von BK-Jonah | 20.09.2024 | eingestellt unter: Crowdfunding, Science-Fiction

2nd Dynasty: Neuer Traveller Kickstarter

Mit einer offiziellen Lizenz widmen sich 2nd Dynasty mit dem „Fifth Frontier War“-Kickstarter wieder dem Traveller RPG.

Bring Your Traveller™ Campaign to Life with our Tabletop Miniatures

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© 2024 Mongoose Publishing Ltd. Used with permission.

The Traveller™ Roleplaying Game has been a staple of science-fiction roleplaying since 1977. Now almost fifty years later and in its eleventh iteration, Traveller is stronger than ever.

Since 2021, 2nd Dynasty has produced classic Traveller starships and miniatures for 3D printing under license, and with the custodianship of the Traveller license moving over to Mongoose Publishing in early 2024, we have been given the opportunity to finally tie our Traveller line into the most recent edition of the game, Mongoose Traveller 2nd Edition!

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The Zhodani Infantry advance!

We are proud to present our officially licensed tie-in to the Fifth Frontier War campaign series, by Mongoose Publishing. During this campaign we are bringing 80 brand new 28mm character miniatures and six new vehicles to your tabletop, based on the Mongoose art from the Fifth Frontier War.

Print our designs for yourself on your own 3D printer, OR, purchase ready-to-paint versions and have them delivered to your door.

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We are offering 80+ new miniatures to our line-up from the Fifth Frontier War. This campaign is focused on the troops doing the fighting and the Travellers caught in the crossfire!

The physical prints are in 28mm scale and made from resin, provided without bases.

The STL files for the digital versions are also 28mm scale, however STL files can easily be rescaled and printed in a wide variety of common scales. We are unable to offer physical prints at any other scale than 28mm.

The Zhodani

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Let’s start with the invaders! The Zhodani Consulate is a stellar empire bordering on the edge of Imperial space. An offshoot of Humaniti that developed a culture focused around psionic powers, they have clashed with the Third Imperium numerous times before.

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This group of miniatures represents a typical infantry squad that would conduct boarding operations or ground invasions. They are commonly armed with laser rifles and combat armour.

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Our Zhodani Infantry Miniatures:

  • Zhodani Officer with Sword
  • Zhodani Officer with Pistol
  • Zhodani Officer with Laser Rifle
  • Zhodani Officer without Helmet
  • Zhodani Officer Seated
  • Male Zhodani Soldier Seated with Laser Rifle
  • Male Zhodani Soldier with Laser Rifle Idle
  • Male Zhodani Soldier Running with Laser Rifle
  • Male Zhodani Soldier Crouching with Laser Rifle
  • Male Zhodani Soldier Aiming with Laser Rifle
  • Female Zhodani Soldier Seated with Laser Rifle
  • Female Zhodani Soldier with Laser Rifle Idle
  • Female Zhodani Soldier Running with Laser Rifle
  • Female Zhodani Soldier Crouching with Laser Rifle
  • Female Zhodani Soldier Aiming with Laser Rifle
  • Zhodani Soldier in Heavy Combat Armour Seated with Rifle
  • Zhodani Soldier in Heavy Combat Armour with Rifle Idle
  • Zhodani Soldier in Heavy Combat Armour Running with Rifle
  • Zhodani Soldier in Heavy Combat Armour Crouching with Rifle
  • Zhodani Soldier in Heavy Combat Armour Aiming with Rifle

The Third Imperium

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Representing the home team, in the red corner we have the Imperial Marines, one of the branches of the military, typically assigned to boarding actions and ground assaults. Probably most famous for the Imperial Star Marines with their distinctive Battledress, this collection of miniatures represents the grunts in the marines wearing Combat Armour and armed with laser rifles or submachineguns for boarding actions.

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© 2024 Mongoose Publishing Ltd. Used with permission.

The Miniatures:

  • Female Imperial Marine Crouching with Laser Rifle
  • Female Imperial Marine Seated
  • Female Imperial Marine Standing Firing Laser Rifle
  • Female Imperial Marine Standing Firing Submachinegun
  • Female Imperial Marine with Helmet Off
  • Female Imperial Marine with Laser Rifle Idle
  • Female Imperial Marine with Submachinegun Idle
  • Imperial Marine NCO Action
  • Imperial Marine NCO Idle
  • Imperial Marine in Heavy Combat Armour Idle
  • Imperial Marine in Heavy Combat Armour Seated
  • Imperial Marine in Heavy Combat Armour with FGHP
  • Imperial Marine in Heavy Combat Armour with Rifle
  • Male Imperial Marine Seated
  • Male Imperial Marine with Laser Rifle Idle
  • Male Imperial Marine with Helmet Off
  • Male Imperial Marine with Submachinegun Idle
  • Male Imperial Marine Crouching with Laser Rifle
  • Male Imperial Marine Standing Firing Laser Rifle
  • Male Imperial Marine Standing Firing Submachinegun

The Flashpoint Travellers

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While the armed forces of the belligerent powers might be of interest to some, most Traveller campaigns are not focused on the military, but rather, the rag-tag group of daredevil entrepreneurs controlled by the characters.

Our third faction consists of four heroic Travellers based on the artwork from the Flashpoints Fifth Frontier War adventure. We have named our heroes Elara, Korrik, Maris and Lucian, and in the 2nd Dynasty fashion, these are fully fledged heroic miniatures with multiple poses each.

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© 2024 Mongoose Publishing Ltd. Used with permission.

The Flashpoint Travellers each come in five poses:

  • Action/armed
  • Idle
  • Seated (compatible with our chairs)
  • Sleeping/Unconscious (compatible with our beds)
  • Zero-G

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From the Imperial Vaastel-M Battle Tank to the Zhodani Vezhchiezh Gravitic Combat Platform, wow your group with our highly detailed vehicles, including our very own official design, the Rampart III Light Fighter.

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Hannes playing with Rampart III, with a Vaastel-M in the foreground

These vehicles are in the same scale as our miniatures, 28mm, or approximately 1:59. They are each based on Mongoose Traveller statistics and artwork, and have been scaled by volume in dTons.

Our massive vehicles designed for optimised for FDM 3D-Printing, designed for use with PLA filament. The premium prints on offer are printed at 0.16 mm or lower and offer superior detail for FDM.

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In our last two campaigns, we partnered with JohnGames 3D Print Shop to offer physical prints, and the response has been incredible:

“OMG, the printed Erebus arrived today and I am stunned by the quality of it !! Wow !! What clean prints with tight tolerances!! What printer and settings do you use ? I’m new to printing and can only dream of achieving this sort of perfection !!” – Sole Survivor Campaign Backer 46

„I received my Physical print order from your shop and on TRAVELLER Day even, I am blown away. First time seeing and feeling the texture of 3D Print. The detail is Amazing and print quality far surpasses my memory of the mass market plastic models back in the late 70s and early 80s… Thank You for your attention to detail John!“ – Stosh I Am

We’re excited to team up with John again to bring you high-quality physical prints—miniatures in resin and tanks, transports, and fighters in filament!

The 28mm miniature faction boxes include 20 miniatures per set at a special price, packaged with custom foam inserts for protection. They’re ready to paint and even come with 1” bases for easy assembly.

As for our tanks, fighters, and transports, they’ll receive the same top-tier FDM print quality, featuring 0.12mm layers on a 0.4mm nozzle (with select pieces printed at 0.08mm layers on a 0.2mm nozzle for extra precision!). We use matte grey filament to reduce layer lines, so they’re ready for action, even before painting.

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3D Printed 40-Ton Pinnace

Fifth Frontier War Reward Tiers

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By popular request we have added the Fifth Frontier War+ Reward Level which includes both all 80 Physical Character Miniatures, plus every STL exclusive to this Kickstarter campaign (anything we have not previously published).

Traveller Add-Ons

Physical Add-Ons

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STL (Digital) Add-Ons

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Commercial License

A Traveller Commercial License allows you to the, for the period of 1 year after final delivery of all STL products promised in this campaign.

Daily Reveals

Each day of the campaign, a new miniature will be revealed. At the moment, most of these are represented by Mongoose art and will be sculpted during or after the conclusion of the crowdfunding campaign.

There are 20 miniatures to be revealed in all, included with the Fifth Frontier War Reward Tiers and above. Each is based on the artwork from the Fifth Frontier War, Flashpoints, Aliens of Chartered Space Volume 1 and Opening Moves.

Stretch Goals

In addition to our daily reveals, both social and funding milestones will unlock additional bonus items as the campaign progresses.

These take the form of additional STL models added to STL pledges, and the availability of new physical add-ons exclusive to this campaign.

These stretch goals will be revealed once we reach our funding goal.

Where to Get More Traveller

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For more Fifth Frontier War and Travellercontent, including the campaign books and PDFs, please visit Mongoose Publishing.

Our Team

Lead Designer: Ben Mowbray | 2nd Dynasty

Modellers: Ben Mowbray, Albin Larsson | 2nd Dynasty

Sculptors (28mm Character Miniatures): Jeorge Dreo/ Exo (Artstation), Ronaldo N. de Oliveira (Artstation), Andrei Lanes/Kyoushuneko Miniatures (Patreon / MyMiniFactory), Rafa Lozano (Artstation), John Christian

Painters: Albin Larsson, Lise-Lott Eriksson

Film, Editing, Photography, and Music/Sound: Hannes Knutsson | Lefvande Bilder

Digital Logistics: Lise-Lott Eriksson | 2nd Dynasty

Traveller ™ is © 2024 Mongoose Publishing Ltd. All rights reserved.


Seit 2023 im Hobby und damit das Nesthäkchen beim Brückenkopf. Erste Tabletop-Liebe: Warhammer Fantasy durch Total War, was über Umwege zu AoS geführt hat. Danach und bis heute verliebt in Conquest: The Last Argument of Kings. Aktuelle Projekte: Flesh-eater Courts und Conquest Sorcerer Kings mit Aussicht auf Tomb Kings in The Old World und irgendwann auch mal Warhammer 40k – wenn es die Zeit denn zulässt.

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