von BK-Nils | 09.01.2023 | eingestellt unter: Warhammer / Age of Sigmar, Warhammer 40.000

GW: Wochenvorschau mit viel Chaos

Der kommenden Samstag steht bei Games Workshop ganz im Zeichen der Anhänger des Chaos, mit einem großen Schwung an Slaves to Darkness Neuheiten für Warhammer Age of Sigmar, außerdem bringt Forge World eine neue Variante des Primarchen Horus auf dem Höhepunkt der Horus Heresy.

Sunday Preview – The Slaves to Darkness Pour Forth Across the Mortal Realms

It’s the first month of Warhammer releases in 2023, and things are kicking off with a bang – a new season of Matched Play is unleashed upon Warhammer Age of Sigmar, while Archaon and Be’lakor muster new Slaves to Darkness, and the Warmaster steps foot onto the battlefields of Horus Heresy in a terrifying new form.

Warhammer Age of Sigmar

General’s Handbook – Pitched Battles 2022-23 Season 2

Games Workshop Sunday Preview – The Slaves To Darkness Pour Forth Across The Mortal Realms 1

Galletian Champions take centre stage in the new season of Matched Play with the General’s Handbook – Pitched Battles 2022-23 Season 2. This 96-page spiral-bound book contains a new Battlepack, which focuses on super-charging your unmounted heroes. Alongside a slate of fundamental changes, there are new battleplans, grand strategies, and battle tactics to mix up your games. This is a must-have for anyone who enjoys Matched Play events in Warhammer Age of Sigmar.

Battletome: Slaves to Darkness

Games Workshop Sunday Preview – The Slaves To Darkness Pour Forth Across The Mortal Realms 2

A dark storm coalesces over the Mortal Realms as Battletome: Slaves to Darkness arrives. This tome is 128 pages of Slaves to Darkness goodness, covering all the lore and rules you need to know to field your own dark legions under the watchful Eye of the Gods.

This battletome* will also be available in a beautiful limited edition version, which features gold gilt page edges, a soft touch cover, and a red ribbon bookmark.

Vanguard: Slaves to Darkness

Games Workshop Sunday Preview – The Slaves To Darkness Pour Forth Across The Mortal Realms 3

Raise a warhost and run roughshod over the Mortal Realms with this Vanguard box, which contains 17 miniatures including a Chaos Lord, 10 iconic Chaos Warriors in full multi-part glory, five Chaos Knights with the new upgrade sprue, and a chariot which can be pulled by horses or a savage gorebeast for line-breaking charges.

Daemon Prince

Games Workshop Sunday Preview – The Slaves To Darkness Pour Forth Across The Mortal Realms 4

The grand prize at the end of the Path to Glory is to be transfigured and granted immortality by becoming a Daemon Prince. This kit is a true banquet of options, including a range of heads with one for each of the Chaos Gods, a choice of weapons, and more. It even transcends game systems, with wargear options to use this unholy champion in games of Warhammer 40,000.

Chaos Lord on Karkadrak

Games Workshop Sunday Preview – The Slaves To Darkness Pour Forth Across The Mortal Realms 5

With the new Vanguard box replacing the old Start Collecting! box, the Chaos Lord on Karkadrak has been unchained and now roams free, grazing his reptilian beast on the corpses of his slaughtered foes. This bruiser is a solid choice for any Slaves to Darkness list.

Eternus, Blade of The First Prince 

Games Workshop Sunday Preview – The Slaves To Darkness Pour Forth Across The Mortal Realms 6

Archaon’s prime shock troops are known as the Varanguard. From this elite cadre his eternal rival Be’lakor has plucked Eternus, and imbued him with the souls of Stormcast Eternals, creating a champion for his own armies. This kit builds Eternus, Blade of the First Prince, or a generic Chaos Lord on Daemonic Mount.

Exalted Hero of Chaos

Games Workshop Sunday Preview – The Slaves To Darkness Pour Forth Across The Mortal Realms 7

With the action in Gallet favouring heroes in the new General’s Handbook, daemonic mounts are out, and comfy boots are in. This murderous champion will make an ideal pairing with a unit of Chaos Chosen in a Galletian Command detachment.

Chaos Chosen

Games Workshop Sunday Preview – The Slaves To Darkness Pour Forth Across The Mortal Realms 8

Chaos Chosen are elite warriors who love nothing more than using their soul splitter weapons to free their foes from the burden of the mortal coil. They are the hammer, crushing all before them.

Chaos Warriors

Games Workshop Sunday Preview – The Slaves To Darkness Pour Forth Across The Mortal Realms 9

Chaos Warriors are the iconic mortal bruisers of the forces of Chaos. Imbued with dark blessings and clad in hellforged armour, these imposing warriors march to battle with hand weapons or ensorceled halberds, hacking away at foes from behind their hulking runeshields.

Chaos Knights

Games Workshop Sunday Preview – The Slaves To Darkness Pour Forth Across The Mortal Realms 10

There are fewer sights as terrifying as Chaos Knights thundering across the horizon, lances down, ready to skewer their foes. This standalone release comes with an upgrade sprue including command options to adorn your Knights with appropriately terrifying accessories such as banners, instruments, and champions’ paraphernalia.

Ogroid Theridons

Games Workshop Sunday Preview – The Slaves To Darkness Pour Forth Across The Mortal Realms 11

Slaves to Darkness armies feature no shortage of ways to pulverise their opponents, but if you’re looking for a unit with just a little extra oomph, the savage Ogroid Theridons are just the ticket. These hulking brutes tap into their bestial nature to lay their enemies low.

Slaves to Darkness Dice Set

Games Workshop Sunday Preview – The Slaves To Darkness Pour Forth Across The Mortal Realms 12

Add the final piece to your dark panoply with this Slave to Darkness Dice Set. Consisting of 20 dice cast in black and white and featuring an eight-pointed star of chaos on the six face, they’re perfect for invoking the gods to bless your warriors with gifts, rather than spawndom.

Warhammer The Horus Heresy

Games Workshop Sunday Preview – The Slaves To Darkness Pour Forth Across The Mortal Realms 13

Horus Lupercal has drunk deep of the power granted by his dark patrons to become Horus Ascended. The next release in the Horus Heresy Character Series is the Primarch of the Sons of Horus, the Emperor’s traitorous Warmaster, at the peak of his powers.

This mighty warrior is outfitted with the Serpent’s Scales, Warmaster’s talon, and Worldbreaker and comes with an optional scenic base that is covered in the skeletal detritus of war. He will be available globally from the Forge World webstore, but for those of you in the UK, Europe, and the USA he will be on sale on the Games Workshop webstore too.

White Dwarf

White Dwarf Issue 484

Games Workshop Sunday Preview – The Slaves To Darkness Pour Forth Across The Mortal Realms 14

The first instalment of White Dwarf for 2023 is a bumper issue full of Boarding Actions content that sheds new light on this game mode and introduces missions and rules to fight battles on a warp-touched space hulk. There are also plenty of extra rules and articles covering your other favourite Warhammer games in this action packed issue.

* These Battletomes are the same as the Army Box version, apart from the cover, and the day-one errata applies to both the standard and limited editions.

Warhammer: Age of Sigmar ist unter anderem bei unseren Partnern Fantasy-In und Minyarts erhältlich.

Quelle: Games Workshop


Nils, Redakteur bei Brückenkopf-Online. Seit 2001 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop: DSA Armalion. Aktueller Fokus liegt auf Skirmish-Systemen und Warhammer 40.000. mehr auf https://www.instagram.com/nerdydutchman/

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  • Heißt es die Minis aus der Start collecting box (also die push-fit Variante) nehmen sie jetzt wieder auf dem Sortiment? O.o

    • Die Start Collecting Box wird aus dem Sortiment genommen und durch die neue Vanguard Box ersetzt.

      Und bei den Miniaturen gehe ich davon aus, dass das die Modelle aus der Start Collecting Box sind, jetzt nur ergänzt um einen Zusatzgussrahmen mit den Hellebarden für die Krieger und den Kommando-Einheit-Upgrades für Ritter und Krieger.

      • Die Chaos Krieger sind ganz neue Modelle. Sieht man an den unterschiedlichen Posen. Außerdem waren bei den alten die Waffen teilweise fest anmodellierrt. Da könnte man nicht die Hellebarden anbauen.

        Außerdem steht es auch so in der Beschreibung von GW selbst.

      • Eben. Jetzt schmeißen die die Formen weg oder was? -,- ist schon nicht mehr zu bekommen das Zeug… Eyeyey

      • Das die ach so teuren Formen oftmals nur kurz verwendet werden find ich auch sehr schade.

  • Im White Dwarf sind also doch alle Regeln für Boarding Action drin?
    Ich dachte diese findet man nur im Arks of Omen Buch?

    • Das sind laut WD Cover wohl Zusatzregeln speziell für Dämonen-infizierte Space Hulks. Die scheint es dann wohl nicht in den Grundregeln zu geben.

    • Hatte auch gehofft, die Regeln anderweitig zu bekommen, aber man muss wohl doch das teure Buch bzw. alle weiteren Add-ons kaufen 🙁

  • Wieso marschiert dieser Hobus eigentlich auf so einem Haufen von Skeletten rum? Gehört dass zum Hintergrund?

    • Soll vielleicht nach dem ersten Istvaan Massaker sein, sieht ja so aus als wären da tote Sons of Horus dabei

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