warbands, who hunt its glacial innards for treasures of great power. Unlike the many greedy souls who make the treacherous trek here for glory, the Ghurish mage Zondara Rivenheart journeys not for riches or honour… but for love.

When the love of Zondara’s life succumbed to a terrible curse, she vowed to rescue him from eternity as a beast – even going as far to learn the secrets of necromancy.

Accompanied by three undead thralls and her lover Ferlain – still in beast form – she has made the arduous journey to the Deathgorge, determined to find a way to break the curse. Her cocktail of deathly and bestial magic is a lethal tool for battling through the frozen caverns.

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Zondara and Ferlain support each other even in despair, each Inspiring when the other has two or more upgrades. In addition to blasting foes with her Wild Staff, Zondara can use her Stolen Knowledge to heal friendly fighters or damage nearby enemies with each activation.

Many of the objectives unique to Zondara’s Gravebreakers evoke the Tragedy of these two doomed lovers – fortunately, if either Zondara or Ferlain is taken out of action, you can discard and replace now-useless objective cards that pertain to the fallen fighter, allowing the search for a cure to continue.

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Pikk, Toyle, and Cracktomb are beast-touched zombies with little will of their own, and so undertake the grunt work, excavating relics for their masters. Their liminal existence is an endless cycle of combat, labour, and digging, and so all three share a trio of abilities, split across their cards for readability – Gravebreak, Exhume, and Unearth.

When one of your undead minions ends an activation atop an objective token, they can Gravebreak to move it into an adjacent hex. Then you can either Exhume a defeated minion, bringing them back into the brawl and Inspiring them in the process, or Unearth an upgrade card from your deck, allowing you to empower Zondara and Ferlain further, and potentially Inspire them.

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There are many powerful upgrades to discover in the Rivals deck accompanying Zondara’s Gravebreakers, including Salvaged Intelligence, which helps improve your action economy – and importantly lets Zondara and Ferlain both attack in succession. Cursed Strength offers extra attack power in exchange for a cost in flesh, while Wild Incantation lets you boost your warband’s chances of rolling a success in combat.

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The Gravebreakers will need to use all of their necromantic cunning, mindless tenacity, and feral power to overwhelm their opponents and score objectives like Life and Death, and Zondara can pick up more points by carefully managing her workforce of Tireless Revenants.

Soulbound Killers proves that love is a powerful motivator, providing extra glory if scored while the cursed pair are supporting each other – an excellent combo with Salvaged Intelligence.

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Zondara’s Gravebreakers will be released for Warhammer Underworlds later this year, ready to slot into a recently refreshed meta.

LVO Preview 2024 – The Solar Auxilia Return to the Age of Darkness in Plastic

The highly trained and well-equipped warriors of the Solar Auxilia are humanity’s finest mortal troops, and they’re coming to a battlefield near you with a wide range of new plastic kits – beginning with the massive Solar Auxilia Battle Group army box.

This army set is packed with dependable infantry, sturdy armoured tanks, and mobile scouting support. It’s a great way to start a new Solar Auxilia army, and the rules are already available in the Liber Imperium army book*.

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There are two 10-man Solar Auxilia lasrifle sections, which can be combined into a single larger unit of 20 if you prefer bigger formations, and whose durable void armour makes them surprisingly resilient troopers for regular, unaugmented humans.

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The battle group is led by a Line Command Section, in which an Auxilia Troop Master barks orders over the din of battle, while four capable Veterans act as their command staff – hoisting the banner, relaying comms, and protecting their charge from harm.

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To safely ferry infantry around the battlefield, the Solar Auxilia use the Dracosan Armoured Transport. This reliable beast can carry 20 troopers in its heavily armoured hold while mounting a wide array of weapons to support them when they disembark.

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As standard, the Dracosan is armed with a double-barreled gravis lascannon, but it can also give up half of its transport capacity to mount a devastating demolisher cannon instead. Support fire is handled by a flexible pintle mount that can pack a heavy flamer, heavy stubber, or multi-laser, with a pair of hunter-killer missiles adding a powerful (if temporary) anti-armour punch.

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While the Sentinels of the 41st Millennium are simple and easily mass-produced, the Solar Auxilia had many advanced models to deploy on scouting missions. The Aethon Heavy Sentinel – first seen in Legions Imperialis – is a common sight in the Age of Darkness, with a much heavier arsenal than most reconnaissance vehicles, consisting of a flexible central weapon mount and a heavy barrage-capable rocket system.

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Its central mount fits a multi-laser as standard, but this can be swapped for other guns: autocannons, heavy incinerators, and volkite culverins for infantry targets, or lascannons and melta-lances to take down armoured vehicles.

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Last in the army set is a familiar face for Warhammer 40,000 fans, though in a far more ornate form than you may have seen before – the Leman Russ battle tank. This workhorse shows its Solar Auxilia heritage with extra trim and fancy details, though compromises none of its rugged reliability in the process.

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The Leman Russ is known for its adaptability – almost on par with the Legio Astartes Predator – and the Strike Tank** variant in the army set backs this up with four different turret weapons: a battle cannon, a vanquisher cannon, a gravis lascannon, or a gravis Autocannon.

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That’s not it for the Solar Auxilia – additional units are also arriving in plastic.

The elite Veletaris Storm Sections have training and equipment beyond even the regular Cohorts of the Solar Auxilia. They deploy with powerful volkite calivers – strong enough to take down Space Marines with careful volleys – while daring Veletarii can trade their gun for a vicious storm axe.

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The Leman Russ Assault Tank** adds even more turret options to your armoured squadrons.

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This kit ramps up the explosive firepower with a massive demolisher cannon, while a volkite macro-saker shreds infantry at an alarming pace with eight long-range shots. If Space Marines are your bugbear, opt instead for the executioner plasma cannon, which blasts large areas of the battlefield with powerful rending plasma.

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When an even heavier armoured presence is required, the Malcador is deployed, a legendary design with roots in the Age of Strife. It boasts a surprising turn of speed for a vehicle of its bulk, and can run rings around heavier squadrons of Baneblades and Stormhammers.

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The Malcador Heavy Tank also boasts a ferocious armament that starts out with a main turret cannon and heavy bolter sponsons, but can be upgraded to haul five lascannons, loads of incinerators, multi-lasers galore, and even a demolisher cannon on the front.

As mentioned earlier, rules for all of these vehicles in Warhammer: The Horus Heresy* are already available in the Liber Imperium: Forces of the Emperor Army Book.

However, that is where they will stay – the Horus Heresy design team intends to fully explore the Horus Heresy setting, and to do that while keeping a tight and healthy Warhammer 40,000 game system, there are no plans to write rules for using these miniatures in the 41st Millennium. Of course, there’s nothing stopping you from using compatible models in a regular Astra Militarum regiment – but they’ll do their best work in the Age of Darkness.

Well, ALMOST all of the rules are in Liber Imperium. We’ll have details on where to get rules for the brand new Aethon Heavy Sentinel soon.

** The Strike Tank and Assault Tank are the same vehicle for rules purposes, and the only difference is the weapon options you get in the box.

Warhammer 40.000 ist unter anderem bei unseren Partnern Fantasywelt und Taschengelddieb erhältlich.

Warhammer: Age of Sigmar ist unter anderem bei unseren Partnern Fantasy-In und Minyarts erhältlich.

Quelle: Warhammer Community


Nils, Redakteur bei Brückenkopf-Online. Seit 2001 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop: DSA Armalion. Aktueller Fokus liegt auf Skirmish-Systemen und Warhammer 40.000. mehr auf https://www.instagram.com/nerdydutchman/

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GW: Thousand Sons Joytoy Action Figuren

  • Horus Heresy

Horus Heresy: The Martian Civil War Ankündigung

  • Epic 40.000
  • Horus Heresy

GW: Beta-Garmon Neuheiten für Horus Heresy und Legiones Imperialis



  • Allein wegen der Krootox könnt ich mir eine Armee vorstellen, aber bitte ohne die Blauhäute. 😀

    • Nix gegen die Schlümpfe, die rocken schon.
      Aber zugegeben, die neuen Kroot sind der Hammer. Aber ich halte mich mal an Kill Team, da sind sie auch schick. Und da mag ich die Regeln.

  • Ich interessiere mich nur für Horus Heresy an dieser Stelle und bin da sehr glücklich.
    Die Solar Auxilia habe ich noch nicht aus Resin und bin jetzt sehr glücklich. Mit einfachen Menschen, kann man mMn viel besser erzählerisch spielen, selbst in einem Szenario, in dem es vor allem um Space Marines geht.
    Dracosans und Malcadors gehören zu meinen Lieblingsfahrzeugen und da kommen noch einige in meine Sammlung.
    Die Armeebox scheint sehr gut zusammengestellt zu sein. Die werde ich wohl einige Male bei meinem Laden bestellen, mit dem erwarteten Rabatt zum Einzelkauf, kann man da schnell eine schöne Armee aufbauen.
    Die Infanterie finde ich gut gelungen, ich bin großer Fan dieser Rüstungen.
    Das einzige was ich nicht mag, ist der Sentinel. Den finde ich super langweilig und hässlich. Aber was soll´s, man kann nicht alles mögen.

  • Die Solar Auxilia ist echt schick!
    Ich mag den HH Stil einfach. 40k wird mir hingegen langsam zu wild. Die Nightlords sind da aber auch nicht übel.

  • Generatorum, Kroot und Sentinel kommen bei mir in den Fokus. Der Sentinel kommt schon auf den ersten Blick irgendwie Grimdark rüber. Da wird es schöne Ergebnisse geben… 😀

  • Die Vogeltante kann ich mir gut für die Warcry Corvus Cabale vorstellen.
    Die Kroot Armeebox ist toll. Finde die seit Beginn besser als die blauen Kaulquappen.
    Für die Solar Auxiliar gibt es bestimmt einige Abnehmer.
    Mich stört weiterhin bei Kill Team die neue Aufteilung in Teams und Gelände für mehr Geld. Aber wer es mit sich machen lässt 🙊

    • Nee, wenn ich das richtig verstehe, ist das generatorum das eine Geländeteil in der Box. Da passt dann zum Beta Decima Gelände, dass es einzeln gab. Deshalb ist das auf dem Foto auch eine dickere Box als Salvation, wo ja nur etwas scatterterrain Terrain neben den Teams drin war.

  • Da sind ein paar echt schicke Miniaturen zustande gekommen, wie ich finde und zu einigen habe ich schon tolle Ideen für Dioramen… Daher sehr inspirierend… 😋

  • Da kommen viele tolle Veröffentlichungen auf uns zu. Meine Favoriten sind Callis und Toll und die Kroot.

  • Also, die 30/40k Sachen sind ja mal optisch und designtechnisch allesamt sehr gelungen. Zeigt, dass sie es doch können, wenn sie nur wollen.

  • Die HH Solar Box ist schon geiles Zeug, hätte 7ch vor einigen Jahren wohl ohne nachzudenken gekauft, heute bin ich da aber raus….

  • Die Mandrakes scheinen mir ein gutes Umbau-Potenzial für Necropolis oder Forbidden Psalm zu haben. Wenn ich sie mal günstig finde, wären sie eine tolle Grundlage.

  • Die Mandrakes sind cool.Für mein nächstes ArmeeProjekt.
    Ich warte aber immer noch auf Ushoran. Hatjemand eine Vermutung wann der Erscheint?

  • OK sind ein paar schöne Sachen dabei 😃
    Die Mandraks sind gekauft.
    Der Rest der kill Team Box landet in der Bucht.
    Die Zondara bande wird auch gekauft 😃👍
    Voraussetzung ist aber das GW genug auf dem Markt schmeißt 🙄🤔

    Meine Frage ist warum jetzt schon das nächste Buch bei AOS kommt.
    Ich warte immer noch auf den Sonnenkönig 🙄

    HH ist nix für mich.
    Aber ich denke es gibt genug Abnehmer

    • Ich mag die KT Box schon, tatsächlich bin ich da noch am unsichersten bzgl der Mandrakes. Muss gestehen, es ist ein wenig schade, dass die beiden letzten Weltraum Elfen Teams im Prinzip normale 40k Trupps mit Regeln aber ohne Spezialisten sind, wie sie es früher durch Upgrade Rahmen oder hinzugefügt haben. Die Scorpions brauchen eigentlich noch andere Aspekte um rund zu sein. Hier werden es die Regeln weisen, lassen wir uns überraschen.

  • da sind richtig geile sachen dabei.

    die mandrakes zB.
    die imp. bande.

    und was mich selbst überrascht:
    die auxilia. das Horus-H.-setting lässt mich als ehemaliger ork- und eldarspieler, was ja heute unter „nicht-spacemarines“ zusammengefasst läuft, ziemlich kalt.
    da hat mich noch nie was gereizt, nichtmal als malprojekt.
    aber die auxilia.. „datt hatt watt“.
    erinnert mich so sehr an das „gute alte“ 90er-jahre zeug, was man oft eben nur in zeichnungen sah. dieses seitdem verloren gegangene gefühl, dass damals alles seltsamer, ulkiger, aber eben auch lebendiger und interessanter gestaltet war.
    die kommen mir bestimmt mal auf den tisch – und das habe ich glaube noch nie über „gw menschenvölker“ gesagt 😉

  • Neue Kroots! Wunderbar. Ich liebe Kroots. Das mag die Space Marines Liebhaber umhauen, aber Kroots sind das Einzige was ich bei 40K mag.

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