von BK-Rafael | 07.09.2024 | eingestellt unter: Blood Bowl / Fantasy Football

Guild Ball: Update #10 – Minor Guild Crossover Minis

Steamforged Games veröffentlichen ein weiteres Update zu Guild Ball und den erhältlichen Crossover Miniaturen.

Guildball 1

Available Now! Minor Guild Crossover Minis | Guild Ball Update 10

Welcome back, sports fans! Jamie Perkins here with another Guild Ball update. For those of you patiently waiting for the Minor Guild crossover miniatures, today’s the day!

Separated Bases

The crossover miniatures are the first to be made available with separated bases. When you order these miniatures, they’ll arrive with a 30mm, 40mm, or 50mm lipped edge circular base that you’ll need to attach your miniature to.

Guildball Up10 4

We’re in the process of transitioning the full Guild Ball range to separated bases, which we’ll keep you updated on.
Crossover Minor Guild Miniatures

What more’s to be said? They’re available, go get them!
That’s all for now. If you haven’t already, don’t forget to join the Steamforged Discord or GBCP Discord to hang out with us and other Guild Ball fans. Until next time, sports fans!


Guildball Order

The Order – Minor Guild to the The Union – $17.99

The Union’s Harry the Hat and Mist are both available to play in The Order, bringing mercenary brutality to The Order’s edicts. Time to pay your tithe.

Harry the Hat is perfectly at home wherever you need him to be—in a scrum, supporting other players, or stealing the ball. Brutally efficient when controlling the melee. Don’t ask why he wears the hat onto the pitch. He’ll light you on fire.

On the other hand, Mist is a speedy striker that doesn’t bother with combat at all—he’s too busy winning the game. The rest of the team can break for tea while he simply steals the ball and immediately sends it home.

Guildball Shepherds

Shepherd’s Guild – Minor Guild to the Farmer’s Guild – $17.99

Don’t be fooled—the Shepherd’s Guild isn’t all sunshine and light. And with these two additions from the Farmer’s Guild, they’re going to dominate the field.

Bushel is a striker who excels at tackling and immediately passing to another player, or receiving the ball from teammates by calling for it on her own turn. Once she’s got it, good luck trying to take it off her.

As a coach, Veteran Honour knows the game inside and out, and really helps her team grow into their full potential. Farmers or Shepherds on her team can ignore certain condition effects, and once per game she can give another player an additional move. Overall, her toolbox is flexible enough to bring the game home no matter the situation.

Guildball Ratcatchers

Ratcatcher’s Guild – Minor Guild to the Mortician’s Guild – $19.99

You really don’t want to be facing off against a team that has players with names like “Veteran Graves” and “Bonesaw”. These two Morticians join the fray to help the Ratcatchers put the final nail in the coffin.

Veteran Graves is a tough as iron defensive midfielder, ready to make scrums a nightmare for the opposition. He can also grant bonus influence to Guild mascots Vileswarm and Squeak, so they can take more actions each turn.

Bonesaw is a striker who likes to blast right through other models, dodging their parting blows and keeping possession of the ball instead of having to avoid the opponent’s defenders. With access to bonus movements and rerolls on missed kicks, Bonesaw closes out games for his Guild with alarming consistency.

Guildball Navigators

Navigator’s Guild – Minor Guild to the Fishermen’s Guild – $17.99

Need more goal-scorers in your Navigator’s Guild team? These two Fisherman’s Guild players are savants with the ball.

Angel is a slippery striker with fast, long-range, and accurate kicks, along with the ability to move Guild mascots on her turn to boot.

Siren is a winger that’s great at both support and ball control—she can charm and manipulate opponents to place them where she wants them, or trick them into passing to her in order to steal possession for her Guild.

Guildball Miners

Miner’s Guild – Minor Guild to the Engineer’s Guild – $17.99

These two Engineers are the perfect additions to the Miner’s Guild, rounding out the team with a central midfielder and winger.

Colossus is a tough but surprisingly fast melee support player, able to assist teammates in close quarters. Like all engineers, Colossus is great at tackling the ball and keeping it.

Salvo is fast, lightly armoured, and can knock opponents down with ranged attacks while on the way to scoring. A true double threat—Salvo can snatch up a loose ball at range, or debuff opponents when scoring isn’t on the cards.

Guildball Falconers

Falconer’s Guild – Minor Guild to the Hunter’s Guild – $18.99

Stepping in from the Hunter’s Guild are two seasoned players ready to help the Falconer’s fly to victory.

Egret is a fleet-footed striker with poison attacks, and a bow that can dish out light ranged damage while also generating bonus movement for herself.

Veteran Hearne is a centreback that can snare opponents with his spear and help support team members, allowing them to use momentum instead of influence when using character plays. He’s faster than he looks too—his attacks can teleport him to his target, letting him cross the field fast when needed.

Guildball Cooks

Cook’s Guild – Minor Guild to the Butcher’s Guild – $18.99

Slice and dice with these players on loan from the Butcher’s Guild, ready to add a whole new dimension of deadly flavour to the Cook’s Guild.

Speeding onto the pitch first is Shank, everyone’s favourite nimble damage dealer. Great at diving in and out of combat, Shank is a great player for lowering enemy DEF with a thousand cuts.

Back in goal, Tenderiser stands watch against anyone foolish enough to try a shot on goal—when an opponent scores, Tenderiser marks them for payback, making future attacks against them even more effective and generating more momentum for your team.


Quelle: Steamforged Games, SFG Store


Seit 2002 im Hobby mit Mage Knight, gefolgt von Confrontation, um dann bei Warmachine/Hordes hängen zu bleiben. Aktuelle Projekte: OPR, Halo Flashpoint, SW Shatterpoint, SW Imperial Assault, Infinity und Kill Team.

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  • Cool. Ich hatte aber gehofft, das es auch von den Minor Guilds die Crossover Spieler für die großen Guilden zu bekommen. Ich will die kompletten Köche eigentlich nicht kaufen

  • ach das mt den Crossover minis hatte ich mir ganz anders vorgestellt,
    zu einen dachte ich an neue modelle und zum anderen an modelle ähnlich wie Compound und Lucky.

    irgend wie fühle ich mich in der Situation von den Starwars Legion spielern im verhältnis zu shatterpoint, nur halt guild ball zu warmachine.

    es ist bestimmt nicht wirklich so,
    aber durch den placebo Effekt reicht ja schon der glaube und ich bin schon wieder der meinung das sich SFG die wieder Belebung hätte sparen können.

    Zwar bin ich so an die Shepherds gekommen, aber das war es dann auch schon und ganz ehrlich brauche ich die nicht wirklich.

    Warmachine ziehen sie gut durch,
    glaube sich darauf zu konzentrieren,
    besonders wo guild ball schon durch die comunity weiter gelaufen ist,
    wäre der bessere weg gewesen.

    aber vielleich haben sie auch super an den verkauf der neu gedruckten gilden verdient und stecken das jetzt in ein besseres warmachine.

    • Naja WarMachine ist halt die größere Marke und braucht Aufmerksamkeit. Da muss erstmal Geld und Marketing reingebuttert werden, denn ein Selbstläufer ist die Marke leider nicht (mehr).

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