von BK-Sebastian | 01.10.2023 | eingestellt unter: Warmachine

Warmachine: Charakter Warjack Packs

Privateer Press hat für Warmachine MK IV Charakter Warjack Packs veröffentlicht.

Diese Packs sind Zusatzteile für Warjacks, die Grundversionen müssen separat erworben werden.

Den Anfang macht Israfyl für 12,99$

WarmasterISrafyl (2) WarmasterISrafyl (1)

Built for the singular purpose of destroying anything and everything it confronts, the ghoulish Israfyl decimates its opposition with a pair of arcantrik serpentine blades. What it cannot reach with its telescoping blades, Israfyl destroys from afar with the wicked Death Whisper cannon mounted on its shoulder.

This warjack pack contains two weapon arms, a shoulder weapon, and a head for use with the House Kallyss Eidolon heavy warjack model. Four 1/8″ magnets are required for this kit, sold separately in the Privateer Press Hobby Magnet pack (PIP 21192).

  • MAT 7, RAT 7 warjack with the Entropic Force and Generator special rules.
  • Death Whisper is a RNG SP 12, POW 14 ranged attack that allows Israfyl to remove damage from living models if the weapon destroys a living or undead enemy model.
  • Armed with a pair of RNG 3 Serpentine Blades with the Blessed, Chain Weapon, Damage Type: Magical, Critical Knockdown, and Drag special rules.

Des weiteren gibt es Medveditsa für 12,99$

WarmasterMedveditsa (2) WarmasterMedveditsa (1)

As protective as she is formidable, Medveditsa, the “Mother Bear,” embodies her terrifying namesake as she fiercely defends the ground between her Winter Korps comrades and their enemies.

This warjack pack contains two weapon arms and a head for use with the Winter Korps Great Bear heavy warjack model. Two 3/16″ magnets and one 1/8″ magnet are required for this kit, sold separately in the Privateer Press Hobby Magnet pack (PIP 21192).

  • SPD 5, MAT 8 warjack with Pathfinder and Shield Guard.
  • Hand of Vengeance special rules says, “When one or more friendly Faction warrior models are destroyed or removed from play by enemy attacks while within 5˝ of this model, this model gains +2 on melee attack and melee damage rolls for one round.”
  • Armed with a pair of POW 18 Bear Claws with the Buckler, Throw Power Attack, and Chain Attack: Grab & Smash special rules.

Außerdem Molok für ebenso 12,99$

WarmasterMolok (1) WarmasterMolok (2)

Possessed of an ancient and malignant spirit trapped within its iron chassis, Molok rages against all light and life. With a pair of demonic artifact weapons, this hellbound warjack annihilates the flesh of his foes before subjecting their souls to his own eternal torment.

This warjack pack contains two weapon arms and a head for use with the Sea Raiders Tyrant heavy warjack model. Three 3/16″ magnets are required for this kit, sold separately in the Privateer Press Hobby Magnet pack (PIP 21192).

  • Can collect soul tokens to give itself focus, to negate enemy spell, or to gain a DEF bonus.
  • Its Hand of Ruin weapon enables it to take control of enemy non-Leader models by spending soul tokens.
  • Has the Hyper Aggressive, Poltergeist, and Gates of Hell special rules. Gates of Hell enables it to spend a soul token once per activation to be placed anywhere within 4″ of its current location after destroying an enemy model with its Abyssal Mace.

Und den General für 12,99$

WarmasterGeneral (1) WarmasterGeneral (2)

Armed with the legendary sword of the late Coleman Stryker, now upgraded for warjack use and protected with an electro-charged Polarity Fist, The General charges into battle, furthering the legacy of the greatest hero Cygnar has ever known.

This warjack pack contains two weapon arms and a head for use with the Storm Legion Stryker heavy warjack model. Two 3/16″ magnets and one 1/8″ magnet are required for this kit, sold separately in the Privateer Press Hobby Magnet pack (PIP 21192).

  • MAT 8, RAT 7, DEF 13 warjack based on the Stryker chassis.
  • Has the Accumulator [Storm Legion warrior model], Focus-Charged: Polarity Field, Overtake, and Righteous Vengeance special rules.
  • Armed with a POW 15 Polarity Fist with Buckler, POW 19 Quicksilver Mk III, and a RNG 8, POW 14 Galvanic Bolt.

Quelle: Privateer Press


Redakteur von Brückenkopf-Online. Seit 2001 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop Armalion. Aktuelle Systeme: Freebooter's Fate(Alle Fraktionen), Bushido(Ito, Ryu, Ro-Kan),Moonstone, Summoners (Feuer, Luft), Deadzone, ASoIaF(Nachtwache, Targaryen), Dropfleet Commander(UCM, Scourge), Warmaster(Zwerge, Echsen), Eden(ISC, Resistance), KoW: Armada(Basilean, Ork) u.v.m

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  • Sehr cool, hab mein Medveditsa Upgrade sez bereits bestellt.
    Nicht aus den USA, aber ist auch kein Partner vom Brückenkopf.

  • Also mir gefallen die neuen Warjacks und auch die Warbeasts sehr.
    Auch der 3D Druck ist besser und solider geworden. Die haben einen guten englischen Partner, der für Europa zuständig ist.
    Jetzt nur noch die Verfügbarkeit etwas steigern.

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