von BK-Bob | 22.06.2024 | eingestellt unter: Fantasy, Patreon

Bestiarum Miniatures: Warclans Rise & Hidden Folk Emerge [NSFW]

Diesen Monat gibt es wieder zwei komplett neue Fraktion bei Bestiarum Miniatures.

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June Release – Warclans Rise & Hidden Folk Emerge

Strange horrors are in store this June! Two brand new factions rise up from undiscovered corners of Doaden. The mighty Warclans of Thule, and the eldritch Ageless Fae.

As always, this post is the place to check out the good stuff in all it’s terrible glory!

Warclans of Thule

First mentioned way back in the Beastmen Adventure back in September 2022 (!!!), the folk of Thule are finally stomping into Doaden. They are, nomadic warriors of the frozen Tundra, possessed of giantsblood and indomitable spirit, their culture is born of an endless war against the very land itself.

The Ageless Fae

With the Warclans serving as a decidedly ordered Bestiarum Faction, we figured the second release should get really weird, enter the Ageless Fae.

Ancient and luminal beings, the Fae have dwelled in the Hidden places of Doaden for time immemorial. Both Predators and protectors of the folk who dwell in the liminal spaces between civilization and nature, they are inscrutable entities, and not to be trifled with…

Penitent Heroes – The Aspects of the Creed

Another step in our endless quest to stretch the definition of ‘hero’, we’re pleased to introduce these majestic weapons of war.

The Aspects of the Creed display all the horrific majesty of the Azerai faith. The blessed embodiments of this brutally humanist creed are each taken to an intense extreme in each of these entities. Faith, Fire and Death. Though symbols of blessed Azerai, the secrets of the Aspect’s creation is far fouler than the Church would care to admit…

5E Stats & Lore Books

Our All-In Tier Subscribers will receive the Faction Booklets for the Warclans of Thule & The Ageless Fae, containing more details on the collections, plus 5E Statblocks.

Alongside those precious rules to bring these miniatures to the tabletop, you’ll also learn the secrets of these strange hidden folk, and discover more of the honorable history of Thule.

Don’t forget, in addition to these books, you’ll also receive the whole RPG Adventure Archive – Over 30 Adventures for 5E and Forbidden Psalm, alongside the Path of Penitence Campaign System!

We’re so glad to have you joining us for another month on this dark journey! Thank you as always for you precious support, we hope you enjoy June’s rewards!


Bestiarum Team

Quelle: Bestiarum Miniatures bei Patreon


Seit 2010 im Hobby. Aktuelle Projekte: Warhammer Fantasy/Old World (Imperium, Bretonen, Tiermenschen, Skaven, Gnome), Blood Bowl (Gnome, Echsenmenschen), Warcry, Summoners (Erde, Tod), Bolt Action (Briten), Herr der Ringe (Harad)

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  • Mir fällt als erstes der krumme Stiel des Hammers auf. Es gibt einen guten Grund warum die auch heutzutage noch gerade sind.

    Der dicke Boss am Anfang gefällt mir aber sehr. Erinnert mich an den übergewichtigen Thor von God of War.

  • Ich feier die Lümmelgnome. So schön garstig im Ausdruck, obwohl man das halbe Gesicht nicht sieht.

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