von BK-Nils | 17.07.2022 | eingestellt unter: Brettspiele, Fantasy

Steamforged Games: DARK SOULS RPG Miniatures

Basierend auf dem Videospiel DARK Souls kommt von Steamforged Games eine Reihe von thematischen Miniaturen.

Steamforged Games Dark Souls RPG Unkindled Heroes Pack 1 1

Steamforged Games Dark Souls RPG Unkindled Heroes Pack 1 2 Steamforged Games Dark Souls RPG Unkindled Heroes Pack 1 3 Steamforged Games Dark Souls RPG Unkindled Heroes Pack 1 4 Steamforged Games Dark Souls RPG Unkindled Heroes Pack 1 5

Dark Souls RPG: Unkindled Heroes Pack 1 – 24,95 Euro

Add iconic DARK SOULS™ classes to your roleplaying games with Unkindled Heroes Pack 1!

Four formidable Unkindled stand ready to face insurmountable odds. In the forgotten places of the world, the resilient Knight, fearless Warrior, furtive Assassin, and courageous Herald do battle against the darkness. Who will you choose?

Engage in jolly cooperation in your next roleplaying campaign with these four unique player characters, created for DARK SOULS™: The Roleplaying Game.

Inside this box is everything you need to add 4 Unkindled Heroes to your campaigns, including 4 highly detailed minis and a stat card for each. All miniatures from this range are 5e-compatible, and ready to add to any roleplaying campaign right from the box.

Do you dare step into the shoes of these brave adventurers?

  • 4 detailed player character minis per pack
  • Enhance your roleplaying campaigns
  • 5e-compatible
  • Engage with the DARK SOULS™ combat system in full
  • Paint your minis to recreate the DARK SOULS™ universe on your tabletop
  • Compatible with any tabletop roleplaying game
  • Character sheets available via the Steamforged Games website
  • 1 Knight (25mm base)
  • 1 Herald (25mm base)
  • 1 Assassin (30mm base)
  • 1 Warrior (30mm base)
  • 4 stat cards

Enhance your campaigns with this DARK SOULS™ RPG miniature box. Iconic miniatures for unforgettable adventures. Use Unkindled Heroes Pack 1 with DARK SOULS™: The Roleplaying Game or as part of a new or existing RPG campaign.

Steamforged Games Dark Souls RPG Unkindled Heroes Pack 2 1 Steamforged Games Dark Souls RPG Unkindled Heroes Pack 2 2

Steamforged Games Dark Souls RPG Unkindled Heroes Pack 2 3 Steamforged Games Dark Souls RPG Unkindled Heroes Pack 2 4 Steamforged Games Dark Souls RPG Unkindled Heroes Pack 2 5 Steamforged Games Dark Souls RPG Unkindled Heroes Pack 2 6

Dark Souls RPG: Unkindled Heroes Pack 2 – 29,95 Euro

Add iconic DARK SOULS™ classes to your roleplaying games with Unkindled Heroes Pack 2!

Will you pick the potent Pyromancer, faithful Cleric, or furtive Thief? Perhaps the arcane Sorcerer or savage Mercenary are more to your liking. The Deprived is a strange one, but you sense a resolute will behind their dishevelled exterior… 

Engage in jolly cooperation in your next roleplaying campaign with these six unique player characters, created for DARK SOULS™: The Roleplaying Game.

Inside this box is everything you need to add 6 Unkindled Heroes to your campaigns, including 6 highly detailed minis and a stat card for each. All miniatures from this range are 5e-compatible, and ready to add to any roleplaying campaign right from the box.

Do you dare step into the shoes of these brave adventurers?

  • 6 detailed player character minis per pack
  • Enhance your roleplaying campaigns
  • 5e-compatible
  • Engage with the DARK SOULS™ combat system in full
  • Paint your minis to recreate the DARK SOULS™ universe on your tabletop
  • Compatible with any tabletop roleplaying game
  • Character sheets available via the Steamforged Games website
  • 1 Pyromancer (25mm base)
  • 1 Cleric (25mm base)
  • 1 Thief (25mm base)
  • 1 Sorcerer (25mm base)
  • 1 Mercenary (25mm base)
  • 1 Deprived (25mm base)
  • 6 stat cards

Steamforged Games Dark Souls RPG Guardian Dragon 1

Dark Souls RPG: Guardian Dragon – 49,95 Euro

Confront a fire-breathing Guardian Dragon with this epic DARK SOULS™ boss box!

Those wishing to brave the darkest places of the world will have this fearsome creature to reckon with. Whether bound by duty or dark magic, a Guardian Dragon will hold its ground to the death. Most likely the death of those who trespass on its territory…

Prepare to die. Unleash a fearsome draconid boss on your next roleplaying night with the gargantuan Guardian Dragon, created for DARK SOULS™: The Roleplaying Game.

Inside this box is everything you need to add a punishing Guardian Dragon boss encounter to your campaigns, including a highly detailed boss mini and stat card. All miniatures from this range are 5e-compatible, and ready to add to any roleplaying campaign right from the box.

Will you survive an encounter with a terrifying Guardian Dragon?

  • 1 enormous Guardian Dragon boss mini (on 110mm base!)
  • Enhance your roleplaying campaigns
  • 5e-compatible
  • Engage with the DARK SOULS™ combat system in full
  • Paint your mini to recreate the DARK SOULS™ universe on your tabletop
  • Compatible with any tabletop roleplaying game
  • Character sheets available via the Steamforged Games website
  • 1 Guardian Dragon (110mm base)
  • Stat card

Enhance your campaigns with this DARK SOULS™ RPG boss box. Iconic miniatures for unforgettable adventures. Use the Guardian Dragon with DARK SOULS™: The Roleplaying Game or as part of a new or existing RPG campaign.

Steamforged Games Dark Souls RPG The Silver & The Dead 1 Steamforged Games Dark Souls RPG The Silver & The Dead 2 Steamforged Games Dark Souls RPG The Silver & The Dead 3

Dark Souls RPG: The Silver & The Dead – 24,95 Euro

Confront formidable Silver Knights and Hollow Soldiers with this DARK SOULS™ miniatures box!

The noble Silver Knights are steadfast warriors who guard ancient cities from intruders. By contrast, Hollow Soldiers are little more than cannon fodder. Still, their rusted swords have taken out many Unkindled over the centuries.

Bring your next roleplaying session to life — or death — withThe Silver & The Deadminiature box, created forDARK SOULS™: The Roleplaying Game.

Inside this box is everything you need to add the steadfast Silver Knights and decrepit Hollow Soldiers to your campaigns, including 4 highly detailed minis and stat cards. All miniatures from this range are 5e-compatible, and ready to add to any roleplaying campaign right from the box.

Do you dare challengeThe Silver and the Dead?

  • 4 detailed minis per pack
  • Enhance your roleplaying campaigns
  • 5e-compatible
  • Engage with the DARK SOULS™ combat system in full
  • Paint your minis to recreate the DARK SOULS™ universe on your tabletop
  • Compatible with any tabletop roleplaying game
  • Character sheets available via the Steamforged Games website
  • 2 Silver Knights (30mm base)
  • 2 Hollow Soldiers (25mm base)
  • 2 stat cards

Steamforged Games Dark Souls RPG Silver Knight Greatbowmen 1 Steamforged Games Dark Souls RPG Silver Knight Greatbowmen 2

Dark Souls RPG: Silver Knight Greatbowmen – 24,95 Euro

Confront deadly Silver Knight Greatbowmen with this DARK SOULS™ miniatures box!

The Silver Knight Greatbowmen are exemplary sharpshooters who rarely miss — which is precisely why they were chosen to defend places of great value. Many ambitious explorers have been felled by their giant arrows while trespassing in the ancient ruins.

Bring your next roleplaying session to life — or death — with theSilver Knight Greatbowmenminiature box, created forDARK SOULS™: The Roleplaying Game.

Inside this box is everything you need to add the famous Silver Knight Greatbowmen to your campaigns, including 4 highly detailed minis and a stat card. All miniatures from this range are 5e-compatible, and ready to add to any roleplaying campaign right from the box.

Do you dare challenge the Silver Knight Greatbowmen?

  • 4 detailed minis per pack
  • Enhance your roleplaying campaigns
  • 5e-compatible
  • Engage with the DARK SOULS™ combat system in full
  • Paint your minis to recreate the DARK SOULS™ universe on your tabletop
  • Compatible with any tabletop roleplaying game
  • Character sheets available via the Steamforged Games website
  • 4 Silver Knight Greatbowmen (30mm base)
  • Stat card

Enhance your campaigns with this DARK SOULS™ RPG miniature box. Iconic miniatures for unforgettable adventures. Use Silver Knight Greatbowmen with DARK SOULS™: The Roleplaying Game or as part of a new or existing RPG campaign.

Steamforged Games Dark Souls RPG Hollow Crossbowmen 1 Steamforged Games Dark Souls RPG Hollow Crossbowmen 2

Dark Souls RPG: Hollow Crossbowmen – 24,95 Euro

Confront chaotic Hollow Crossbowmen with this DARK SOULS™ miniatures box!

Although the iron bolts of their crossbows have long-since rusted, these Hollow Crossbowmen are not to be taken lightly. What they lack in wit, they make up for in ruthless efficiency. 

Bring your next roleplaying session to life — or death — with the Hollow Crossbowmen miniature box, created for DARK SOULS™: The Roleplaying Game.

Inside this box is everything you need to add the decrepit Hollow Crossbowmen to your campaigns, including 4 highly detailed minis and a stat card. All miniatures from this range are 5e-compatible, and ready to add to any roleplaying campaign right from the box.

Do you dare challenge the Hollow Crossbowmen?

  • 4 detailed minis per pack
  • Enhance your roleplaying campaigns
  • 5e-compatible
  • Engage with the DARK SOULS™ combat system in full
  • Paint your minis to recreate the DARK SOULS™ universe on your tabletop
  • Compatible with any tabletop roleplaying game
  • Character sheets available via the Steamforged Games website
  • 4 Hollow Crossbowmen (30mm base)
  • Stat card

Enhance your campaigns with this DARK SOULS™ RPG miniature box. Iconic miniatures for unforgettable adventures. Use Hollow Crossbowmen with DARK SOULS™: The Roleplaying Game or as part of a new or existing RPG campaign.

Quelle: Steamforged Games


Nils, Redakteur bei Brückenkopf-Online. Seit 2001 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop: DSA Armalion. Aktueller Fokus liegt auf Skirmish-Systemen und Warhammer 40.000. mehr auf https://www.instagram.com/nerdydutchman/

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  • Die Miniaturen sind m.E. viel zu sauber und spiegeln den bizarren Horror der Welt eines Dark Souls oder Elden Ring überhaupt nicht wieder.

  • Viel unpassender finde ich die teils mehrfach gleichen Posen, besonders bei dem Preis: 4x die gleiche Mini für 25 Euro ist aus meiner Sicht nicht mehr zeitgemäß.

  • Und der Drache… Ich kenne ja die Vorlage nicht, aber man der sieht aus wie der Nachtmahr der Vampire von WHFB aus den 90ern. Und den fand ich damals schon altbacken.

    Die Abenteuer des ersten Sets hingegen gefallen mir ziemlich gut, ich habe allerdings auch keinen Bezug zu Dark Souls und sehe das eher aus der Brille eines normalen Tabletopers

    • Der ist recht nah zur Vorlage, die Schnauze ist nen bisschen größer im Verhältnis, aber passt so ganz gut.
      Die Frage ist warum die ausgerechnet diesen Boss ausgewählt haben. Auch unter den Drachen/Dragonkin gibt es wesentlich bessere Designs, die vor allem wichtigere Bosse waren.

  • Hmmm sind die statkarten es wirklich wert diese boxen statt der dark souls boardgame boxen zu kaufen? Die minis sind identisch, beim brettspiel ist noch nen ganzer haufen kram dabei z.b. bodenplatter und, naja, nen brettspiel. Der preis ist auch vergleichbar. Die karten werden ja vermutlich auch nix beinhalten das nicht ehin dem desastös schlechten regelbuch fürs rpg drinsteht, oder?

    grandios auch das marketing zum boxinhal; „x miniaturen“, liste voller vager beschreibungen, nochmal „x miniaturen“, „x karten“ … großartig aufgebläht xD

    Davon ab sind die minis 1:1 true zum Dark Souls Spiel, und trotz der eher durchwachsenen qualität von steamforge sind zumindest die brettspielminis ok genug für rpg benutzung. Auf jeden fall auf dem level der wizkid sachen für d&d.

  • Kenne die Spiele nicht (ja solls geben), aber 49euro für diesen Drachen (ist ne Wyvern…) ist doch lächerlich. In jedem 1euro Laden gibts Spielzeug aus China, das besser aussieht…

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