von BK-Christian | 19.09.2023 | eingestellt unter: Science-Fiction

Death Ray Designs: Steel Rift Startersets

Death Ray Designs haben neue Fraktionsstarter für Steel Rift vorgestellt.

Corporate Multi Limbed Faction Box 1 Corporate Multi Limbed Faction Box 2 Corporate Multi Limbed Faction Box 3 Corporate Multi Limbed Faction Box 4 Corporate Multi Limbed Faction Box 5 Corporate Multi Limbed Faction Box 6 Corporate Multi Limbed Faction Box 7

Corporate Multi-Limbed Faction Box – $90.00

Bob, weave, and strike them wear it hurts!

The Corporate Multi-Limbed Faction Box contains:

  • 2x Recluse Light HE-V Mechs
  • 2x Weaver Medium HE-V Mechs
  • 2x Huntsman Heavy HE-V Mechs
  • 1x Goliath Ultra-Heavy HE-V Mechs
  • A Variety of modular weapon arms and melee arms
  • 100x Weapon Inserts
  • 4x 40mm bases with arc markings
  • 3x 60mm base with arc markings
  • 1x Arc/Rotation gauge
  • 1x Starter sheet of Number Decals

Extra weapons arms and melee arms can easily be drilled and magnetized to offer some on the fly weapon exchanges. Extra weapons and arms can also be purchased separately to create even more weapon variations.

Freelance Industrial Faction Box 1 Freelance Industrial Faction Box 2 Freelance Industrial Faction Box 3 Freelance Industrial Faction Box 4 Freelance Industrial Faction Box 5 Freelance Industrial Faction Box 6 Freelance Industrial Faction Box 7

Freelance Industrial Faction Box – $90.00

Hack, Smash and Bury the competition! From miners to mercenaries, these are solid machines for the toughest of tasks.

The Corporate Multi-Limbed Faction Box contains:

  • 2x Mason Light HE-V Mechs
  • 2x Pitman Medium HE-V Mechs
  • 2x Breaker Heavy HE-V Mechs
  • 1x Klondike Ultra-Heavy HE-V Mechs
  • A Variety of modular weapon arms and melee arms
  • 100x Weapon Inserts
  • 7x 40mm bases with arc markings
  • 1x Arc/Rotation gauge
  • 1x Starter sheet of Number Decals

Extra weapons arms and melee arms can easily be drilled and magnetized to offer some on the fly weapon exchanges. Extra weapons and arms can also be purchased separately to create even more weapon variations.

Quelle: Death Ray Designs


Chefredakteur und Betreiber von Brückenkopf-Online. Partner und Spieldesigner bei NeverRealm Industry. Seit 2002 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop Warhammer Fantasy (Dunkelelfen). Aktuelle Projekte: Summoners (alle Fraktionen), Deathmatch, Deadzone/Firefight (Asterianer und Enforcer), diverse Raumschiffe und allerlei Mechs.

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    Wer also was von Steel Rift oder Solar Shift sucht kann sich ja mal beim Scifi-Trader.net umschauen.

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