von BK-Bob | 12.05.2024 | eingestellt unter: Patreon

Archvillain Games: Mai Patreon

Diesen Monat geht es unter Wasser und in die Sterne bei Archvillain Games.

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May Releases

AVG Mai Patreon 49

🌊🧝🏻‍♂️The Trench – Nereivari🧝🏻‍♂️🌊

AVG Mai Patreon 50

🎆🧝🏽‍♀️Sylvari Ascendants – Highblood Legacy🧝🏽‍♀️🎆

This month’s Fantasy Roster

(TIERS: Fantasy Villain, Fantasy Archvillain, Omniversal Archvillain)

  • Zerean Eirrid – Nereivari Deeplord – 75mm base – 1 pose
  • Ocealith Besieger -50mm base – 4 poses
  • Neriadrac Rider – 50mm base – 4 poses
  • Nereivari Myrmidon -25mm base – 4 poses
  • Voshivari Maiden – 25mm base – 4 poses
  • Dreglivari Wretch – 25mm base – 4 poses

Archvillain Society Vol. XXXV

  • Arvael – Reefguard Captain – 25mm base
  • Flint Barreltop – 25mm base
  • Philyra – Dark Sea Nymph – 25mm base

Archvillain Bestiary Vol. IX

  • Dakrillith – Trench Terror – 75mm base
  • Elg-Olfot – Maradri Tactician – 50mm base
  • Lantern of the Deep – 25mm base

This month’s SciFi Roster:

(TIERS: SciFi Villain, Omniversal Archvillain)

  • Highblood Skyglider – 80mm base – 1 pose
  • Highblood Strider – 60mm base – 2 poses
  • Highblood Knight – 60mm base – 3 poses
  • Highblood Artillery – 40mm base – 1 pose
  • Highblood Warden – 25mm base – 6 poses
  • Highblood Lancer – 25mm base – 6 poses


Happy Printing!

The Archvillain Team

Quelle: Archvillain Games bei Patreon


Seit 2010 im Hobby. Aktuelle Projekte: Herr der Ringe (Harad, Khand und Ostlinge), Saga Ära der Magie (Die Untoten Legionen), WarmaHordes (Crucible Guard, Söldner und Circle), Summoners (Erde), Konflikt 47 (Briten)

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