von BK-Christian | 11.05.2024 | eingestellt unter: 3D-Druck, Warpath/Deadzone

Deadzone: Strike Teams im Mantic Vault

Mantic Games haben in April und Mai spezialisierte Strike Teams im Mantic Vault veröffentlicht.

MG Mantic Deadzone Strike Teams 3

Den Anfang machten im April die Helden aus Star Saga (die man jetzt somit auch endlich in nicht-PVC-Qualität kriegen kann):

MG Mantic Deadzone Strike Teams 2

Captain Erika Dulinsky: Former Captain for the Reiker Corporation. The exact circumstances of her dismissal from Reiker are unclear – her records remain classified. Whatever the case, her leadership and tactical experience put her in high demand among military freelancers, while her courage under fire make her an invaluable teammate.

Combat Utility Robot B07153: Designed as modular support, Combat Utility Robots have limited conversational skills and are almost exclusively task-oriented. That said, behavioral ‘quirks’ have been reported among older or battle-damaged units. ‘Curby’ is one such unit.

Francesco ‘The Devil’ Selvaggio: Soldier-for-hire with a predilection for close combat knife-work and demolitions. Selvaggio earned his nickname, ‘The Devil’, for his part in the fire-bombing campaign that laid waste to an entire planet. ‘The Devil’ has since made his way through the universe working for anyone with the credits to pay for his services, be they rebels, corporate snatch teams, or worse.

Wrath: The only Judwan ever recorded as being capable of violence. Subjected to an arduous ‘training’ program and fashioned into a killer at a young age, he is now one of the most wanted beings in the galaxy, always seeking the truth behind what was done to him… and revenge.

Kira: Sister to Reb’s leader Adrienne Nikolovski, Kira has taken a less violent approach to her work. She has worked for numerous different employers, including Blaine and the GCPS, much to Adrienne’s chagrin.

Alyse: Like so many of her race, the Kayowa, Alyse has lived much of her life in the shadows. Recruited as a young adult into the Rigel Syndicate, one of the most notorious blade gangs in the Third Sphere, Alyse quickly became an expert thief and a formidable fighter, freely using her ability to drain the lifeforce of her opponents and use it to heal her wounds and those of her comrades.

Ogan Helkkare: Ogan Helkkare is a rare thing in a vast galaxy: a Forge Father who has made his home within the GCPS. From his workshops on the world of Gelgar II, Helkkare has made a living using his hands and his mind to engineer everything from weapons engine parts. Ogan would gladly return to life aboard a Ward ship but he cannot, for he is an exile, spurned by his clan.

The Eiras Contract is a fixed point Deadzone Strike Team – full rules can be found on the Mantic Companion

This model has been be split into multiple files to facilitate easier printing.

Weiter ging es im Mai mit den Tersia Revolutionaries, die eine Mischung aus verschiedenen Modellen darstellen, darunter z. B. einige Dreadball-Spieler:

MG Mantic Deadzone Strike Teams 1

Tersia Revolutionaries

Ector Zanchez did not seek a life of crime. He didn’t seek leadership either. Despite being born on Tersia Prime, a fume-choked, resource-starved spoil world in the Hanson sector, Ector dreamed of greatness. Rather than choose a short life in the military, or a slightly longer one chasing work in what was left of Tersia Primes Industries, he played DreadBall. It was the ‘Xtreme’ version, played in sweat-soaked warehouses and on oil-stained wastelands, and Zanchez’s team, owned and managed by the Teraton Kraato Gon, were ordered to lose as often as win. When the fix is in, it’s in. Zanchez played his part, was an obedient soldier, ad made the most of the fame his position afforded. Still, his loyalty was not enough to protect him from the dangers inherent in the game. An ‘accident’ involving an acid filled booby trap left him close to death and it was only the quick intervention of medi-bots, paid for by a mysterious benefactor, that saved him. He lived, and he recovered. When he awoke from a medically induced coma, Ector found his body covered with disfiguring scars from head to toe. Perhaps worse still, he now found himself in the debt of the one of the most wanted criminals in the galaxy: Blaine.

That debt would eventually be called upon, and after the liberation of Kyoorani Prime, Ector found himself in the middle of a growing movement to free more planets from the grasp of GCPS rule. This time round, Blaine had other plans for Ector. Others from his Xtreme background were recruited, perhaps via similar ‘debts’ to Blaine, to fan the fires of revolution. Tersia Prime was to be taken back from GCPS control, it’s pitiful state to return to the people, and Ector was to lead the charge, willing or not.

Once considered a rising talent and player to watch, Lyra was once the assassin slave of a crime lord and true to her roots, once her on pitch prospects dried up, she returned fully to the life she knew before. Promised with the hope of buying her own freedom, her mysterious new benefactor has tasked her with finding and ensuring the Revolutions new leader achieves his task, otherwise, she is there to fix it either way.

Ector had very few people he trusted within the Xtreme circuit, but one those he did was a mechanic working for Kraato Gon, Lydia Winger. Never satisfied with just being on the side-lines, Lydia became a regular fixture leading her team of bots – and when not playing, she was always pushing her skills and trying to improve the constructs given to her. After Ector woke and understood his new ‘benefactor’ had given him a chance to help Tersia Prime, Lydia was his first port of call. With her, also comes her personal training bots, reconfigured Jetari class DZ66 – the bigger and more durable versions of the Jetari Class GL14 Bruiser bots they made use of in the leagues. Lydia truly believes in the revolution, and fights for the cause more than anyone else on the Tersia Revolutionaries roster.

This model has been be split into multiple files to facilitate easier printing.

Die Regeln dieser Strike Teams sind im Mantic Companion erhältlich.

Quelle: Mantic Vault


Chefredakteur und Betreiber von Brückenkopf-Online. Partner und Spieldesigner bei NeverRealm Industry. Seit 2002 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop Warhammer Fantasy (Dunkelelfen). Aktuelle Projekte: Summoners (alle Fraktionen), Deathmatch, Deadzone/Firefight (Asterianer und Enforcer), diverse Raumschiffe und allerlei Mechs.

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  • Hey, die sehen ja richtig gut aus. Ronnie behauptet ja konstant, dass Mantic Miniaturen nicht mehr so schlecht seien wie 2009, als sie sich ihren Ruf eingeheimst hatten. Mittlerweile glaube ich ihm auch. 🙂

    Aber verstehe ich das richtig, dass dies ausschließlich Vault, also STLs sind? Oder kann man die in dieser Qualität auch von Mantic direkt bekommen?

    • Die aus Bild 1&2 sind aus deren Sci-Fi-Dungeon-Crawler, aber ob man den noch irgendwo kriegt? 🤔

  • Das Eiras Team benutzt ausschließlich Modelle aus dem Star-Saga Dungeon Crawler (die Haupt“helden“ und die Retail/Kickstarter exclusive Kira als Ärztin). Da ich die alle schon angemalt habe, hab ich sie nicht nochmal gedruckt, sondern nur den Ogan (Zwerg) für nen Kumpel, der Forge Fathers spielt und den da auch nutzen kann. Und das sieht sooo viel besser aus! Das Tersia Team wurde teilweise leicht bis massiv hochgescaled (von Dreadball Xtreme) und gerade der Anführer hat endlich die Details, gerade im Gesicht, die er auf Bildern aber nicht auf dem Modell erkennbar hatte. Die hab ich alle gedruckt und sofort bemalt, was super ging.
    Ich weiß, dass Mantic Druckpartner bei Retail-Stores mit Storefront haben, ob in Deutschland auch, weiß ich leider nicht. Außerdem wurde auch auf Facebook (Deadzone Fanatics und Vault Fanatics) geteased, dass das nicht die einzigen Teams bleiben werden 😉

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