von BK-Sebastian | 02.10.2024 | eingestellt unter: Fantasy

Crooked Dice: Erste Sinbad Figuren

Crooked Dice haben die ersten Sinbad Figuren in ihren Shop übernommen.

Al’Kadar the Evil Sorcerer kostet 5£


Through years of study and preparation, and the application of dark arts, Al-Kadar has found ways to extend his natural life… but at what price?

Die Black Widow liegt ebenso bei 5£


Delighted in performing her art, the Black Widow uses cunning and subterfuge to eliminate her foes. She rules the streets of Morabia through her network of thugs and assassins.

Die vier Black Widow Thugs kosten zusammen 18£, einzeln 5£


The Black Widow Gang uses cunning and subterfuge to eliminate their foes. They rule the shadowy streets of Morabia through their network of thugs and assassins.

Die Demons kosten zu viert 18£, einzeln 5£


These spawn of another, darker world are ancient and unspeakably evil. Dwelling in the deepest underground and the most desperate corners of troubled souls, they search for ways of entering the waking world to feed upon fools and sinners!

Der Djinn kostet 10£


Bound by magic and summoned through an enchanting ritual, Djinn are supernatural spirits who wield incredible power for those controlling them. However, should that power be abused, the summoner will feel the full extent of a Djinn’s wrath.

Die Kali Kultistinnen kosten je 5£

CrookedDiceSinbadKaliCultist1b CrookedDiceSinbadKaliCultist1a

On mysterious isles and deep in the bowels of cities, these cultists enact dread rituals to their cult-armed diety.

Schehereazade gibt es für 5£


Using her gift of storytelling, Scheherazade is able to escape the fate Shahryar has decreed for his wives. With the threat of execution at dawn hanging over her, she ends and begins a new story each night, and thus enchanted he spares her until she can finish.

Widely read of the classics, philosophers and poetics, Scheherazade’s stories become the epic that is the One Thousand and One Nights, but the truths hidden within her tales are more real than many know.

Sindbad selber kostet 5£


Adventurer, rogue and sailor, Sinbad’s voyages have become legend. Whether facing the gigantic Rocs or Polyphemus-like Cyclops, it is Sinbad’s cunning, bravery and trust in fate that sees him through.

Die Sirene 6£


Transfixing the weak-willed with their charms and songs, Sirens will attempt to drag those that succumb down to a watery grave.

Der Vizier von Morabia kostet 5£


Wise ruler of Morabia, the Vizier hides his features behind a golden mask. Some say he is cursed by a sorcerer’s spell, others that he masks his face so that the position may be passed down through the ages – shrouded in mystery and anonymity.

Quelle: Crooked Dice


Redakteur von Brückenkopf-Online. Seit 2001 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop Armalion. Aktuelle Systeme: Freebooter's Fate(Alle Fraktionen), Bushido(Ito, Ryu, Ro-Kan),Moonstone, Summoners (Feuer, Luft), Deadzone, ASoIaF(Nachtwache, Targaryen), Dropfleet Commander(UCM, Scourge), Warmaster(Zwerge, Echsen), Eden(ISC, Resistance), KoW: Armada(Basilean, Ork) u.v.m

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  • Richtig gut. Nachdem ich auf der TaToCon auch ein Testspiel 7TV machen konnte, bin ich mehr und mehr davon überzeugt: ich brauch das!

  • Bis auf die Dämonen gefällt mir das alles richtig gut. Hab mir zwar auf den letzten Drücker erst den Djinn von Otherworld Miniatures gegönnt (*schluchz*), aber den nehme ich definitiv auch noch mit.

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