von BK-Christian | 07.06.2023 | eingestellt unter: Kings of War

Kings of War: Neuheiten der Nördlichen Allianz

Mantic Games haben die Krieger aus dem Norden mit neuen Plastikbausätzen versorgt.

Northern Alliance Ice Kin Hunters 1 Northern Alliance Ice Kin Hunters 4 Northern Alliance Ice Kin Hunters 2 Northern Alliance Ice Kin Hunters 3

Northern Alliance Ice Kin Hunters / Half-Elf Berserkers – 32.50

The Ice Kin are more rugged than their southern brethren. They dress in thick furs and leather, the delicate fabrics worn by the other elves not being suited to the lands of the north. Half-Elves are almost universally treated as outcasts within the realms of Elvenholme. Conversely, they are often seen by humans as enigmatic and desirable. More impetuous and hotblooded than their elven kin, they struggle with their dual heritage, constantly fighting internal battles to retain control.

Only the Ice Kin, backed by the understanding of Talannar for their plight, are willing to take these unfortunate beings in, helping them to temper their anger and focus it on the field of battle for a good and worthy cause.



20 x Hard Plastic Ice Kin Hunters / Half-Elf Berserkers
2 x MDF 100x80mm Bases

Northern Alliance Frostclaw Riders 1 Northern Alliance Frostclaw Riders 2 Northern Alliance Frostclaw Riders 3 Northern Alliance Frostclaw Riders 4

Northern Alliance Frostclaw Riders – 25.00

The Alliance is a home for outcasts and the disillusioned from many civilsations who seek a new life and purpose – and the stubborn dwarfs have proved their worth many times over as artisans, labourers and warriors. Free Dwarf Raven-masters set out to subdue the most cunning of the giant mountain ravens of Abkhazla and Halpi. The dwarfs may raise the birds from hatchlings, or have their rangers capture and tame the best of those found in the wild.

Many refugees from the Free Dwarf clans have travelled north of late. Under threat of invasion and unwilling to join the Imperial Dwarfs, these outcasts are drawn to Chill, braving the harsh frozen wastes to reach sanctuary and fight alongside the armies of the Alliance.



2 x Hard Plastic Frostclaw Riders
1 x MDF 150x50mm Base

Northern Alliance Heroes 1 Northern Alliance Heroes 2

Northern Alliance Heroes – 45.00

The tribe chiefs and clan lords serve directly in Talannar’s Witan, the council where all strategic decisions are made for the Alliance, whether political or military. The mages of the Ice Kin practice a distinctly different form of magic than the mages of Elvenholme. Ice magic is notoriously temperamental and difficult to maintain, but in the fortress city of Chill and the northern clan holds, the Ice Kin have bent it to their will. To be a skald in the clans is to bear an immense responsibility. Little is physically documented and tradition dictates that all the memories, knowledge and history of the tribes and clans are learnt, maintained and retold by their skalds, and Clarion is the emissary for the entire Alliance.


1 x Resin Lord / Scald
1 x Resin Ice Queen
1 x Resin Clarion
1 x Resin Thegn on Frostfang
1 x MDF 50x50mm Base
1 x Resin 50x25mm Base
1 x Hard Plastic 20x20mm Base
1 x Hard Plastic 25x25mm Base

Northern Alliance Ambush Starter Set 2 Northern Alliance Ambush Starter Set 1

Northern Alliance Ambush Starter Set – 40.00

Despite their rougher appearance, the elves known as Ice Kin are every bit as graceful and swift as those of other kindreds. With sharp blades and sharper senses they fight to protect their newfound home, their winter attire doing little to stymie their elven celerity.

Many refugees from the Free Dwarf Clans have travelled north of late. Under threat of invasion and unwilling to join the Imperial Dwarfs, these outcasts are drawn to Chill, braving the harsh frozen wastes to reach sanctuary.

This fantastic Ambush starter set is the perfect way to begin your Kings of War adventure!



2 x Hard Plastic Frostclaw Riders Regiment
20 x Hard Plastic Ice Kin Hunters / Half-Elf Berserkers
1 x MDF 150x50mm Base
2 x MDF 100x40mm Bases
1 x Ambush Rules
1 x Northern Alliance Guide

Northern Alliance Army 2 Northern Alliance Army 1 Northern Alliance Army 3 Northern Alliance Ice Kin Hunters 2 Northern Alliance Ice Kin Hunters 3 Northern Alliance Mega Army 4

Northern Alliance Army – 90.00

The forces of Talannar’s alliance are hardy, veteran warriors with years of experience surviving and fighting in the harshest of conditions. Life isn’t fair, so deal with it – a common saying amongst the northern tribes that make up the bulk of the troops at Talannar’s disposal.


20 x Hard Plastic Tribesmen
20 x Hard Plastic Ice Kin Hunters / Half-Elf Berserkers
2 x Hard Plastic Frostclaw Riders
1 x Resin Ice Blade
4 x MDF 100x40mm Bases
1 x MDF 150x50mm Bases
1 x Hard Plastic 20x20mm Base
1 x Northern Alliance Guide

Northern Alliance Mega Army 1 Northern Alliance Mega Army 3 Northern Alliance Mega Army 2 Northern Alliance Frostclaw Riders 1 Northern Alliance Ice Kin Hunters 2 Northern Alliance Ice Kin Hunters 3 Northern Alliance Mega Army 4

Northern Alliance Mega Army – 145.00

The humans of the Northern Alliance come mostly from the northern clans who have sworn allegiance to Talannar, but they can come from many disparate lands. Of these, some are remnants of eastern tribes desolated by Varangur raids.

Others are refugees of wars to the south, or exiles from the numerous Kingdoms of Elves, Dwarfs and more. Whatever their heritage, each has found a home as part of the Alliance and will fight to their last breath to protect it.



20 x Hard Plastic Tribesmen
40 x Hard Plastic Ice Kin Hunters / Half-Elf Berserkers
4 x Hard Plastic Frostclaw Riders
1 x PVC Cavern Dweller
1 x Resin Thegn
6 x MDF 100x40mm Bases
2 x MDF 150x50mm Bases
1 x MDF 50x50mm Base
1 x Hard Plastic 25x25mm Base
1 x Northern Alliance Guide

Kings of War ist unter anderem bei unserem Partner Minyarts erhältlich.

Quelle: Mantic Games


Chefredakteur und Betreiber von Brückenkopf-Online. Seit 2002 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop Warhammer Fantasy (Dunkelelfen). Aktuelle Projekte: Primaris Space Marines, Summoners (alle Fraktionen), Deathmatch, Deadzone/Warpath (Asterianer und Enforcer), diverse Raumschiffe und allerlei Mechs.

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  • cool. erst hartplastik für die nightstalker und jetzt die. aktuell machen die gute sachen. die ambush-sets sind auch preislich interessant und vor allem packen sie direkt die neuen sets hinein… da werden mal versuchsweise einige bei mir landen!

    • Den Gedanken hatt ich auch gleich. Ist mal ein neueres Design im Thema Zwerge / Flugeinheit

  • Sehr schön finde ich auch, dass in der Packung zwei Raben drin sind, sie aber ein 150x50mm Base mit reinpacken, um die Raben als Regiment zu spielen.

    So machen es eh schon alle Leute, jetzt hat sich Mantic angepasst. Cool!

  • Die Halb-Elben-Wikinger-Elfen sind mal eine wirklich interessante Idee. Und der Bausatz schaut echt gut aus – und ich vermute, dass er noch besser aussehen könnte, aber die Bemalung ist an einigen Stellen (v.a. die Augen!) nicht optimal.

    Auch die Riesenraben als Reittier hat man noch nicht so häufig gesehen.

    Das Ambush Set ist außerdem relativ günstig für die Menge an Minis darin. Da werde ich mal zuschlagen, denke ich.

  • Das die Raben in Hartplastik kommen ist überraschend aber sehr gut und das die im Ambush Set sind macht es noch besser

  • Die Flightstands für die Raben sind klasse, ich bräuchte mal solche Felsen aus Kunststoff für meine div. GW Figuren 🙂

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